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The Center for Cultural Property Protection at the University for Continuing Education Krems is partner in the new Interreg Central Europe research project INACO
Kick-off meeting of the partner organisations of the Interreg Central Europe project INACO in Bologna
In the next event in the public lecture series "DEMIG Online Talks", the two law professors Avidan Kent and Simon Behrman will examine the extent to which the issue of climate-induced migration has been reflected in international law to date.
Experts from the National Hub Biodiversity and Water (BiodiWa) focus on nature-based solutions
The publication 'Three Key Questions on Culture, Heritage and Climate Change' with contributions from Honorary Professor Alessandra Bonazza and the STRENCH and ProteCHt2save projects has been published.
The Department of Classics, Ancient History of the Paris Lodron University Salzburg invites you to the 4th conference in the series of Salzburger Frühlingssymposium dedicated to 'Life at the Roman Limes'.
The Center for Cultural Property Protection in cooperation with the Austrian Registrars Association ARC invites you to an online streaming as part of the project Risk Management for Cultural Heritage.
As part of the Risk Management for Cultural Heritage project, lead partner Mazzini Lab is organising a one-week on-the-job training course in Milan on behalf of the CHARISMA project consortium.
This event will reflect on values and vulnerabilities but also explain how heritage can be a powerful tool for the sustainable development of societies.
The Centre for Cultural Heritage Protection of the Danube University Krems kindly invites you to join the 2 nd STRENCH International Conference which presents the STRENCH project results aiming to enhance cooperation and exchange of expertise between various actors involved in the decision-making process for the protection and safeguarding of cultural heritage at risk due to extreme events related to climate change.