
The sustainable design of the environment is particularly influenced by water management. The program region is divided into two major cross-border drainage zones: The Elbe and, for this project, the catchment area of the Danube, which also has large parts of the Czech program areas as feeders. Lower Austria and the Czech Republic also share a direct border river with the Thaya. This is a direct necessity to solve water management problems jointly and across borders. In addition, the areas are topographically but in terms of infrastructure comparable, which is why innovative solutions for the public, users but also companies on both sides similar advantages and value creation potential.

The project aims to protect and improve the aquatic ecosystem by investigating measures for monitoring water technical and microbiological parameters on the technical side in order to improve water quality. To this end, the necessary competencies are to be created in the region and the basis for innovation is to be established.


Duration 01/01/2020 - 31/12/2022
Funding EU
INTERREG Österreich-Tschechische Rebuplik

Department for Integrated Sensor Systems

Center for Water and Environmental Sensors

Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems) Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Martin Brandl
Project members
Mag. Anja Knecht



Pham, M.L.; Askarzadmohassel, E.; Brandl, M. (2023). Growth of freshwater cyanobacterium Aphanizomenon sp. ULC602 in different growing and nutrient conditions. Frontiers in Microbiology, Vol. 14: x

Brandl, M.; Kellner, K. (2022). Automatic Measurement System for Nitrite and Nitrate in Water Bodies. IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol. 22(14): 14531-14539

Brandl, M. (2022). Intelligente Sensoren für die Wasseranalytik. In: Andreas Salvator Habsburg-Lothringen, C. Hanus, D. Stys, D. Haroshka, S. Bilenkova, Das Erbe der Teichlandschaft - ein künftiges UNESCO-Welterbe? 111-114, Edition Donau-Universität Krems, Krems


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