Jan Janoth


Jan Niklas Janoth is a PhD student at the Department for Migration and Globalization at the University for Continuing Education Krems. His project examines the relationship between (im)mobility and place identity in a context where both climate change and conflict have a lasting impact on local livelihoods.

About the person

Jan Niklas Janoth, with a background in Human Geography and African Studies, is interested in studying migration and mobility patterns in the context of climate change, shifting environmental conditions, and social conflicts. He places a particular focus on socio-cultural dimensions and examines aspects such as identity, lifestyles, social cohesion, and the historical embedding of migration and mobility dynamics. He draws on concepts from cultural anthropology, ethnography, post-colonialism and mobility research and uses predominantly qualitative-creative research methods. His regional focus is on East and West Africa as well as Southeast Asia. 

Jan Niklas holds a Master of Science in Geography from the University of Vienna and the University of Toronto after completing two Bachelor's degrees in African Studies and Geography at the University of Vienna. He has already gained field research experience in Ghana and Thailand and has worked hands-on at the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and the German Development Institute. 

His specific research interests include:

  • (Im)mobility in the context of climate and environmental change
  • Socio-cultural aspects of migration and (im)mobility
  • Migration and development
  • Migration and social conflicts   

Projects (Extract Research Database)

Running projects

The power of place: Relative (im)mobility in contexts of environmental change and conflict co-occurrence in Ethiopia

Duration: 01/03/2024–30/03/2027
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Jan Janoth
Funding: Bundesländer (inkl. deren Stiftungen und Einrichtungen)

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Publications (Extract Research Database)

Janoth, J.N.; Abu, M.; Sakdapolrak, P.; Sterly, H.; Merschroth, S. (2024). The impact of migration on culturally-embedded and subjective perceptions of habitability in a context of environmental change. A case study from in Northern Ghana. ERDKUNDE, 78(1): 35-55

Merschroth, S.; Sterly, H.; Sakdapolrak, P.; Abu, M.; Janoth, J.N. (2024). Subjectivity and Social Positions Shape Habitability in the Context of Environmental Change: a Qualitative Case Study in Northern Ghana. DIE ERDE – Journal of the Geographical Society of Berlin: https://doi.org/10.12854/erde-2023-655

Janoth, J. N., Abu, M., Sakdapolrak, P., Sterly, H., & Merschroth, S. (2024). The impact of migration on culturally-embedded and subjective perceptions of habitability in a context of environmental change. ERDKUNDE, 78 No. 1: https://doi.org/10.3112/erdkunde.2024.01.02

Merschroth, S.; Sterly, H.; Sakdapolrak, P.; Abu, M.; Janoth, J. N. (2024). Subjectivity and Social Positions Shape Habitability in the Context of Environmental Change: a Qualitative Case Study in Northern Ghana. DIE ERDE, 154/4: https://doi.org/10.12854/erde-2023-655

Schraven, B.; Adaawen, S.; Janoth, J-N. (2021). Migration as Adaptation: Some Considerations Based on a Literature Review. In: R. C. Brears (Ed.), The Palgrave Handbook of Climate Resilient Societies: 1-37, Palgrave MacMillan, Basingstoke

Schraven, B.; Adaawen, S.; Janoth, J.N. In R. C. Brears (Ed.) (2021). Migration as Adaptation: Some Considerations Based on a Literature Review. In: Robert C. Brears, The Palgrave Handbook of Climate Resilient Societies: 1249-1285, Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, London

Janoth, J-N. (2021). Blog: Experimenting with research methods from afar: The “digital (video) mobility map” in times of COVID-19.

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