Online and Reichenau/Rax
Join our Summer School on Data Economy Law in 2023
The second Summer School on Data Economy Law covers a broad range of trending and relevant legal aspects of data driven businesses. The program provides selected content of the upcoming Data Economy Law, LL.M. starting in October 2023. The LL.M. and the Summer School have been jointly developed by a consortium of four partner universities:
University for Continuing Education Krems -Coordinator/Lead (Austria)
Georg-August University Göttingen (Germany)
Masaryk University (Czech Republic)
Kazimieras Simonavičius University (Lithuania)
Scholars and experts from all partner universities and from legal practice will lecture on selected aspects of the data economy. The participants will have the opportunity to discuss and work on case studies on current legal problems in the areas of Data Law, Data Protection and Cybersecurity, Transnational Business Law and Innovation and IP Strategy.
The Summer School addresses High Potentials (undergraduates, graduates, doctoral/phd students) and interested professionals.
For successfully attending the Summer School a certificate worth 3 ECTS will be awarded.
The Summer School will start with a Preperatory Course on August 21, 2023. These first two weeks will be delivered online via a specially designed Moodle course which provides flexibility and learning autonomy for the participants. This phase will be a preparation for the final week and will allow the lecturers to start right into the respective topics. The final face-to-face Course will take place in Austria from September 3 to September 9, 2023. During this phase international legal practitioners and scientists will provide state of the art lectures and workshops.
Online Preparatory Course (Aug 21, 2023 – Sep 1, 2023)
The students will get assigned into 4 groups based on the focus topics of the Summer School. Each group will be responsible to elaborate and discuss one legal case which has to be presented in front of the colleges on the final day in the last week. Additionally, every main topic will offer a list of reading material and a self-assessment quiz so that the participants can see for themselves if they really understand the respective topic.
Face-to-Face Course (Sep 3, 2023 – Sep 9, 2023)
Venue: The final week will take place in “Reichenau an der Rax” in Lower Austria. The place is located at the eastern foothills of the Austrian alps and offers a beautiful and laid-back atmosphere.
The renowned hotel “Flackl-Wirt” will serve as the venue for our lectures and offers modern classrooms while maintaining the cozy feel of an alpine lodge.
Lodging: To provide housing next to the classroom the Summer School team already pre-booked rooms at “Flackl-Wirt”. However, if participants prefer individual accommodation there are other options available in town e.g., “Hotel Marienhof”.
Application and Fees
The DeL Summer School 2023 is tuition-free. As an Erasmus+ Blended Intensive Program (BIP), the Summer School is primarily open for students enrolled at the partner universities. However, we also welcome a limited number of external participants.
Students from partner universities receive a scholarship that cover parts of the travel and accommodation costs. External participants may ask at their local institution for potential funding opportunities.
Admission for the DeL Summer School 2023 is closed. We look forward welcoming you as an applicant next year.

„As a graduate of the Summer School on Data Economy Law 2022, I was able to gain in-depth insights into the LLM program "Data Economy Law" and became enthusiastic about the blended learning concept. With its broad range of topics in the field of data and economy, the LLM program does justice to the advancing age of digitalization and provides graduates with essential theoretical and practical knowledge on an internationally applicable spectrum in the field of data use in business through renowned international lecturers from business and academia.“
Mag.a Rafaela Prvulovic, LL.M.
Judge (Austria)