
The EduCoRe (Educational Counselling during Rehabilitation) project develops a tailor-made educational and career counselling process for patients in medical rehabilitation centres which is supported by e-learning and e-counselling elements. EduCoRe builds on the experience gathered in the Grundtvig project eHospital ( which investigated the potential of hospitals as places of informal learning and of information and communication technologies for patient education.


Duration 01/10/2008 - 30/11/2010
Funding EU
Program Lifelong Learning Programme
Project members
Susanne Lippl, MBA


Bauer, R; De Angelis, E.; De Angelis, K.; Frankus, E.; Gabbianelli, G.; Kocis, K.; Kremser, S.; Mygind Madsen, B.; Vestergaard, N. C. F.; Wehr, T.; Wiemann, S.; Zauchner, S. (2010). Educational Counselling during Rehabilitation A practice report. "die Berater" Unternehmensberatungsgesellschaft mbH, EduCoRe: Berufsberating während der Medizinischen Rehabilitation: Ein Praxisbericht

Zauchner S.; Bauer R. (2010). Evaluation of Blended Learning Activities in Rehabilitation Centres: Recommendations and Critical Points. E. Frankus - DieBerater, Best Practice Brochure of the EduCoRe Project


Blended learning – Lernen möglich machen: Eine neue Lernkultur

EduCoRe Final Conference: Comeback - Beruflicher und sozialer Wiedereinstieg für Menschen nach der medizinischen Rehabilitation, 09/11/2010

Educational Counselling During Rehabilitation: Projektpräsentation Konferenz Comeback: Beruflicher und sozialer Wiedereinstieg für Menschen nach der medizinischen Rehabiliation

Comeback Konferenz EduCoRe, 09/11/2010


EduCoRe Final Conference: Comeback - Beruflicher und sozialer Wiedereinstieg für Menschen nach der medizinischen Rehabilitation, 09/11/2010

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