The dominant pushing factors for large Afghan migration in the last forty years have been the invasions, civil war and the rule of the hardliner Taliban government. As result of massive migration, a considerable number of Afghan diaspora and transnational communities have emerged around the world particularly in European countries. The current research will explore in what ways do the Afghan diaspora organizations and community members in Europe engage themselves in the development of their ‘home’ country. It also attempts to investigate the types of their engagements and its transnational aspects. The development-diaspora nexus have gained increasing attention in recent decades. The media, donor agencies, academia, and the international organizations have started to look into diaspora as development actors and peace promoters. This study is based on sixty in-depth interviews in Austria, Denmark, Germany, The Netherlands and Sweden.
Duration | 01/10/2019 - 31/03/2023 |
Funding | Bundesländer (inkl. deren Stiftungen und Einrichtungen) |
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Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems) | Univ.-Prof. Dr. Mathias Czaika |
Project members |
Ali Ahmad Safi, MA
Safi, A. A.; Czaika, M. (2024). The transnational engagement of Afghan diaspora organizations: Drivers of diaspora specialization. Global Networks, Volume 25 Issue 1:
Safi, A. A. (2023). Review of the book: Refugee Cities: How Afghans Changed Urban Pakistan, Sanaa Alimia. Turkish Journal of Diaspora Studies, 3 (1): 143-145
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Safi, A. A. (2021). Diaspora organisations and technology: The role of the Afghan-Dutch diaspora in fighting COVID-19. Routed Magazine und iDiaspora, Empowering Global Diasporas in the Digital Era: 1-3
Safi, A.A. (2019). Afghan refugees return 'home' to migrate again. In: Czaika M.; Rössl L.; Pfeffer T.; Altenburg F., Migration & Integration 8: Dialog zwischen Politik, Wissenschaft und Praxis: 223-232, Edition Donau Universität Krems, Krems
The Transnational Space: The Formation and Transformation of Afghan Diaspora Organizations in Europe
The bubbles of transnational space: The formation and transformation of Afghan diaspora organizations in Europe
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6th Human Vision Film Festival, Podiumsgespräch, 09/03/2022
The role of Afghan diaspora in a Taliban-controlled Afghanistan
Research Seminar, 20/01/2022
International QCA Paper Development Workshop 2021
International QCA Paper Development Workshop 2021, 13/12/2021
International PhD School on Migration and Socioecological Change
University of Utrecht, 27/09/2021
Empowering Global Diasporas in the Digital Era
iDiaspora and Routed Magazine, 22/09/2021
Deportation, its contestations and its aftermat
Oxford Migration and Mobility Network, 14/06/2021
Transnational engagement of Afghan diaspora organizations: Drivers of diasporic specialization
Messaging Migration and Mobility: 2021 IMISCOE Spring Conference, 22/03/2021
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Understanding the migration – vocational education nexus. Constraints and potentials; Wien, Österreich, 21/01/2020
A guide to Afghan Diaspora Engagement in Europe
The Role of the Afghan Diaspora in Europe, Networking Conference; Don Bosco Haus, St. Veit Gasse 25, Wien, Österreich, 03/12/2019
Afghan refugees return 'home' to migrate again
Dialog Forum, Krems, Österreich, 28/08/2019
World Café on Return Migration
Dialog Forum, Krems, 28/08/2019