
Following the example of the previous Awards, the European eGovernment Awards 2009 should continue to support major European policy strategies such as the i2010 eGovernment Action Plan launched in spring 2006, the action plan for the European eHealth area and other eHealth strategic initiatives, as well as the Ministerial declaration adopted at Ministerial Conference in Lisbon 2007. The European eGovernment Awards 2009 will be part of a broader mission and agenda of which one of the primary purposes is the faster adoption of eGovernment in Europe for the benefit of all Europeans. Cooperation and exchange of information with other good practice exchange activities run by the European Commission is crucial to achieve this goal.The European eGovernment Awards 2009 ceremony is expected to take place at the eGovernment Ministerial Conference jointly organised by the Commission and the Swedish Presidency in November 2009. The Awards will provide concrete evidence that the public sector makes a significant contribution to the Lisbon objectives, to improve the quality of life for citizens, increase the public trust in government and contribute to increase the competitiveness of European enterprises by drawing attention to exemplary achievements in the use of ICT to improve the delivery of services of public interest.


Duration 01/12/2008 - 01/03/2010
Funding EU

Department for E-Governance and Administration

Project members


Leitner, C. (2010). Beyond Good Practice: The Case for the eGovernment Awards 2009 2.0. Leitner, Christine

Leitner, C.; Haase, M. (2009). Mehr als bloß Europas Meister im eGovernment. eGovernment Review, Nr. 4: 18-19


Crisis, what crisis? A revised EU policy framework for eGovernment

MPA/MPP International Summer School, 02/07/2010

La administracíon electrónica a nivel europeo – ‘The case for the eGovernment Awards'

Congreso internacional sobre administración electrónica, 23/10/2009

4th European eGovernment Awards 2009

ITAPA Forum Conference, 27/05/2009

The eGovernment Strategy of Austria

Seminar at Centre of Expertise, The Netherlands, 15/05/2009

Good Practice under Scrutiny: Good Practice under Scrutiny: A Prospective on the 2009 European eGovernment Awards

Eastern European e|Gov Days 2009, 23/04/2009

4th European eGovernment Awards 2009

Information Day, 21/04/2009

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