
The impact of agricultural land use on the composition of DOM and its effects on the aquatic carbon cycle are still largely unknown. The current study focuses on the DOM composition of different water sources (amongst others, surface runoff, soil pore water, drainage water) in response to different agricultural land use and practices (e.g. fertilization, tillage, etc.) and its effects on benthic microbial processes in stream ecosystems. In addition, sensors for in-situ high-resolution monitoring of DOM quality in water will be developed in the course of the project. ** This work is partially co-funded by the NÖ Forschungs- und Bildungsges.m.b.H. (NFB) within the Life Science Call.


Duration 01/01/2017 - 31/12/2019
Funding Bundesländer (inkl. deren Stiftungen und Einrichtungen)
Program nfb

Department for Integrated Sensor Systems

Center for Water and Environmental Sensors

Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems) Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Martin Brandl
Project members
Rafael Preuer, BSc
Dipl.-Ing. Lisa-Marie Wagner, BSc
Project website


Eder, A.; Weigelhofer, G.; Pucher, M.; Tiefenbacher, A.; Strauss, P.; Brandl, M.; Blöschl, G. (2021). Pathways and composition of dissolved organic carbon in a small agricultural catchment during base flow conditions. Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology, Volume 22, Issue 1, 2022: 96-112

Brandl, M.; Posnicek, T.; Preuer, R.; Weigelhofer, G. (2020). A Portable Sensor System for Measurement of Fluorescence Indices of Water Samples. IEEE Sensors Journal, 20(16): 9132-9139

Weigelhofer, G.; Tiefenbacher, A.; Brandl, M.; Strauss, P. (2019). Organischer Kohlenstoff in Bächen – Auswirkungen ackerbaulicher Bewirtschaftungspraktiken. Österreichische Wasser- und Abfallwirtschaft, 72/2020: 85-91

Posnicek, T.; Preuer, R.; Weigelhofer, G.; Eder, A.; Brandl, M. (2019). Mobile Optical Sensor System for DOM Monitoring in Stream Ecosystems. In: IFSA Publishing, S.L., SEIA' 2019 Conference Proceedings: 59-60,, ISBN 9788409174928

Posnicek, T.; Weigelhofer, G.; Eder A.; Brandl, M. (2018). Highly Integrated and Mobile Sensor System for Dissolved Organic Matter in Stream Ecosystems. MDPI Proceedings 2018, 2(13): 1507


Mobile Optical Sensor System for DOM Monitoring in Stream Ecosystems

5th International Conference on Sensors Engineering and Electronics Instrumentation Advances (SEIA' 2019), Teneriffa, Spanien, 27/09/2019

Highly Integrated and Mobile Sensor System for Dissolved Organic Matter in Stream Ecosystems

Eurosensors 2018, Graz, Österreich, 10/09/2018

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