SPRING will develop a toolbox to improve the innovation, effectiveness and sustainability of the work done by Europe’s integration stakeholders at national, regional and local levels. The SPRING consortium brings together some of Europe’s most well-connected integration researchers, think-tanks and stakeholder networks. Mobilizing their significant research, networks and communications capacities, the SPRING partners will identify and engage with the main researchers and communities of practice on integration: national and local policymakers and public sector, NGOs, business and grassroots initiatives (i.e. local volunteers, migrant leaders, and religious groups). These communities will shape the project’s activities through piloted participatory techniques for needs assessments, co-designing activities and the identification of solutions and policy implications. SPRING will then gather, summarise and share the best available research and evidence on the effectiveness, innovation, transferability, sustainability and evaluation methods for integration policies and practice. This evidence will summarise the findings of EU projects funded under Horizon 2020, AMIF, European Social Fund and Erasmus+ as well as relevant public and private donors. Summarising this evidence, SPRING will collect, create and disseminate the most usable and practical materials, such as examples of good practice, handbooks, pieces of training, templates, databases and contact lists. The SPRING online portal and repository, combined with the consortium’s communications task force and social media strategies, will make this evidence more accessible by curating the content and form to match the specific profile and needs of these communities of practice.
Duration | 01/03/2021 - 28/02/2023 |
Funding | EU |
Program |
Department | |
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems) | Ass.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Albert Kraler |
Project members |
Mag. Tamara Kerschbaumer
Project website | |
Pisarevskaya, A.; Kraler, A.; Webb, A.; Grujic, M.,; Kilic, H.; Kerschbaumer, T.; Palinkas, M.; Skrivanek, I.; Zentner, M. (2023). Die Integration von Neuzuwander:innen in Europa. Handbuch für Praktiker:innen. University for Continuing Education Krems, Krems
Pisarevskaya, A.; Kraler, A.; Webb, A.; Grujic, M.,; Kilic, H.; Kerschbaumer, T.; Palinkas, M.; Scholten, P.; Skrivanek, I.; Zentner, M. (2022). The integration of refugees and other recent migrants: A review of research on integration policy practices in the EU. Zenodo, Krems
Pisarevskaya, A.; Kraler, A.; Webb, A.; Grujic, M.,; Kilic, H.; Kerschbaumer, T.; Palinkas, M.; Skrivanek, I.; Zentner, M. (2022). Integration of newly arrived migrants in Europe. SPRING Handbook for practitioners. Zenodo, Krems
Kraler, A. (2022). Intersecting Barriers to Employment. In: Pisarevskaya, A.; Kraler, A.; Webb, A., Integration of newly arrived migrants in Europe. SPRING Handbook for practitioners. nn, Zenodo, Krems
Kraler, A.; Rössl, L.; Skrivanek, I. (2021). Evidence Classification. SPRING - Sustainable Practices of Integration (Deliverables), Krems
The SPRING Evidence Repository and Handbook on Integration Policy Practices for Newly-Arrived Migrants.
SPRING Final Conference, 31/01/2023