
In recent years increasing attention has been paid to the subject of the prevention of violence and the associated networking activities. According to reports by the Ministry this has paid off, both quantitatively and qualitatively (BMWFJ, 2011).The objectives of the present project focus on those groups of youths who repeatedly show aggressive, impulsive and destructive behaviour, have often been subject to it themselves and are for this reason or due to behavioural disturbances or multiple problems placed in residential institutions run by the Child Welfare system.


Duration 01/06/2013 - 28/02/2014
Funding Sonstige
Program ---
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems) Dr. Silke Birgitta Gahleitner
Project members
Mag. Dr. Katharina Gerlich
Bakk.phil. Heidemarie Hinterwallner, MA MA


Gahleitner, S. B.; Gerlich, K.; Hinterwallner, H.; Radler, H. (2017). Kein Täter werden? Bindungs- und traumasensible Wege aus der Gewaltbereitschaft in der Kinder- und Jugendhilfe. In: Brisch, K.H., Bindungstraumatisierungen: 127-139, Klett-Cotta, Stuttgart

Gahleitner, S.B.; Radler, H.; Gerlich, K.; Hinterwallner, H. (2014). Traumatisierte Kinder und Jugendliche im Hilfeprozess - brauchen wir eine Traumapädagogik? Ergebnisse aus einem Daphne-Projekt. In: Wenn Kinder zum "Problemfall" werden. Orientierung in schwierigen Hilfeprozessen: 41-60, Die Kinderschutz-Zentren, Köln

Radler, H.; Gahleitner, S.; Gerlich, K.; Hinterwallner, H. (2014). Together Against Violence. Österreichischer Teilbericht. Bundesverband der Therapeutischen Gemeinschaften, Mediendesign GmbH


Working integratively in the "therapeutic milieu": A promising approach for dissocial children and adolescents

EARA 2016, The conference of the European Assocuation for Research on Adolescence, Spain, 18/09/2016

Giving the users a Voice: Adolescents in Residential Care

33rd FICE Congress and 2nd CYC World Conference, Vienna, 24/08/2016

Kein Täter werden? Bindungs- und traumasensible Wege aus der Gewaltbereitschaft in der Jugendhilfe

14. Internationale Bindungskonferenz zum Thema "Bindungstraumatisierungen - wenn Bindungspersonen Täter werden", München, Deutschland, 10/11/2015

"Then I get such pressure inside” Working with violent adolescents in residential care

46th Annual SPR International Meeting, 27/06/2015

Projektvorstellung: Together Against Violence. Österreich, Spanien, Bulgarien

3. Sitzung 2014 des Netzwerkes Kinderrechte Österreich, 17/09/2014

Working integratively in the 'therapeutic milieu': a promising approach for dissocial children and adolescents - Teil 1

Nationale Tagung: Together Against Violence - Aggression in der stationären Betreuung, 15/09/2014

Working integratively in the 'therapeutic milieu': a promising approach for dissocial children and adolescents - Teil 2

Nationale Tagung: Together Against Violence - Aggression in der stationären Betreuung, 15/09/2014

Working integratively in the 'therapeutic milieu': a promising approach for dissocial children and adolescents - Teil 3

Nationale Tagung: Together Against Violence - Aggression in der stationären Betreuung, 15/09/2014

Together against violence.

europatriates Kongress - was braucht die Jugend in Europa?, 23/06/2014

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