„The diversity of the Faculty of Education, Arts and Architecture offers a unique opportunity for a comprehensive, multi-perspective examination of current social challenges. We pursue this aspiration in our teaching as well as in our research.“
Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Stefan Oppl, MBA
Dean of the Faculty of Education, Arts and Architecture
In times of immense challenges, successful social development depends more than ever on our ability to perceive and shape complexity with sensitivity and in appropriate measure.
Teaching and research at the Faculty of Education, Arts and Architecture therefore focuses on extrapolating education-relevant, technology-supported design scenarios, unfolding artistic quality caught between aesthetic aspiration and the free market, securing sustainability in the real spaces of buildings, residential estates and infrastructure as well as interpreting and participating in our culture’s transformation processes by means of new media.
Through interdisciplinary work, artistic approaches and scientific research complement each other as forms of knowledge enhancement and as the basis for teaching.
The Faculty of Education, Arts and Architecture offers a broad, comprehensive array of courses chiefly in the fields of “Building and Environment,” “Education” and “Arts and Culture.” The distinguishing features of all courses is that they address current and future societal challenges, are a balanced mix between theoretical knowledge and practical skills, and tailored to students‘ professional and personal realities. The combination of innovative teaching methods and the expertise of internationally recognized experts from theory and practice guarantee an exciting learning environment.
Lifecycle cost calculations for buildings, developing strategies to protect cultural assets, studying and preserving digital media art, implementing new technologies in education or evaluating and developing university-based continuing education are just a few examples from the broad spectrum of research conducted at the Faculty of Education, Arts and Architecture. The many research activities at the Faculty are connected by the common elements transdisciplinarity and the way they address modern society’s challenges.