„Evidence-based health promotion and prevention are becoming increasingly important in European health care systems – and they are at the core of the teaching and research activities of the Faculty of Health and Medicine.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Stefanie Auer
Dean of the Faculty of Health and Medicine

„The research and teaching at the Faculty of Health and Medicine aims to provide a foundation for solving the challenges in today’s health systems.“
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Stefan Nehrer
Dean of the Faculty of Health and Medicine
The medical field is in a state of constant change and becoming increasingly specialized. This is why research on the pulse of time is essential, as is lifelong learning. Teaching and research at the Faculty of Health and Medicine are geared to society’s needs and future developments in the medical field. Societal impact and innovation are therefore pivotal elements of the Faculty.
Deans: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Stefanie Auer | Univ.-Prof. Dr. Stefan Nehrer