This specialized field deals with international investment protection law (including Union law aspects), international arbitration (including alternative dispute resolution such as negotiation and mediation) and basic research (law of international relations, legal theory).
In keeping the department's interdisciplinary orientation, these fields of research also share cross-disciplinary aspects. The specialized field addresses current and future societal challenges and contributes to international and transdisciplinary research projects.
Research Projects
- Internationales Investitionsschutzrecht und Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit im Wandel
- Protecting Intellectual Property Rights Through International Investment Agreements (im Rahmen eines Transatlantic Technology Law Forum Fellowships an der Stanford University)
- Arbitrability of IP Disputes in the EU and the US (im Rahmen eines Transatlantic Technology Law Forum Fellowships an der Stanford University)
- DiDaT: Ein neues Transdisziplinäres Projekt zu den unbeabsichtigten Nebenwirkungen der Digitalisierung (unter der Leitung von Prof. Ortwin Renn und Prof. Roland W. Scholz)
Selected Publications
- Siegfried Fina/Gabriel M. Lentner, The European Union’s New Generation of International Investment Agreements and Its Implications for the Protection of Intellectual Property Rights, The Journal of World Investment & Trade 18 (2017)
- Huaxia LAI/Gabriel M. Lentner, Paving the Silk Road BIT by BIT: An Analysis of Investment Protection for Chinese Infrastructure Projects Under the Belt & Road Initiative, Transnational Dispute Management Journal (2017) 3
- Gabriel M. Lentner, The UN Security Council and the International Criminal Court: The Referral Mechanism in Theory and Practice (Edward Elgar 2018)
- Dieter Krimphove/Gabriel M. Lentner (Hrsg) Law and Logic: Contemporary Issues (Duncker & Humblot 2017)
