• Graduation


  • ECTS-Points


  • Learning format

    Blended Learning

  • Duration

    2 semesters, part time

  • Start

    5 December 2025

  • Costs

    EUR 2.500,--

  • Admission requirements

    According to curriculum

  • Language


In all unclear abdominal complaints, the microecology of the intestine is pathologically changed; inflammatory factors can even be detected in every fourth to fifth finding, even if the blood count of the classic inflammatory parameters is still without findings. With the creation of a further qualification offer for the “Intestinal Health” certificate program, a standard is being defined for the first time in German-speaking countries based on a multidimensional approach.

"Mental illnesses are also diseases of the metabolism and the gut-brain axis and must be treated in a multifactorial manner."

Priv. Doz. DDr. Sabrina Mörkl

Vortragende im CP Darmgesundheit

You are welcome to find detailed information about the program on the German website, as the language of instruction for this program is German, or you can contact us directly.

Any questions?

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Or contact us directly.

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