• Graduation


  • ECTS-Points


  • Learning format

    Blended Learning

  • Duration

    2 semesters, part time

  • On-Campus Teaching


  • Start

    Winter semester 2025/26, 5 November 2025

  • Costs

    EUR 3.200,--

  • Language


The UN Global Compact for Migration gives international cooperation an important role in facilitating safe and dignified return to and reintegration into the country of origin. Well-planned and organized return programs contribute equally to safety and development in countries of origin, transit and destination. This increases the need for expertise in the design and implementation of return programs. Together with the Munich Forum for Dialogue, the University for Continuing Education Krems has developed a part-time and transnational certificate program entitled “Circular and Return Migration Management”.

This academic continuing education program is aimed at employees in politics, administration and civil society organizations in regions of origin, destination or transit who are involved in the topics of voluntary return and reintegration. The study program not only offers theoretical and practical knowledge in this field. It also includes an intensive, transnational exchange of experiences between participants and lecturers.

Friedrich Altenburg

We need to understand the return as a new migration process and therefore also rethink and plan it so that it can succeed sustainably for everyone involved.

Friedrich Altenburg, MSc

Study Program Director - Department for Migration and Globalisation

Applications are possible for the next program start in winter semester 2025/26

in cooperation with

The Certificate Program is part of a program funded by the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF) of the European Union and the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF).

During the three-year project period, four rounds of the study program are planned, each with around 20 participants.

Logo Co-funded by the EU

No continuing education tution fee for the defined target group.
The costs for accommodation, travel expenses and meals for the
classroom training days in Krems, Austria, are covered.

Impressions of the opening

Link to video

Any questions?

We’re here to help.

Or contact us directly.

Graduates of the continuing education program are able to:

  • Design programs to promote return migration or circular migration and assess their feasibility and potential achievement of objectives;
  • Assess and understand the complexity of return migration and circular migration and their effects on migrants and societies of origin as well as the role of international actors in these processes and translate them into concrete practical solutions.


  • Contents

    • Migration decision-making and migration as a process of change
    • Conflict and displacement, mixed migration and irregular migration
    • Cultural and gender-specific aspects
  • Contents

    • Actors in migration policy
    • Framework conditions and legal foundations with a focus on return migration
    • Interactions with other policy areas such as development, economy, etc.
    • Simulation exercises
  • Contents

    • Different types of return migration
    • National return strategies and processes
    • Reintegration processes and programs
  • Contents

    • Theory of Change: Program planning in the context of change
    • Problem identification and goal formulation
    • Evaluation designs for checking the achievement of objectives
    • Selected case studies

   (Subject to changes)

  • global/international perspective

  • sustainability

  • networking

Study Program Director

Experts from other areas of activity and regions are also involved as lecturers.

Experts and actors in countries of origin, transit and destination working in the area of return and reintegration:

  • Policy and administration
  • International Organizations
  • International and local Civil Society Organizations, including Diaspora Organizations

Admission requirements

  • Students who have an Austrian or equivalent foreign university degree, or
  • Students with a general university entrance qualification and a minimum of two years of study-relevant, qualified professional experience, or
  • Students without a general university entrance qualification and a minimum of at least five years of relevant professional experience


  • Fluency in English to understand complex texts and topics

The entry qualifications will be assessed within the framework of the admission procedure.

Selection process

Participants are selected by the cooperation partners –  University for Continuing Education Krems and Munich Forum for Dialogue gGmbH.

Application process

  1. Contact us to clarify your expectations of the study program and to check the admission requirements
  2. Online application (Prepare the required documents for uploading in the online tool. You can find the relevant forms and templates in the "Downloads" section on the "Application" info page. Please also note the study code UM 992 728 for selection in the online tool.)
  3. Carrying out the selection procedure 
  4. Admission to the degree program

Apply now

We look forward to receiving your application and to welcoming you soon at the University for Continuing Education Krems.

Please note down study identification number UM 992 728 for the application process. Applications are possible for the next program start in winter semester 2025/26.

Admission requirements

Contact details

University for Continuing Education Krems (UWK)
The Department for Migration and Globalisation at the University for Continuing Education Krems is the academic cooperation partner for the implementation of the Certificate Program ‘Circular and Return Migration Management’.

For questions or assistance with the application and admission process, please contact:

Alexandra Zeilinger  
Administrative assistance
Phone:     +43 (0)2732 893-2568 
Email:     alexandra.zeilinger@donau-uni.ac.at   

For questions regarding the curriculum and program content, please contact:

Mag. Friedrich Altenburg, MSc. 
Deputy Head and Study Program Director
Email:     friedrich.altenburg@donau-uni.ac.at 

Munich Forum for Dialogue gGmbH (MFD)
The Munich Forum for Dialogue, together with the Department for Migration and Globalisation, has developed an academic, part-time and transnational continuing education program ‘Circular and Return Migration Management’. 

If you have any questions about project management in general or about organization and logistics (technology, travel, accommodation) for participants and learning partners, please contact:

Simona Schreier
Project Manager
Phone:     +49 (0) 89 997409367 
Email:    simona.schreier@munichforum.org 

Project CRM – Münchner Forum für Dialog (munichforum.org)

For questions around public relations, press information, the project website and download documents, please contact:

Michaela Král’ovská
Project Officer Communication and Evaluation
Phone:     +49 (0)89 997409368
Email:        michaela.kralovska@munichforum.org 

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