
In the context of the project, participating municipalities from the SK AT border region will be analyzed in workshops regarding their challenges in relation to digital transformation. The results will be summarized in a guideline, individual trends will be examined in more detail, the challenges of the participating communities as well as countermeasures already taken so far will be described and concrete proposals for action will be defined in a catalog of measures. In parallel, the first 4 pilot activities in the areas of culture, environment, learning and infrastructure management will be jointly developed and implemented in the consortium and sustainable use and usability will be ensured, among other things, through free licensing measures. An accompanying evaluation of the four pilot activities ensures regular feedback from stakeholders and project partners. Knowledge transfer and documentation of the evaluation results and the development process takes place via a virtual collaborative platform as well as in the DigiHub of the STU Bratislava, which serves as the physical workspace of the consortium. Both the virtual and the physical workspace are to form the basis for a cross-border incubator cluster envisaged in the planned follow-up project.


Duration 01/06/2020 - 31/12/2022
Funding EU
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems) Dr. Stephanie Nestawal
Project members
Mag. Monika Kyselová, BA MA


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