The University for Continuing Education Krems ‘upgrades’ your knowledge: the eponymous magazine covers from different perspectives academic continuing educational trends and topics related to society and education policy opening space for an interdisciplinary approach.
upgrade – the magazine for knowledge and thinking ahead by the University for Continuing Education Krems, is only available in German. However, please find selected articles in English in the section below.
Current issue
Stay Confident
Politics is both a moving force and a moving part, shaped and challenged by the developments of our time. Yet this is precisely what the democratic model, its institutions and the principles of the constitution are ideally designed for: they are meant to ensure stability and provide orientation, especially when the challenges are great. One key factor for the success of democracy is the issue of “trust” – trust in democratic processes, trust in institutions and in the people involved. The current issue of upgrade is dedicated to the topic of “Democracy and Trust” with a focus on current developments in democracy. It discusses central areas of interaction between these two concepts – including science, media, justice and, of course, the political institutions themselves – and asks how the political system of Europe can continue. In addition, the photo series “Objects of Democracy” shows formative and historical elements of democratic processes.

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