Assoz. Prof. Dr. Gabriel M. Lentner
research associate - Department for Legal Studies and International Relations
+43 2732 893-2429
To contact form
Campus Krems, Tract M, 1st Floor, 1.302 / 1.303
- University for Continuing Education Krems
- Department for Legal Studies and International Relations
- Dr.-Karl-Dorrek-Straße 30
- 3500 Krems
- Austria
About the person
Gabriel M. Lentner has been Associate Professor of International Law and Arbitration at the Department of Law and International Relations of University of Continuing Education Krems since 2024, where he is also head of the section "International Law and Alternative Dispute Resolution". Lentner has also been a Fellow at Stanford Law School since 2014 and regularly teaches at the University of Vienna and the University of Göttingen. His research and teaching focuses on international law (especially international investment law, arbitration and dispute resolution, law of international organizations, international criminal law, international trade law), European Union law (especially foreign relations law) as well as legal theory and philosophy of law. Lentner's habilitation project is forthcoming with the working-title "Domestic Law Concepts in International Investment Arbitration".
Lentner is the recipient of the Science Prize of the State of Lower Austria 2020, which he received for his monograph "The UN Security Council and the International Criminal Court". From September 2019 to June 2020 he was a Visiting Scholar at Harvard Law School with the help of a special scholarship "Excellence for Research Stays Abroad" of the State of Lower Austria. In 2017 he received his PhD in law at the University of Vienna with his thesis "The Legal Nature of UN Security Council Referrals to the International Criminal Court". For this research Lentner also spent one semester at the Lauterpacht Centre for International Law at the University of Cambridge as a Visiting Scholar. He obtained diplomas and certificates from the Harvard Law School & European University Institute in Florence (Law & Logic), the University of Vienna (Concentration in the Law of International Relations, European Studies) and the Central European University in Budapest (Environmental Law, Democracy and Human Rights).
Prof. Lentner is the (co-)author of more than 50 articles published (among others) in peer-reviewed journals such as the Leiden Journal of International Law, ICSID Review, British Yearbook of International Law, International Criminal Law Review, Journal of World Investment & Trade as well as in the academic publishers Oxford University Press, Edward Elgar, Springer and Duncker & Humblot (see list of publications). He has given talks at conferences at Harvard Law School, Cambridge University, Freie Universität Berlin, Universität Göttingen, King's College London and Seoul National University (South Korea), among many others.
In addition to his research and teaching, Lentner has been part of the editorial team of the Harvard International Law Journal (2019) and is a member of the Academic Advisory Board of the Cambridge International Law Journal and a reviewer for, among others, the European Journal of International Law, the Leiden Journal of International Law, the Max Planck Yearbook of United Nations Law (Heidelberg), the Journal of International Criminal Justice (Geneva), the Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice (Oxford, UK) and the Vindobona Journal of International Commercial Law and Arbitration (Melbourne). He also gained work experience as an associate of an international arbitration firm.
Projects (Extract Research Database)
Completed projects
Research Handbook in Law and Logic
Duration: 01/08/2015–01/03/2017
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Gabriel M. Lentner
Funding: Sonstige
Program: ---
Duration: 01/10/2015–01/10/2016
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Gabriel M. Lentner
Funding: Sonstige
Program: ---
Capacity Building in International Dispute Resolution
Duration: 01/12/2015–10/02/2016
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Gabriel M. Lentner
Funding: Bund (Ministerien)
Program: Austria Mundus+
Investment Treaties under EU law - The Case for the EU's Comprehensive Competence
Duration: 01/01/2014–30/10/2015
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Gabriel M. Lentner
Funding: Sonstige
Duration: 01/03/2014–30/06/2015
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Gabriel M. Lentner
Funding: Sonstige
Duration: 01/01/2014–30/04/2015
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Gabriel M. Lentner
Funding: Sonstige
Duration: 01/01/2014–31/12/2014
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Gabriel M. Lentner
Funding: Sonstige
Armin von Bogdandy and Ingo Venzke, In Whose Name? A Public Law Theory of International Adjudication
Duration: 01/08/2014–30/10/2014
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Gabriel M. Lentner
Funding: Sonstige
Duration: 01/01/2014–30/06/2014
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Gabriel M. Lentner
Funding: Sonstige
Duration: 01/01/2014–30/06/2014
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Gabriel M. Lentner
Funding: Sonstige
Publications (Extract Research Database)
Lentner, G.M. (2024). How to safeguard social objectives of intellectual property rights in the context of investment arbitration. Journal of International Economic Law, 27(2): 378-381
Lentner, G.M.; Cenin, W. (2024). Daniel Billy et al v Australia (Torres Strait Islanders Petition): Climate change inaction as a human rights violation. Review of European, Comparative & International Environmental Law (RECIEL), 1: 1-8
Lentner, G.M. (2024). Regime Shifting in der Beilegung von IP-Streitigkeiten im Investitionsschutzrecht: Eine völkerrechtliche Analyse. In: Abel, P.; Beham, M.; Dederer, H-G; Herrmann, Ch., Völkerrechtliche Perspektiven auf die internationale Streitbeilegung: 211-230, Peter Lang, Wien
Lentner, G.M. (2024). Striking the right balance: the protection of intellectual property rights through international investment arbitration. In: Roth, M.; Geistlinger, M., Yearbook on International Arbitration and ADR VIII: 381-408, Verlag Österreich/DIKE, Wien/Zürich
Ho, J.; de Brabandere, E.; Chernykh, Y.; Dagbanja, D.; Florou, A.; Lentner, G.M.; Peat, D.; Aznar, F.P. (2024). The Role of Domestic Law in Investment Dispute Settlement. Academic Forum on ISDS, Academic Forum Working Group Paper, Concept Paper 2024/1: 1-32, Geneva
Lentner, G.M.; Lüke, Christoph; Barth, Sven (2023). Kernfragen des Europäischen Wirtschaftsrechts zwischen Recht, Ökonomie und Theorie, FS für Dieter Krimphove. CH Beck, München
Lentner, G.M. (2023). Logic and the Analysis of Legal Arguments: The Logocratic Method in Theory and Practice. In: Lentner, G.M.; Lüke, Christoph; Barth, Sven, Kernfragen des Europäischen Wirtschaftsrechts zwischen Recht, Ökonomie und Theorie, FS für Dieter Krimphove: 227-242, CH Beck, München
Lentner, G.M. (2023). International investment law and data, copyrights and performance requirements: a closer look at Einarsson v Canada. Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice, 18: 446-454, Oxford University Press
Lentner, G.M. (2023). The Concept of IP in International Investment Law and Arbitration. TTLF Working Paper Series, No 105: 1-39
Lentner, G.M.; Zasheva, Dayana (2022). Bridgestone v Panama: Denial of Justice in a Trade Mark Dispute and the Locus Standi of a Licensee in International Investment Arbitration. ICSID Review, 37(3): 645-653
Krimphove, Dieter; Lentner, Gabriel M. (2022). Völkerrecht und IPR. Kohlhammer, Stuttgart
Lentner, G.M. (2022). Rechtsgrundlage und anwendbares Völkerstrafrecht vor dem IStGH im Falle von Vorlagen durch den UN-Sicherheitsrat. Journal für Strafrecht, 3: 248-252
Lentner, G.M. (2022). Die rechtlichen Hürden der Verfolgung russischer Kriegsverbrecher für das Verbrechen der Aggression im Römischen Statut des IStGH. Nova et Varia, 3/2022: 98-100
Lentner, G.M. (2022). Markenrechte und Investitionsschiedsgerichte– Eine kritische Analyse. ecolex, 4: 306-309, Manz
Fraczek, S.; Lentner, G. M.; Ajanovic, E.; Donat, E.; Lessky, F. (2022). Veranstaltungs- und Ergebnisbericht zum UWK-Bürger_innendialog "Let's talk Europe: Die Zukunft der europäischen Hochschulbildung – wo stehen wir, wo wollen wir hin?", 31.3.2022. Universität für Weiterbildung Krems, Krems
Lentner, G. M. (2022). International Investment Law and Data, Copyrights and Performance Requirements: A Closer Look at Einarsson v Canada. Transatlantic Technology Law Forum Working Paper, 92: 1-25
Lentner, G.M. (2021). The Protection of Intellectual Property Rights under International Investment Law by Simon Klopschinski, Christopher Gibson and Henning Grosse Ruse-Khan. International & Comparative Law Quarterly, 70: 1030
Lentner, G.M. (2021). Beyond Cynicism and Critique: International Law and the Possibility of Change. In: Baade et al, Cynical International Law? 37-57, Springer, New York
Lentner, G.M. (2021). Regime Shifting in Action: The Case of Bridgestone v Panama and Trademarks before Investment Tribunals. Stanford Transatlantic Technology Law Forum Working Paper, 78: 1-34
Lentner, G.M.; Palmanshofer, H; Reiss, A. (2021). Recht und Politische Ökonomie. Juridikum, 1/2021: 72-74, Verlag Österreich
Lectures (Extract Research Database)
AI in Law: Optimisation through Logic and Argumentation Theory?
The Autonomy of EU Law Under Threat: The Role of the Interpretive Community in International Investment Arbitration
The Autonomy of EU Law Under Pressure?, 17/01/2025
Precedents in International Investment Arbitration
Salzburg Symposium "Striking the Right Balance in Arbitration and ADR", 02/12/2024
The Inglorious Role of the UN Security Council in International Criminal Justice: Selectivity and Double Standards
International Progress Organization: International Roundtable Consultation 2024, 12/09/2024
Intellectual Property in International Investment Arbitration: A Boon or a Bane?
LIPIT IP & IT Forum, 13/07/2024
Equity in International Investment Arbitration: A Logocratic Analysis
Harvard-Hamburg Conference on Equity in Law, 27/06/2023
Scott Brewers Theorie des juristischen Argumentierens und ihre Anwendung auf Fragen der Rechtslogik und Digitalisierung
Rechtslogik und Digitalisierung (Iris23wien), 09/05/2023
What makes a ‘virtuous’ argument in international law? A Logocratic Account
The logic of international law, 14/11/2022
Podiumsdiskussionsbeitrag zu Katharina Pistors Key Note "The Code of Capital"
Reichtumskonferenz, 17/10/2022
’Regime Shifting’ in der Beilegung von Investitions- und IP-Streitigkeiten: Eine völkerrechtliche Analyse
Österreichischer Völkerrechtstag 2022, 10/06/2022