
The aim of the project is a common approach for the protection of the material and immaterial cultural heritage of the Czech - Austrian border regions. The cultural heritage will be jointly examined and presented to the public. 

This comprises the educational programme “history of the border” and exhibitions about the topics of medieval building and living, life and customs in the border regions and the production of glass. The Center for Museum Collections Management of the Danube University is responsible for curating the exhibition about the Middle Ages, which will be shown in 2020 in the MAMUZ Asparn. Therefore scientific work by the Lower Austrian and Czech partners is a prerequisite, this concerns also the Center for Museum Collections Management.

These research activities allow a well-founded examination of the archaeological and archaeobotanical material as well as findings of important sites and thus a presentation to the public based on the latest state of research. In addition a small church will be built in the outdoor area of the MAMUZ Asparn according to an early medieval example.


Duration 01/10/2017 - 30/06/2021
Funding EU
INTERREG Österreich-Tschechische Rebuplik

Department for Arts and Cultural Studies

Center for Museum Collections Management

Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems) Mag. Dr. Elisabeth Nowotny
Project website


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