Academically Certified Expert - AE

"Academic Expert" is an academic denotation awarded to students who have completed short programs - so called "Academic Expert Programs" (AEPs) - of at least 60 ECTS-Points according to the University Act 2002. “Academic Expert” is an academic term and not an academic degree, and as such it is not recorded in official documents (e.g. passports). The denotation can be supplemented to indicate the content of the respective university course.

The main continuing education objectives of Academic Expert Programs can be the transfer of professionally oriented and in-depth knowledge in specialist subjects and the integration into fields of application.

In addition to the Academic Expert Programs, the University for Continuing Education Krems also offers continuing education bachelor's and master's programs as well as short programs (Certificate Programs and Micro-Credential Programs). The PhD programs are linked to the research focus areas of the University for Continuing Education Krems.

Find your Academic Expert Program


Accreditation is a process in which a range of courses and study programs are evaluated at the level of officially recognized institutions of higher education, to assure and assess quality and to increase the transparency of university courses. Austrian law does not require public universities to undergo an accreditation process.

However, the University for Continuing Education Krems has had several university courses accredited by international agencies. The PhD programs at the University for Continuing Education Krems have been accredited by AQ Austria in accordance with §§ 18 ff and 24 ff of the Act of Quality Assurance in Higher Education (HS-QSG), BGBl. I Nr. 74/2011.

Quality Management at the University for Continuing Education Krems


The general prerequisite for admission to study at an Austrian university is evidence of general qualification for university entrance. Everyone having achieved a general matriculation standard is eligible to enroll in a bachelor’s program. However, some study programs have restricted admission. A university entrance qualification exam entitles EU and EEC citizens to gain entrance to a university.

As a university for continuing education, the University for Continuing Education Krems only admits post-graduate students (with at least a bachelor’s degree). However, in many cases it also offers candidates with equivalent professional qualifications an opportunity to study. Before students with “equivalent qualification” i.e. without a formal bachelor’s degree but with non-formal or informal competencies, are admitted to a master’s program, the admission competencies are assessed in accordance with the EQR/NQR descriptors for the bachelor level (Federal law on National Qualification Framework 2016, NQR Law). Individual, course-specific equivalence assessment procedures are used (e.g. pre-tests, competence maps, admission interviews, portfolios). The admission requirements are described in the respective Curriculum.

The University for Continuing Education Krems does not conduct university entrance qualification exams.

Admission to studies


Alumni (plural of Alumnus and Alumna or, in the case of female graduates, Alumnae) denotes university graduates. The network of university graduates is often called Alumni Club.

Alumni Club

Alumni Club

Alumni clubs or alumni societies are networks of students who have graduated from an institution of higher education. The main objective is to keep graduates connected with their alma mater. For this purpose, therefore, events are organized to foster contacts, continuing education is offered at concessionary rates, cooperation with companies are organized and further useful information is provided.

The various events the Alumni Club of the University for Continuing Education Krems organizes and services it provides unite more than 27,000 graduates, teachers and over 8,000 students. The Alumni Club's activities are dedicated to strengthening and fostering the connection between graduates and their university on the long run. Members enjoy a variety of online and offline events to broaden their knowledge and skills, as well as numerous other opportunities to build professional and personal contacts.

Alumni Club

AQ Austria – Agency for Quality Assurance and Accreditation Austria

The Agency for Quality Assurance and Accreditation Austria (AQ Austria) is an internationally recognized, independent quality assurance agency active in several countries.  It was founded as a quality assurance agency for Austrian higher education institutions in 2012, based on the Quality Assurance in Higher Education Act (HS-QSG). AQ Austria supports higher educational institutions with continuous quality development and, with its expertise, drives further development in the higher education system forward. It upholds the following values: public responsibility for quality in higher education, safeguarding the academic freedom and autonomy of higher education institutions and scientific integrity.

The University for Continuing Education Krems was certified by AQ Austria following an audit in accordance with the 2015 Quality Assurance in Higher Education Act. This makes the University for Continuing Education Krems one of the first public universities in Austria to have its PhD programs accredited under the Higher Education Quality Assurance Act.


The Audimax (Auditorium maximum) is usually the largest lecture hall at institutes of higher education.


At the University for Continuing Education Krems, the Audimax is used for lectures as well as symposia, conferences or events.

Campus Map

Austrian Student Union - ÖH

The Austrian National Student Union (ÖH) is the statutory representative body for all students at Austrian universities. In addition to its political representation work, the ÖH tries to improve the conditions and everyday situations of students by providing a wide range of services. Every student enrolled at an Austrian university is obligated by law to pay an ÖH membership subscription.

The main task of the student union representatives at the University for Continuing Education Krems is to represent the interests of the students in university boards – University Senate, Curricula-Commission, Committee for Equality Issues and Honorary Committee – and to support all students with information, counseling and services during their studies. Students having questions about social welfare, or legal and general issues in connection with their studies, are invited to go to the student union’s drop-in center.

To the National Student Union website



“Bachelor” is the academic title awarded after completing a bachelor program. In Austria this is generally the first stage of study. The title can vary depending on the field of study.

The University for Continuing Education Krems has been offering bachelor's degrees in continuing education since the winter semester 2023/2024. The bachelor's degrees from continuing education are equivalent to bachelor's degrees from regular studies. If they have the same wording as Bachelor's degrees from regular studies, they are indicated by a "(CE)" for "Continuing Education". The "Bachelor Professional" (BPr) does not require additional marking with a trailing (CE), as this degree is clearly recognizable as a Bachelor's degree from continuing education.

The University for Continuing Education Krems offers continuing education master's and bachelor's programs as well as short programs (Academic Expert Programs, Certificate Programs and Micro-Credential Programs). The PhD programs are linked to the research focus areas of the University for Continuing Education Krems.


Bachelor in Continuing Education

--> See Bachelor Program

Bachelor Professional (BPr)

The Bachelor Professional (BPr) is a continuing education study program comprising 180 ECTS credits. The program is conducted with extra-university educational institutions, with a focus on applied theory and transfer into practice based on academic quality standards. Completion of the continuing education bachelor's degree entitles students to both a master's degree in continuing education and a regular master's degree. The Bachelor Professional study program enables professionally experienced persons without a general university entrance qualification (Matura) to gain access to academic continuing education.


In addition to the continuing education study program leading to the "Bachelor Professional" degree, the University for Continuing Education Krems is offering bachelor programs leading to the degree of "Bachelor of Science (Continuing Education)" and "Bachelor of Arts (Continuing Education)" as well as master programs and short programs (Academic Expert ProgramsCertificate Programs and Micro-Credential Programs). The PhD programs are linked to the research fields of the University for Continuing Education Krems.

Bachelor Program

According to the University Act 2002, bachelor programs are regular studies that can be completed as basic studies after passing the secondary school leaving exam, or “Matura” in Austria. The minimum number of ECTS points required for a bachelor’s degree is 180, according to the University Act 2002, §54. The academic title awarded on completion of the bachelor program is “Bachelor.”

The bachelor's degree program in continuing education was introduced following the Austrian reform of higher education coming into effect in 2021. Continuing education bachelor studies cover 180 ECTS credit points and graduate with a "Bachelor of Arts (Continuing Education)", short BA (CE) or a "Bachelor of Science (Continuing Education)", short BSc (CE). These continuing education bachelor's degree programs are equivalent to regular bachelor's degree programs and generally entitle students to admission to Master's degree programs.

The University for Continuing Education Krems has been offering continuing education bachelor studies since the winter semester 2023/2024.

Information about the reform of academic continuing education

Basic Studies

In Austria, basic studies generally refer to a Bachelor’s study program but there are also diploma programs that classify as basic studies. All other study programs, such as Master‘s or Doctoral Programs, build on this and are considered specialized.


The University for Continuing Education Krems offers continuing education master's and bachelor's programs as well as short programs (Academic Expert Programs, Certificate Programs and Micro-Credential Programs). The PhD programs offered at the University for Continuing Education Krems are regular studies, connected to the main fields of research.

Blended learning

Blended learning is a combination of online learning and face-to-face instruction designed to provide part-time students with flexibility in time and place. The two components are coordinated in terms of didactics and content and ensure a continuous learning process that combines the flexibility of online learning with the advantages of classroom teaching. The online phases can be designed in different ways. Self-study phases are tailored to support individual knowledge acquisition using digital learning resources (lecture notes, videos, podcasts, etc.). In supervised online phases, students and experts exchange ideas and work together in a virtual space. Different methods and activating learning activities ensure a diversified and student-centered acquisition of competencies off- and online.

Blended learning is designed to meet the specific needs of each discipline, so each course is structured differently. Internal quality assurance of the blended learning offerings is carried out by the Division of Teaching Development and Digital Transformation in cooperation with the Office for Quality Management and Quality Enhancement.

Innovative learning formats

Bologna Process

The Bologna Process is a series of agreements between European countries to create a European Higher Education Area. The Bologna goals are:

  • Establishing a system of easy to understand and comparable higher education qualifications (Diploma Supplement)
  • Creating a two-cycle study system (Bachelor, Master)
  • Introducing a points system for academic achievements based on the ECTS model
  • Promoting as much mobility as possible for students, teachers, scientists and administrative staff
  • Promoting European collaboration in quality assurance
  • Promoting the European dimension in the higher education area
  • Lifelong learning / freedom of choice in the education system and recognition of previously acquired qualifications


The University for Continuing Education Krems also pursues these goals optimally on behalf of the students:

  • ECTS points are awarded in all university courses
  • The Diploma Supplement is issued together with the graduation certificate
  • Students and staff are fully entitled to participate in mobility programs (Erasmus)
  • Quality assurance system according to European standards
  • Promoting internationalization in the student and teaching body (high percentage of international students and teachers) and supporting language policy
  • Lifelong learning by means of study programs tailored to working people (modules, blocks) and recognizing previous qualifications



Campus refers to the complex of buildings and free spaces surrounding an institution of higher education. It provides students scope for individually designing their study and leisure environments.


Campus Krems encompasses a compound jointly used by IMC University of Applied Sciences Krems, Karl Landsteiner Private University for Health Sciences, and other institutions. In addition to good transport connections and a diverse gastronomic infrastructure with a hotel, students benefit from an inspiring working environment for studying and living. The University for Continuing Education Krems Campus is located at Dr.-Karl-Dorrek-Straße 30, 3500 Krems. You will find a detailed Campus map to help you find your way around here.

Campus Krems

Certificate Program – CP

A Certificate Program is a specialized continuing education program typically earning 12 to 30 ECTS points. Certificate Programs are short programs lasting one to two semesters, depending on workload and ECTS points. On completing this short program the participants receive a graduation certificate that lists the completed modules and grades. If they continue their studies later, successfully completed modules will be accredited.


The continuing education goals of Certificate Programs could, for example, be: overview and introduction to a specialized field or consolidating expert competencies in a particular field.


In addition to the Certificate Programs, the University for Continuing Education Krems also offers continuing education bachelor's and master's programs as well as other short programs (Academic Expert Programs and Micro-Credential Programs). The PhD programs are linked to the research focus areas of the University for Continuing Education Krems.

Find your Study

Continuing Education Tuition Fee

The University Act 2002 stipulates that all public universities charge fees for university courses and short programs study programs.

The exact fees the University for Continuing Education Krems charges for its study programs is stated in the descriptions of the programs. The continuing education tuition fees include the student union (ÖH) subscription, the course materials and the StudentServiceCard. Fees paid for continuing education classify as advertising costs or as work-related expenses and are therefore tax-deductible.


The Latin word curriculum means lesson plan or education program and describes the contents and goals of the study programs. According to the University Act 2002, the curriculum regulates the qualification profile, the content and structure of a study program and the examination procedure. 


The extra-occupational study programs offered by the University for Continuing Education Krems combine a modularized, competence-oriented and interdisciplinary curriculum. For further information about the different curricula please see the respective study programs.


DFP - Diploma Training Program

The Austrian Chamber of Physicians (ÖAK) offers the Diploma Training Program aiming to ensure a high-quality, well-structured medical continuing education. DFP points are awarded for individual trainings proving the training’s amount and structure. The program completes with the training diploma (DFP).

DFP points of the Austrian Chamber of Physicians can be attained for some of the University for Continuing Education Krems’ courses and events. You will find detailed information on the subject in the pertinent studies description.

Austrian Chamber of Physicians (in German)

DFP points

--> See DFP - Diploma Training Program

Distance learning

Distance learning means engaging with learning materials remotely, by means of online learning. Distance learning is ideal for working people because they can largely decide when and where to study, and set their own pace.

Find your Study

Distance learning

Distance learning describes a learning and teaching format in which more than 90% of the workload can be studied online. This can take place in fixed and flexible learning phases. Flexible online learning phases support the individual acquisition of knowledge with digital learning resources (scripts, videos, podcasts, etc.) as purely self-learning phases. Fixed-time online learning phases, on the other hand, are characterized by exchange and collaboration between experts and students in virtual space. Different methods and activating learning activities ensure a varied and student-centered acquisition of skills.

Innovative learning formats

Distance teaching

--> see distance learning

Doctoral Program

According to the University Act 2002, doctoral programs are regular studies with the objective to further develop the ability to conduct research independently, and to train and promote next generation academic and scientific professionals. The academic title “Dr.” and “PhD” is the highest achievable academic degree. The prerequisite for enrolling in a doctoral program, according to the University Act 2002, is successful completion of a diploma program or a Master’s degree. The universities regulate the respective admissions individually.


Since the accreditation by AQ Austria in May 2015, the University for Continuing Education Krems offers PhD programs. These support the university's main research areas, namely in the fields of "Evidence-Based Health Research", "Innovation for Cohesive and Sustainable Societies", “Preventive and Regenerative Medicine” and “Transnational Societies and Migration“. The PhD students are integrated into an active research team at the University for Continuing Education Krems. The duration of the PhD program is at least three years and not subject to course fees. Admission to a doctoral program at the University for Continuing Education Krems is subject to a selection procedure.

In addition to the PhD programs, the University for Continuing Education Krems offers continuing education master's and bachelor's programs as well as short programs (Academic Expert Programs, Certificate Programs and Micro-Credential Programs).

PhD Programs

DUK Law 2004 - Federal Law on the University for Continuing Education Krems

The "Federal Law on the University for Continuing Education Krems" (formerly abbreviated DUK Law; DUK for Danube University Krems, or UWK Law, University for Continuing Education Krems Law) came into force on 1 April 2004 and terminated on 31 December 2021 and was then fully incorporated into the University Act 2002.



E-learning/online learning is a defining of all forms of technology-supported teaching and learning activities. Learning processes take place in virtual space and support flexible learning in terms of time and place, being particularly relevant for part-time students. The didactic specifications are manifold. Digital learning resources (eBooks, scripts, videos, podcasts, quizzes, ...) support to individually acquire knowledge in self-study phases. The virtual groups are equipped with collaboration tools (virtual classrooms, forums, wikis, ...) and tutorial mentoring to support the joint acquisition of competencies.

The University for Continuing Education Krems offers selected programs in the form of distance learning (pure online teaching). The predominant format is blended learning, which combines the advantages of online and on-campus learning. The Division of Teaching Development and Digital Transformation provides the educational technology infrastructure, accompanies innovative projects for digital teaching and supports teachers at the University for Continuing Education Krems by providing media-didactic advice.

Innovative learning formats

ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System)

ECTS stands for European Credit Transfer System and was introduced as part of the European Bologna Process. The basis for this European system for transferring scholastic credits and accumulating ECTS points is the workload that students must have completed in order to achieve the goals of the study program.

By means of the European Credit Transfer System students can compare study programs and the associated workloads. The system facilitates progression through the Union and recognition of existing academic achievements/ performance.

The European Credit Transfer System is based on the agreement that the workload of fulltime students in one academic year corresponds to 60 ECTS points. In Austria, one ECTS point is defined as 25 hours of students’ workload. Fulltime studies correspond to a workload of 30 ECTS points per semester. The workload includes preparation and follow-up for courses, lectures and classes (= face-to-face or classroom attendance expressed as instruction units), exams and exam preparation, independent work and e-learning activities.


The ECTS points awarded in the University for Continuing Education Krems study programs are indicated in the respective course descriptions.


Enrollment refers to registering for a particular study program. Enrollment is only possible after successful matriculation. In Austria it is necessary to enroll anew for every semester. Nowadays, instead of the term enrollment, Continuation Notification is used.


To register and gain admission to a study program at the University for Continuing Education Krems, please contact the Service Center for Students.

Service Center for Students

European Documentation Center (EDC)

European Documentation Centers are libraries, archives and information centers sponsored by the European Commission as information institutions. By making important publications by the European Union and its institutions available, their role is to assist teaching and research within the EU. They provide the following services:

  • Knowledge management and access to official EU publications and documents (online and in print),
  • Assist with researching detailed information pertaining to directives, integration, policies and institutions in Europe
  • Assist students and academic staff with researching and investigating EU-related issues

The network consists of about 400 centers in the EU, and more than 600 worldwide. In total the European Documentation Centers are the oldest information network with the largest number of members within the European Union. Link: https://europa.eu/european-union/contact/meet-us_de


The European Documentation Center “Europe direct” at the University for Continuing Education Krems is one of nine Austrian EDCs at Austrian universities. It specializes in European business law, European integration and medical law and is available to students and interested members of the public alike.

Executive Master of Business Administration – EMBA

The Executive MBA is designed for managers from all sectors who already have some years of managerial and leadership experience. According to the National Academic Recognition Information Centre (www.naric.at) and based on the University Act 2002, the academic certificate Executive Master of Business Administration (EMBA) can be awarded as a Master’s degree in continuing education, as at all other public universities.


The University for Continuing Education Krems offers continuing education master's and bachelor's programs as well as short programs (Academic Expert ProgramsCertificate Programs and Micro-Credential Programs). The PhD programs are linked to the research focus areas of the University for Continuing Education Krems.

Extraordinary Studies

According to the University Act 2002, §51(20) all continuing education studies and short programs (university courses) are classified as extraordinary studies. Hence, students enrolled in these programs are extraordinary students. Unlike regular studies, extraordinary studies are part-time and extra-occupational. Admission to extraordinary studies depends on the respective study program. The University Act 2002 stipulates that attendance fees must be charged for continuing education (see Course Fees).


The University for Continuing Education Krems holds various extraordinary study programs: master’s programs, courses to qualify as Academically Certified Expert and Certified Programs and Micro-Credential Programs. The PhD programs offered at the University for Continuing Education Krems are regular studies, connected to the main fields of research.

Find your Study



A faculty is an organizational unit at a university that combines and administrates several departments. It is headed by a Dean. (“Faculty” can also refer to the body of lecturers.)

At the University for Continuing Education Krems, currently three faculties are the backbone of education and research:

  • Faculty of Health and Medicine
  • Faculty of Business and Globalization
  • Faculty of Education, Arts and Architecture

Please visit the Faculty pages for an overview of the departments and centers.



Hybrid mode

Hybrid teaching units - as part of blended learning - are held both on campus and online at the same time, and students can be physically present on site or virtually. The possibility of hybrid learning locations is a special feature of the blended learning format at the University for Continuing Education Krems. Current technologies such as learning platforms, video applications and online collaboration tools are used. The knowledge acquired in online teaching can be intensified and expanded in blocked face-to-face units. The exchange with teaching staff and other students also takes place both in person and via digital media. More detailed information on the specific didactic scenario can be found on the respective study pages.

Innovative learning formats


Learning Format

The learning format is the form in which the study program takes place. A distinction can be made between on-campus learning formats, which take place at physical locations (e.g. on campus, in the form of excursions, etc.), and online learning formats. 

Online learning phases can be flexible in terms of time - they then support the individual acquisition of knowledge with digital learning resources (scripts, videos, podcasts, etc.) as self-study phases. Fixed-time online learning phases, on the other hand, are characterized by direct exchange and collaboration between experts and students in virtual space, for example via zoom or other video conferencing tools. Different learning activities and activating methods ensure a varied and student-centered acquisition of skills. Hybrid learning formats are a mixed form in which students can be present either virtually or on campus at fixed times. 

The majority of teaching at the University for Continuing Education Krems is organized in the form of blended learning - a mixture of fixed and flexible learning phases in a combination of online learning formats and on-campus teaching. The additional option of hybrid learning locations is a special feature of the blended learning format at the University for Continuing Education Krems.

innovative learning format


Lecturers are people who teach at higher education institutions. In many cases they have freelance service contracts with the university.

At the University for Continuing Education Krems lecturers are both scientists and scientifically acquired experts from their fields of practice. The combination of internal and external lecturers ensure a high degree of knowledge and competence transfer in teaching and research.

LL.M. – Master of Laws

The Master of Laws is awarded on studying law at a university. The Latin acronym LL.M. stands for Legum Magister/Magistra, whereby the double “L” on the plural refers to the different areas of law.

The “Master of Laws“ serves further professional development and specializing in specific areas of the law.


The University for Continuing Education Krems offers continuing education master's and bachelor's programs as well as short programs (Academic Expert Programs, Certificate Programs and Micro-Credential Programs). The PhD programs are linked to the research focus areas of the University for Continuing Education Krems.


MA – Master of Arts

The Master of Arts is the most frequently awarded degree in Austria. The degree is mainly awarded in social sciences, humanities, cultural studies, linguistics and economics.


The University for Continuing Education Krems offers continuing education master's and bachelor's programs as well as short programs (Academic Expert Programs, Certificate Programs and Micro-Credential Programs). The PhD programs are linked to the research focus areas of the University for Continuing Education Krems.

master's programs

Master in Continuing Education

--> See Master's Program

Master thesis

A master thesis is an academic paper written at the end of a master’s program. The master thesis gives students the opportunity to demonstrate their ability to define problems, select methods, work systematically, and present their findings. The topic of the master thesis is agreed with the lecturer.

Master’s degree from regular studies

Master’s degrees from regular studies are academic degrees from research or application-oriented study programs corresponding to at least 120 ECTS. Master’s programs are usually offered as full-time programs.


The University for Continuing Education Krems offers continuing education master's and bachelor's programs as well as short programs (Academic Expert Programs, Certificate Programs and Micro-Credential Programs). The PhD programs are linked to the research focus areas of the University for Continuing Education Krems.

Master’s degree in continuing education

The University for Continuing Education Krems offers Master's programs of 120 ECTS credits, which are equivalent to regular Master's programs, as well as Master's programs of 60 to 90 ECTS credits, which are comparable to several international Master's programs in terms of both their scope and their requirements. 

Regardless of these differences, all Master's degrees obtained through studies at the University for Continuing Education Krems are Austrian academic degrees that can be used without restriction (e.g. use on business cards) and entered on certificates in Austria. If they are identical to Master's degrees from regular studies, they bear the suffix (CE) for "Continuing Education". This ensures the visibility of continuing education studies and provides evidence of specialized expertise.

Master's programs

Master’s Program

The University for Continuing Education Krems offers master's degree programs in continuing education (extraordinary studies with a master's degree). Their aim is to impart in-depth scientific and practice-oriented knowledge, skills and competencies as well as scientific work at a high level. A master's thesis is written at the end of the course. 

Admission to the master's degree program requires proof of the prerequisites specified in the curriculum. In all curriculum regulations of the University for Continuing Education Krems, the entry competencies required of students for each degree program are regulated as admission requirements and published in the university's bulletin ("Mitteilungsblatt"). 

The master's degrees obtained by studying at the University for Continuing Education Krems are Austrian academic degrees that can be used without restriction (e.g. use on business cards) and can be entered on certificates in Austria. 

In addition to continuing education programs leading to a master's degree, the University for Continuing Education Krems also offers continuing education bachelor's study programs as well as short programs (Academic Expert Programs, Certificate Programs and Micro-Credential Programs) and PhD programs.

Master's Programs


First-time admission to studies at a university is called matriculation. After admission to studies students receive a matriculation number valid all over Austria. Canceling admission to studies is referred to as ex-matriculation. Nowadays, instead of matriculation, the terms enrolment or admission are used.


Please contact the Service Center for Students if you wish to enroll and gain admission to studies at the University for Continuing Education Krems.

Service Center for Students

MBA – Master of Business Administration

The Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree is mainly awarded for continuing education study programs focusing on management. The students often gain professional experience prior to enrolling in an MBA program, and study parallel to employment.


The University for Continuing Education Krems was the first university in Austria to award the title “Master of Business Administration” (MBA) in 1998.

The University for Continuing Education Krems offers continuing education master's and bachelor's programs as well as short programs (Academic Expert Programs, Certificate Programs and Micro-Credential Programs). The PhD programs are linked to the research focus areas of the University for Continuing Education Krems.

master's programs

Micro-Credential Program (MCP)

Micro-Credential Programs are short programs that can be completed within a few weeks. They provide a focused, flexible acquisition of skills that are currently in demand in societal, labor market or academic contexts. The completion of such a short program can be referred to as a "micro-credential": This is formal evidence of a learning outcome that has been achieved according to transparent, clearly defined criteria. As such, micro-credentials are subject to quality assurance based on the standards agreed in the respective sector or business area. 

At the University for Continuing Education Krems, micro-credential programs can be conducted as stackable programs. These can be combined with each other and can lead to an academic degree (Bachelor or Master). Detailed information can be found on the study pages of the respective programs.


The University for Continuing Education Krems offers Micro-Credential Programs ranging from 3 to 9 ECTS credits. In addition to Micro-Credential Programs, other short programs (Certificate Programs and Academic Expert Programs) as well as Master's and Bachelor's programs in continuing education can be taken at the University for Continuing Education Krems.

Find your Micro-Credential Program

MSc – Master of Science

Master of Science is predominantly a degree taken in the fields of natural sciences, mathematics, technology, IT or economic sciences. Psychology study programs can also earn an MSc.


The University for Continuing Education Krems offers continuing education master's and bachelor's programs as well as short programs (Academic Expert Programs, Certificate Programs and Micro-Credential Programs). The PhD programs are linked to the research focus areas of the University for Continuing Education Krems.

master's programs


Notice of Continuation

From the 2nd semester onwards a notice of continuation is required for the rest of the course duration.


At the University for Continuing Education Krems, this is done by paying the course fees within the duration of studies stipulated in the curriculum. You will find more information here.

Notice of Continuation


On campus

In the case of classroom teaching, it is necessary that students are on-campus. Extra-occupational courses often consist of blended learning, a combination of on campus and online learning phases. Students must be physically present during the on campus phases.

At the University for Continuing Education Krems, the majority of the university courses are carried out in a blended learning format, in which students learn partly in flexible online learning phases and partly in phases on campus, in hybrid or in online learning phases.

Innovative Learning Formats



PhD (modern Latin: philosophiae doctor; English: Doctor of Philosophy) is an academic title awarded on completing a doctoral program. In Austria, this is the highest achievable degree from university. The academic degrees following completion of doctoral programs are abbreviated as “Dr.” or “PhD”.


Since being accredited by AQ Austria in May 2015, the University for Continuing Education Krems offers PhD programs as regular studies. These support the university's main research areas, namely in the fields of "Evidence-Based Health Research", "Innovation for Cohesive and Sustainable Societies", “Preventive and Regenerative Medicine” and “Transnational Societies and Migration“. The PhD students are actively involved in the research teams at the University for Continuing Education Krems. The PhD program lasts at least three years and no participation fees are charged. Admission to a PhD program at the University for Continuing Education Krems is subject to a selection process.

In addition to PhD programs, the University for Continuing Education Krems offers continuing education master's and bachelor's programs as well as short programs (Academic Expert Programs, Certificate Programs and Micro-Credential Programs). 

PhD Programs


Plagiarism is the theft of intellectual property. The University Act 2002 (§ 51 Par. 2 subparagraph 31 UA) defines plagiarism as follows: "Plagiarism is the act of using and representing another person’s texts, contents or ideas – in whole or in part - as one’s own. This specifically includes the appropriation and use of text passages, theories, hypotheses, findings or data by means of direct, paraphrased or translated copying without appropriately acknowledging or citing the source and the author. In any case, pretense of scientific or artistic achievements exists if someone uses unauthorized aids or uses another person's help in writing, taking an examination, or creating an artistic work without permission, or if data and results are invented or falsified.”


The University for Continuing Education Krems adheres to this definition of plagiarism by its policy. The obligation to scan final papers/master theses for plagiarism was included in the university’s statues from January 2014 onwards.

Public University

Public universities, alongside universities of applied science, private universities and pedagogical higher education institutions, are one of the four post-secondary educational institutions in Austria. Public universities are open to everyone who fulfills the admission requirements.

The University for Continuing Education Krems is a public university according to the “Federal Law on the University for Continuing Education Krems“ (DUK Law 2004)



The Rectorate is one of the university’s highest bodies along with the University Council and the Senate. The Rectorate is the university’s face to the public. The Rectorate’s tasks, as defined in § 22 (1) of the University Act 2002 include:

  • Presenting an organization plan for adoption by the University Council
  • Formulating a draft of the service agreement
  • Nominating the heads of organizational units
  • Issuing teaching licenses
  • Student admissions
  • Ordering and publishing evaluations
  • Presenting the annual financial accounts and activity report to the Federal Minister.
Rectorate at the University for Continuing Education Krems

Reform for Continuing Education

As part of the amendment to the Universities Act, the reform package for continuing education in higher education (Higher Education Legislation Package) came into force on 1 October 2021. As a result, this reform package for continuing education at universities standardized the framework conditions for continuing education studies in Austria and integrated them into the Bologna structure (Bachelor’s – Master’s - PhD).

At the University for Continuing Education Krems, continuing education study programs have been carried out in accordance with the new legal framework since the winter semester 2023/2024.

Information about the reform of academic continuing education

Regular Studies

Regular studies refer to all bachelor, master‘s, diploma and doctoral programs. In Austria, admission requires evidence of general qualification for university entrance (secondary school leaving certificate and similar). All university courses are extraordinary studies according to the University Act 2002, §51(20).


In addition to PhD programs, which are regular study programs, the University for Continuing Education Krems holds extraordinary studies in the form of university courses with master’s degrees, as well as short programs (Academic Expert ProgramsCertificate Programs and Micro-Credential Programs).

Find your Study



Scholarships are financial assistance for needy or gifted students to enable them to get an education. Scholarships are awarded to students based on social and achievement-oriented criteria.


At the University for Continuing Education Krems, the course directors provide information about scholarships in general.


Semester refers to half a term at the university. The academic year is divided into the winter semester, the summer semester, and a recess.


More information about term dates


A seminar is a type of course in which participants interact with each other in small groups.


At the University for Continuing Education Krems many seminars (also called “university courses“) can be booked individually and completed with or without a final examination. The participants receive a university certificate at the end. Formal admission is not required.


The Senate, next to the Rectorate and the University Council, is one of the university’s highest governing bodies. Its tasks, as defined in the University Act 2002, include:

  • Issuing curricula for programs of study
  • Defining academic degrees and titles for students completing university courses
  • Advertising vacancies for the Rector's position, and presenting a shortlist of three candidates for final selection
  • Approving the development and organization plan
  • Participating in appointment processes
  • Establishing committees for equal opportunities issues
  • Nominating a female and male member for the Arbitration Commission

The Senate’s members are university professor representatives, including the heads of organizational units with research and teaching tasks or tasks involving development and improvement of the arts and teaching of the arts that are not university professors, the groups named in the University Act 2002, general university staff and students.



Service Center for Students

The Service Center for Students team at the University for Continuing Education Krems advises and assists students and potential students with course administration. It is responsible for Admission and the Continuation Procedure, student administration and statistics, and formal course completion administration.

Service Center for Students


Different short programs can be combined as "stackable programs" and lead to an academic degree (bachelor's or master's). This allows for flexibility in breaking down a continuing education study program into smaller steps rather than completing it all at once. A continuing education study program can also be tailored more accurately to personal needs, interests and career goals by combining short programs. Stackability allows students to develop their skills and keep their knowledge up to date on an individual basis and with flexibility in terms of time.

Learn more about stackable programs

Student ID

Every student receives a student ID or “StudentServiceCard” at the start of their course. This certifies the status as a student of a university.


The “StudentServiceCard“ provided by the University for Continuing Education Krems entitles all students to a number of discounts at local companies, serves as a library card, gives access to the parking garage at “Campus West” and entitles students to take part in the extensive programs of Campus Culture and the University Sports Institute Krems. You will be issued your StudentServiceCard at the beginning of your studies at the Service Center for Students.

Service Center for Students


--> see Student ID

Studying while working

Studying alongside work gives students a chance to obtain certificates of higher education or academic degrees during employment. Among other things this means that the theory learned in the courses can be applied directly in practice.

The university’s range of courses is specifically oriented towards the needs of adult students. With lecturers from the fields of science and practice, and by deploying the appropriate teaching and learning methods, the University for Continuing Education Krems’ lifelong learning model focuses on knowledge and competencies development relevant to practical application. This facilitates implementing the acquired knowledge and appropriated skills in the professional environment while pursuing personal and professional development at the same time. The combination of on campus phases and e-learning in the form of blended learning particularly accommodates the requirements of working people.

The University for Continuing Education Krems offers continuing education master's and bachelor's programs as well as short programs (Academic Expert Programs, Certificate Programs and Micro-Credential Programs). The PhD programs are linked to the research focus areas of the University for Continuing Education Krems.

Studying parallel to employment


University Act 2002

The University Act 2002 is an Austrian federal law defining wide areas of Austrian university law.

On 1 April 2004 the “Federal Law on the University for Continuing Education Krems” (DUK Law 2004 for short, DUK stands for Donau-Universität Krems) came into effect. The DUK Law is founded in the Austrian University Act 2002 (Sections I to V) and includes special provisions for “extraordinary courses” or “university-based continuing education” as applicable to the University for Continuing Education Krems. With the publishing of the Federal Law Gazette on 12 March 2014, the University for Continuing Education Krems acquired the right to award doctorates.

University Council

Alongside the Rectorate and the Senate, the University Council is one of the highest governing bodies at the university. According to the University Act 2002 it functions as a monitoring and forecasting supervisory body. The University Council is responsible, among other things, for the university’s development plan, organization plan and draft service agreements and approving the Rectorate’s rules of procedure. The University Council elects the rector from a shortlist of three candidates prepared by the Senate, and the Vice Rectors based on proposals by the Rector and the Senate’s counsel. The members of the University Council may not belong to the university, work for the university nor be employees of the federal ministry in charge of university-related matters.

University Council

University Course

According to the Universities Act 2002, the continuing education programs (Bachelor's and Master's programs in continuing education) and short programs (Academic Expert Programs, Certificate Programs and Micro-Credential Programs) of the University for Continuing Education Krems are also university courses (in German "Universitätslehrgänge").

Any suggestions or feedback on the glossary? Please send us an e-mail!

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