‚OurSpace – The Virtual Youth Space’ is a European project that aims to provide an e-participation platform for young people in order to discuss their issues and to connect young citizens with decision makers. The platform allows young citizens from Austria, Czech Republic, Greece and the United Kingdom to connect with peers and discuss European and national issues. The consortium consists of 9 partners from 7 countries. Danube University Krems leads the main work package: pilot operation and evaluation. Consequently, the Centre for E-Governance coordinates e-participation processes and engagement strategies and evaluates the project. An evaluation framework that combines several methods was developed so that concrete results can be derived from the pilot project. Project website:
Duration | 01/07/2010 - 31/12/2013 |
Funding | EU |
Program | CIP ICT PSP |
Department |
Department for E-Governance and Administration Center for E-Governance |
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems) | Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Peter Parycek, MAS MSc |
Project members |
Mag. Clara Landler
Mag. Judith Schoßböck, PhD
Mag. Florian Sedy
Schöllhammer, R.; Parycek, P.; Schoßböck, J. (2015). Emotions and E-Participation of Young People: A Preliminary Study. In: The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Proceedings of the Forty-Seventh Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences: 2415 - 2424, IEEE Computer Society Conference Publishing Services (CPS), Piscataway, NJ
Parycek, P.; Sachs, M.; Sedy, F.; Schoßböck, J. (2014). Evaluation of an E-participation Project: Lessons Learned and Success Factors from a Cross-Cultural Perspective. In: Efthimios Tambouris, Ann Macintosh, Frank Bannister, Electronic Participation. 6th IFIP International Conference, ePart 2014. 128-140, Springer, Heidelberg et. al.
Sachs, M.; Schoßböck, J. (2014). Young People and Politicians Online: Key Findings from the OurSpace Project. In: Parycek, P.; Edelmann, N., CeDEM14: Proceedings of the International Conference for E-Democracy and Open Government 2014: 559-564, Edition Donau-Universiät Krems, Krems
Sachs, M. (2014). E-Partizipation für Europas Jugend. eGovernment Review, 7 Jahrgang, Ausgabe Nr.13: 10-11
Triantafillou, A.; Dimakopoulos, N,; Schoßböck, J.; Sachs, M.; Landler, C.; Sedy, F.; Ionexu, R.; Kubala, A.; Makri, E.; Pudilova, D.; Van Lerberghe, D.; Matzakou, I.; (2014). D4.3.2 Final Evaluation Report. Project-Report OurSpace
Sachs, M.; Schoßböck, J. (2013). Evaluation of E-Participation Projects. In: Parycek, P.; Edelmann, N., CeDEM13. Proceedings of the International Conference for E-Democracy and Open Government: 465-469, Edition Donau-Universität Krems, Krems
Kliafas, Y.; Triantafillou, A.; Dimakopoulos, N.; Sebou, G.; Koutras, C.; Mouzakitis, S.; Sachs, M.; Ionescu, R.; Cathcart, J.; Kubala, A.; Heully, A.; Ashley, R.; Can Lerberghe, D.; Pudilova, D. (2012). D1.2.3 Periodic Management Report. Project-Report OurSpace
Sachs, M.; Landler, C.; Schoßböck, J.; Parycek, P.; Pudilova, D.; Skrebska, A.; Matzakou, I,; Koutras, C.; Mouzakitis, S.; Hannan, T.; Brigden, P,; Triantafillou, A.; Lewandowska, D.; Makri, E. (2012). D4.3.1 Interim Evaluation Report. Project-Report OurSpace
Sachs, M.; Schoßböck, J.; Mouzakitis, S.; Amili, S. (2012). D4.2 Evaluation Methodology. Project-Report OurSpace
Lacigova, O.; Pudilova, D.; Makri, E.; Sachs, M.; Lewandowska, D. (2011). D5.3 User Engagement Plan. Project-Report OurSpace
Parycek, P.; Sachs, M.; Schoßböck, J.; Lacigova, O.; Pudilova, D.; Mouzakitis, S.; Makri, E. (2011). D4.1 Pilot Operation Plan. Project-Report OurSpace
Triantafillou, A.; Garnier, M.; Mouzakitis, S; Sachs, M.; Lacigova, O.; Clarke, P.; Heully, A.; Krueger, C.; Van Lerberghe, D.; Pudilova, D.; (2011). D1.2 Periodic Management Report. Project-Report OurSpace
Koussouris, S.; Mouzakitis, S.; Sebou, G.; Triantafillou, A.; Dwojak, K.; Velikanoc, C.; Pudilova D.; Lacigova, O.; Lodziak, T.; Sachs, M.; Medimorec, D.; Edelmann, N.; Schoßböck, J. (2010). D2.1 Baseline Definition Report. Project-Report OurSpace
Mouzakitis, S.; Passas, S.; Ntanos, C.; Koutras, C.; Sebou, G.; Trantafillou, A.; Sachs, M.; Edelmann, N.; Velikanov, C.; Pudilova, D.; Lacigova, O.; Lodziak, T. (2010). D2.2 User Requirements and Specifications. Project-Report OurSpace
E-Participation for young people in Europe: Lessons learned on a cross-national level.
CeDEM14: Conference for E-Democracy and Open Government 2014, 22/05/2014
OurSpace: Ein internatinales Forschungsprojekt
Eröffnungsblock des Lehrgangs MIT05, 07/11/2013
Lessons learned from OurSpace. A contribution to the e-participation guidlines.
Peer-learning Seminar "e-Participation & youth" in Helsinki, 20/08/2013
Evaluation of e-participation projects. Workshop.
CeDEM13. Conference for E-Democracy and Open Government., 22/05/2013
OurSpace - Europäische elektronische Jugendbeteiligung
ADV Konferenz - Verwaltungsinformatik, 27/11/2012
OurSpace - eine Partizipationsplattform für junge EU-BürgerInnen
Europa im Unterricht im Haus der Europäischen Union, 29/03/2012