
This project provides an integrated perspective on the implications of involuntary immobility for development. More specifically, we focus on the consequences that not (yet) realized migration aspirations have on individuals’ subjective well-being, life aspirations and forward looking behavior, with a focus on West Africa. We will break new ground in economics and sociology by integrating findings, concepts and methods from these disciplines. We build on intuitions from ethnographic fieldwork on migration aspirations and further theorize these by integrating concepts from sociology (involuntary immobility) and economics (aspiration traps, aspiration failure, forward looking behavior). We advance the empirical investigation of these relationships by innovative uses of secondary data, collecting original longitudinal data and integrating methods from both disciplines (advanced econometrics to disentangle causality; event-history analysis; content and discourse analysis; process tracing).


Duration 01/09/2023 - 30/08/2027
Funding FWF

Department for Migration and Globalisation

Center for Migration and Globalisation Research

Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems) Univ.-Prof. Dr. Mathias Czaika
Project members


Rodrigues-Pena, N. (2024). The strength of migration and stay aspirations: understanding harmonious, conflicting and indeterminate aspirations. Comparative Migration Studies, 12: 42


The origin bias in migration studies: Bringing the precariat to the forefront

IMISCOE Annual Conference 21st 2024, 04/07/2024

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