Michael Hunklinger

About the person

Michael Hunklinger is a research assistant and lecturer at the Department for European Policy and the Study of Democracy at Danube University Krems (Austria). He works in various trans disciplinary and international projects that deal, among other things, with the possibilities of a social and democratic Europe and political participation of LGBTIQ* citizens in a European comparison. In the academic year 2021/2022 he is Fulbright Visiting Scholar at the Department of Political Science and International Relations at Loyola Marymount University.

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Publications (Extract Research Database)

Ajanovic, E.; Hunklinger, M. (2022). Voting Right? Analyzing Electoral Homonationalism of LGBTIQ* Voters in Austria and Germany. Social Politics: International Studies in Gender, State & Society, 29 (1): 24-49

Hunklinger, M.; Wöhl, S. (2022). Gender, Diversity and Social Cohesion in Europe. Momentum Quarterly, Vol. 11, No. 2: 77-78

Hunklinger, Michael (2021). Voting for Diversity? Politische Einstellungen und formale politische Partizipation von schwulen und lesbischen Bürger_innen in Deutschland. Momentum Quarterly, Vol. 10 No.1: 20-34

Ferch, N.; Hunklinger, M. (2020). Trans* voting – Demand and Supply Side of Trans* Politics in Germany. European Journal of Politics and Gender, 3/3: 389-408

Guérot, U.; Hunklinger, M. (2020). European Democracy after Covid-19. Journal Democratic Theory, 7/2: 160-165, Berghahn

Guérot, U.; Hunklinger, M. (2020). Who Decides? SAIS SAIS Europe Journal, 3: 22-27

Guérot, U.; Hunklinger M. (2019). Old and new cleavages in Polish society. Edition Donau Universität Krems, Krems

de Nève, D.; Ferch, N.; Hunklinger, M.; Olteanu, T. (2018). LGBTIQ*-Wahlstudie 2017 zur Bundestagswahl in Deutschland und zur Nationalratswahl in Österreich. Femina Politica, 01/2018: S. 149-157

Lectures (Extract Research Database)

Queering public space – political graffiti and street art in Vienna

Democracies in Flux, 30/06/2023

Fighting over Gender and Equality in the EU

European Conference on Politics and Gender (ECPG) 2022, 08/07/2022

Does sexual orientation matter? Exploring new categories in the research of political participation.

ECPR Joint Session, 19/04/2022

German Elections

Global Policy Institute, Loyola Marymount University, 28/09/2021

Queer Politics meets Political Science

DVPW Conference 2021, Roundtable, 16/09/2021

Europa an den Grenzen - Europas Grenzen?

EU Sympoisum AK Bildungshaus Linz, 04/02/2020

LGBTIQ* Participation in Germany and Austria

Gender and Sexualities Research Centre, University of London, 16/01/2020

Building common ground – LGBTIQ* rights as framework of EU integration?

Ostasiatische Zentrenkonferenz „Zusammenarbeit und Zukunft Ostasiens – im Spiegel der europäischen und deutschen Erfahrungen, 12/10/2019

Claiming Public Space – Queer-Political Graffiti in Vienna

ECPR 2019 Wroclaw, Polen, 05/09/2019

Claiming public space. Queer-political graffiti and sticker in Vienna

ECPG, Amsterdam, Niederlande, 03/07/2019

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