
Shaddin is a postdoctoral researcher focused on inequalities between refugee and migrant groups of varying backgrounds. She is particularly interested in the interactions between aid, development, and refugee/migrant integration, with a specific focus on the SWANA and East Africa regions. She takes a keen interest in refugee policy in the Global South and is currently exploring the intersection of scale of refugee and migrant arrival, rights, and temporality, and the impact this has on determining refugee admission and integration policy.

She is currently investigating questions on the links between (perceived) inequalities and migrant relations in North Africa under her postdoctoral role in the MixedRivals project (Mixed (ar)rivals: Perceptions of threat, inequality, and the risk of violence between different (forced) migrant groups in North Africa). With colleagues at the Department for Migration and Globalisation, Shaddin is investigating what factors influence perceptions of migrant groups of each other, and under what conditions these can trigger solidarities or rivalries.

About the person

Shaddin holds a PhD in Migration Studies from Danube University Krems in the Department for Migration and Globalisation. Her thesis investigated the links between migration diplomacy and nationality-based refugee aid and inclusion policies in Jordan and Turkey. She also holds an MSc in Migration, Mobility and Development from SOAS, University of London.

Projects (Extract Research Database)

Completed projects

Smart Migration and Asylum Governance (SMAG)

Duration: 01/09/2020–31/12/2022
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Mathias Czaika
Funding: Bund (Ministerien)

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Publications (Extract Research Database)

Almasri, S. (2024). Establishing the Refugee Rentier Subject: Forced Migration, Aid, and the Politics of Integration in Jordan and Türkiye. Lynch M.; Tsourapas G., POMEPS Studies 50: The Politics of Migration and Refugee Rentierism in the Middle East: 16-24, Pompes, Washington D.C.

Almasri, S. (2023). How humanitarian–development responses may discriminate by nationality: Refugee and migrant inclusion following the 2016 Jordan Compact. Development Policy Review, 42 (1):

Almasri, S. (2023). Accessible vs Applicable Policies? A Discussion on Calculated Informality of Afghan Migrants in Turkey. Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Studies, 1:

Almasri, S. (2023). Why is Syria a War but Not Afghanistan? Nationality-based aid and protection in Turkey’s Syria refugee response. Refugee Survey Quarterly 42, Special Issue 1: 29-54, Oxford Academic

Almasri, S. (2023). Crisis management: A look at differentiated refugee support in countries of first asylum. Zenodo: DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8215120

Almasri, S. (2022). Exclusive Refuge: Origins, causes and impacts of exclusionary nationality-based targeting in refugee protection and aid.

Diab, J; Almasri, S. (2022). The Refuge Reports: Week 4 – Afghanistan. Institute for Migration Studies: Lebanese American University

Almasri, S. (2021). The Political Economy of Nationality-Based Labor Inclusion Strategies: A Case Study of the Jordan Compact. Middle East Critique, Volume 30, Issue 2: 185-203

Almasri, S. (2021). Power, Protection and Policy: The Condition of Domestic Workers in the Arab States during COVID-19. In: Diab, J. L.; Dharani, U. B., Female Migrant Labourers and COVID-19 in Asia: 10-12, Global Research Network, Canterbury, UK

Almasri, S. (2021). Book review: "Handbook of Translocal Development and Global Mobilities". MIgration & (Im)mobility Magazine / Routed, 18: n/a, n/a

Lectures (Extract Research Database)

Austerity in the MENA region and post-COVID social protection

MAJALAT EU Southern Neighborhood Policy Seminar: For a Shift of the Post-Covid19 Development Paradigm, 30/11/2021

Female Migrant Labourers and COVID-19 in Asia

Global Research Network War, Conflict and Global Migration Think Tank, 05/11/2021

The European Union’s response to the refugee situation in Afghanistan

What role for the EU Pact on Migration and the UN Global Compact on Refugees?; Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, 17/09/2021

Refugee Inclusion -- for whom? A Case Study of the Influence of Aid Politics on Refugee Inclusion Strategies in the Jordan Compact

IMISCOE Annual Conference on “Crossing borders, connecting cultures”, 08/07/2021

A Critique of Nationality-Based Aid [Protection?] and Inclusion Policy

EuroMedMig "Mediterranean Migration Studies: Theoretical and Empirical Research Agenda", 28/06/2021

Gender, COVID and labour: Politics and policy of domestic work during lockdowns

The COVID-19 impacts on migration and migrants from a gender perspective’ Inception Workshop, International Organization for Migration, 14/06/2021

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