Dr. Sina Westa, MSc
+43 2732 893-5425
To contact form
Campus Krems, Tract K, 2nd Floor, 2.205
- University for Continuing Education Krems
- Department for Higher Education Research
- Dr.-Karl-Dorrek-Straße 30
- 3500 Krems
- Austria
About the person
since 2023: Senior Scientist at the Department for Higher Education Research, University for Continuing Education Krems
2021 – 2023: Research Associate & Project Coordinator QUALITEACH, Erfurt School of Education, University of Erfurt
2018 – 2021: Research Associate at the Chair for Elementary Education, Faculty of Philosophy and Education, Catholic University Eichstätt-Ingolsadt
2013 – 2016: Marie-Curie doctoral fellow within the ITN UNIKE (Universities in the Knowledge Economy)
Academic Education
- Certificate for Teaching in Higher Education Teaching of the Bavarian Universities
- Dr. of Science in Teacher Education and Educational Sciences (Scientific area: Educational Science; orientation: Educational Policy), Faculty of Education, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
- MSc in Applied Social and Community Research, School of Applied Social Science, University of Brighton, UK
- 1. Staatsexamen (1st State Examination) in Teaching at Primary School with the Major Subject Psychology with an Emphasis on School Psychology, Faculty of Psychology and Education, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich, Germany
Stachowiak-Kudła, M., Westa, S., Meix-Cereceda, P., & Azorín-Toboso, J. (2024). Impact of mergers on conflicts at universities—Conclusions from courts decisions. Conflict Resolution Quarterly, 1–21. https://doi.org/10.1002/crq.21424
Parmigiani, Davide; Nir, Aviva Bar; Burke Jenene; Claughton, Amy; Ferguson-Patrick, Kate; Baruch, Alona Forkosh; Heddy, Eileen; Impedovo, Maria Antonietta; Ingersoll, Marcea; Jones, Mellita; Kimhi, Yael; Lourenço, Mόnica; MacQueen, Suzanne; Pennazio, Valentina; Sokal, Laura; Timkova, Renata; Westa, Sina; Wikan, Gerd (2023). Assessing the development of Global Competence in teacher education programmes: Internal consistency and reliability of a set of rubrics, Higher Education Pedagogies, 8(1), DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/23752696.2023.2216190
Stachowiak-Kudła, Monika; Westa, Sina; Santos Botelho, Catarina: Bartha Ildikó (2023). Academic Freedom as a Defensive Right, Hague Journal on the Rule of Law, 15(1), 161-190. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s40803-022-00188-4
Westa, Sina (2021). Warum Lehramtsstudierende an einem SCHULWÄRTS!-Praktikum teilnehmen. [Reasons for teaching students to take part in a SCHULWÄRTS! Internship]. In Auslandspraktika in der ehrkräftebildung. Erste Erkenntnisse aus dem SCHULWÄRTS! Forschungshubs des Goethe Instituts. [Internships abroad: First insights from the SCHULWÄRTS! Research hub of the Goethe Institute]. Goethe Institut. Waxmann: München. ISBN: 978-3-8309-4403-4; 978-3-8309-9403-9
Westa, Sina (2020). “Professionalization through Internationalization in Teacher Education: International Project (IPC) an Example for Internationalization@home.” In Quality Teachers and Quality Teacher Education, Key Concepts Series, edited by J. Madalińska-Michalak. Foundation for the Development of the Education System. ISBN: 978-83-66515-31-4
Westa, Sina (2017). What does Academic Freedom mean for Academics? A Case Study of the University of Bologna and the National University of Singapore. In The University as a Critical Institution? Higher Education in the 21st Century Series Volume 10, edited by R. Deem and H. Eggins. Rotterdam: Sense Publisher. ISBN: 978-94-6351-116-2
Conference Presentations
Exploring academic freedom, its constraints and the role of solidarity in exercising it. (Westa, Sina & Custers, Benedikte) Solidarity and the University 5-th Annual Philosophy and Theory of Higher Education Conference. 13-15th June 2023, University of Gdańsk, Poland.
What do teacher-education students expect from an internship abroad for their personal and professional development? Insights from a qualitative analysis of motivation letters for the SCHULWÄRTS!-programme of the Goethe Institute. ATEE 2022 Winter Conference Teaching and Learning for an Inclusive Interconnected World; 20/21/22 April 2022; Sestri Lenate, Italy.
Online Cooperation in Teacher Education: How do teacher-education students perceive cooperative learning in an online environment? Teacher Education Policy Europe (TEPE) conference: Challenges of distance teaching in teacher education and education”, 20-22 May in Ljubljana, Slovenia, online.
Warum Lehramtsstudierende in Ausland gehen: Motive und Erwartungen an ein Auslandpraktikum im Rahmen von SCHULWÄRTS! [Teacher-education student’s reasons for going abroad: Motivations and expectations for an internship abroad within SCHULWÄRTS!] Internationalisierung der Lehrerbildung und internationale Lehrermigration/ Internationalisation of Teacher Education and International Teacher Migration. 03.-04. December 2020 online, organised by the Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany, online.
Policy Perspektiven zur Internationalisierung der Lehrerbildung in Deutschland und der EU: Widersprüche, Gemeinsamkeiten und Potentiale. [Policy perspectives on the internationalization of teacher education in Germany and the EU: Contradictions, Similarities, and Potentials]. Internationalisierung der Lehrerbildung und internationale Lehrermigration/ Internationalisation of Teacher Education and International Teacher Migration. 03.-04. December 2020 online, organised by the Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany, online.
Widening Participation or the Massification of Higher Education: Reclaiming Academic Freedom as a Tool for Preventing the Dehumanisation of Higher Education Teaching. Philosophy and Theory of Higher Education Conference (PHEC19). 18-20 September 2019, KU Leuven, Belgium.
Professionalisation through Internationalisation in Teacher Education: International Project (IPC) an Example of Good Practices. Teacher Education Policy Europe (TEPE) conference: ‘Quality Teachers and Quality Teacher Education: Research, Policy and Practice’. 16-19 May 2019 in Cracow, Poland.
Evaluation of the “International Project (IPC)”: Results of the IPC 2017 Survey. Sixth International Conference “Children’s Perspective on School, Teaching and Learning”, 7th July 2018, Sofia University St. Kl. Ohridski.
Academic freedom in an international perspective: a case study of the University of Bologna and the University of Singapore. “NEAR-EU” Jean-Monnet Network INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE Looking Out”: Comparability and Compatibility in Global Higher Education, Tuesday, 10 October 2017, University of Ljubljana.
What does Academic Freedom mean for Academics? A Case Study of the University of Bologna and the National University of Singapore. CHER 2016, 29th Annual Conference, The University as a Critical Institution? Cambridge, United Kingdom 5-7 September 2016.
Widening the understanding of academic freedom by using an interpretive comparative research design. The higher education conference: the scholarship of learning, teaching & organizing: Amsterdam: University of Applied Sciences, 2016.
Balancing traditional academic values and modernization in European higher education: a case study of the University of Bologna. ECER 2015: education and transition - contributions from educational research: programme by network. Budapest: European Educational Research Association, 2015.
Consumerism or humanism: educational values in the University of Bologna and beyond. Annual conference and XXVII Anniversary of the Magna Charta Universitatum Values beyond 2015: The global challenge for universities and their students, 17 September 2015, Bologna, Italy.
Academic freedom and quality assurance: Two sides of the same coin or a contradiction? Symposium "Governance, Performance & Leadership of Research and Public Organisations”, 16. 7. 2015, Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Deutschland.
Internalising new discourses: reshaping university autonomy and its effects on academic freedom. Universities in the knowledge economy transforming higher education in the Asia - Pacific Rim and Europe. Auckland: University of Auckland, 2015.
Academic freedom always a non-ambiguous case? Where does it start and where should it end? (Panel summary). (Westa, Sina; Alemu, Sintayehu Kassaye; Zgaga, Pavel; Beiter, Klaus Dieter) Universities in the knowledge economy transforming higher education in the Asia - Pacific Rim and Europe. Auckland: University of Auckland, 2015.
Academic freedom in contemporary European universities: An analysis of ˝Lehr- und Lernfreiheit˝ after the Bologna process. ECER 2014 [The past, present and future of educational research in Europe].
Teacher education between ‘Lehr- und Lernfreiheit’. Overcoming fragmentation in teacher education policy and practice. Zagreb: Teacher Education Policy in Europe (TEPE) conference. Institute for social research: University of Zagreb, Faculty of teacher education, 2014.
Projects (Extract Research Database)
Running projects
Green Deal for Central Asian Universities
Duration: 01/11/2024–31/10/2027
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Sina Westa
Funding: EU
Publications (Extract Research Database)
Burkert, G.R.; Campbell, D.F.J.; Pausits, A.; Westa, S. (Hrsg.) (2024). Zukunft. Hochschulen. Governance. Kremser Thesen. Passagen Verlag, Wien
Campbell, D.F.J.; Westa, S.; Pausits, A. (2024). Von der Transformation der Governance und der Governance der Transformation. In: Burkert, G.R.; Campbell, D.F.J.; Pausits, A.; Westa, S., Zukunft. Hochschulen. Governance. Kremser Thesen: 9-14, Passagen Verlag, Wien
Westa, S. (2024). Die KI transformiert die Wissenschaft und ihre Governance und wird diese in Zukunft revolutionieren, wenn nicht sogar evolvieren. In: Burkert, G.R.; Campbell, D.F.J.; Pausits, A.; Westa, S., Zukunft. Hochschulen. Governance. Kremser Thesen: 85-92, Passagen Verlag, Wien
Lectures (Extract Research Database)
Testimonial: MARIHE (Master in Research and Innovation in Higher Education)
Kick-Off meeting: EMJM projects selected in 2024, 21/11/2024
Leadership challenges in staff career development
DRC (Danube Rectors’ Conference) Annual Conference 2024, 13/11/2024
Innovation, Education & Entrepreneurship: Guest presentation MARIHE (Master in Research and Innovation in Higher Education)
EMJM Latam Talks, 29/10/2024