
From 26 to 28 August 2019 the conference, since eleven years organized by the Department for Migration and Globalization, will cover a broad spectrum of topics such as the mobility of highly qualified people, the importance and possibilities of self-employment for migrants as well as return migration in the field of tension between (un)voluntariness and (re)integration.

Scientists, practitioners and representatives of public administration, politics and civil society are given the occasion for exchange during the 11th DialogForum.  In the course of the four-day conference - taking place from 26 to 29 August at Danube University Krems – the focus will be laid on linking scientific research with practical application and networking resulting from the discussions and the development of common perspectives and levels of action.

Linking research and practice

"As in previous years, the mornings will focus on knowledge transfer and provide an overview of the current research status, while the afternoons concentrate on the practical application," explains Prof Mathias Czaika, Head of the Department of Migration and Globalization. In addition to scientific lectures and practice-oriented keynote speeches, numerous workshops offer the opportunity to network and to establish good dialogue among the participants. The wide range of topics was enabled by the financial support from the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund and the Federal Ministry for Europe, Integration and Foreign Affairs.

The program in detail is available on our website.

Online-registration as of now: www.donau-uni.ac.at/dialogforum or www.dialogforum-integration.at!

For press accreditations please contact Mr Michael Fasching.

If any questions occur, please contact the Department for Migration and Globalization. Phone 02732 893 – 2425.

The program in detail


Mag. Michael Fasching, Bakk.

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