Danube University Krems, Austria
In case Covid pandemic is ongoing we will hold the seminar as a zoom meeting. In case the pandemic is over in Austria we will have part zoom meeting for anyone who wants to participate but cannot travel to Austria.
Based on her many years’ research into the conservation theory, (1-9), and
our ongoing co-operation with Institut Seni Indonesia, Yogyakarta (10), Patricia Engel, scientific staff member of Department for Building and Environment at Danube University Krems, Austria, will hold a workshop on the ways of applying or adapting the European conservation theory to Indonesian cultural setup.
The workshop will not only seek to find a path towards a new conservation theory appropriate for Indonesia, but will also allow for discussion of problem points in the European conservation theory. Another result will be a theoretical scheme of approaching the issue that can hopefully be applied to many cases.
Mandatory requirement for launching this work is discussing the terms and
definitions that have been in circulation so far and have not been applied
Conference contributions
1. Patricia Engel “Systemic Thinking in Conservation Theory, The Assembly of the International Institute of Archival Science (hereinafter IIAS), 27th IIAS International Archival Day, to be held in Trieste /Italy, from 15.-18. October 2017
2. Yerevan, Armenia 27.-29.10.2015, “Restaurierung und Erinnerung”
3. „The cultural heritage of the Middle East: Current threats and scenarios for protection in the future" St. Pölten 23.-25. 10.2015 Beitrag zur Restaurierung Publications 4. Patricia Engel, "Systemic Thinking in Conservation Theory", Atlanti, International review for modern archival theory and practice, Trieste-Maribor, 2017, pp. 205-215
4. Patricia Engel, „Systemic Approach Towards the Intangible Aspects in Tangible Heritage”; RESTIZUTIO (RESTITUZIO?) Reclaiming the Tangible and Intangible Heritage-Conservation and Restoration Attitudes, Muzeul National al Satului Vol. 2, 10/2016 Bucharest, pp. 247-249
5. Harald Riedl, Patricia Engel, “Systems, patterns and fractals – Both decay and conservation in the Sisyphusposition”, in: ERC Newsletter, 2/2015, pp. 18-25
6. Patricia Engel, „Konservierung von Schriftgut als Aspekt der Menschenrechte“ , Online-publication
7. Engel, Patricia: Buchrestaurierung – eine Zerstörung?, in: Kodex. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Buchwissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft, 3 (2013), S. 165–180
8. Patricia Engel, “Books Convey not only Knowledge, but also Beauty”
9. European Research Centre for Book and Paper Conservation-Restoration
The workshop will in particular consist of discussion units, but we invite
anyone to also hand in an abstract for a short presentation. The workshop
invits in particular Indonesian scholars and conservators and anyone who is
responsible for the preservation of Indonesian cultural heritage elsewhere.
Registration for the Workshop
If you would like to participate in the workshop "Indonesian Conservation Theory for Cultural Heritage", please, register here!
Registration until October 26th, 2021.