Jasminka Majdandzic

Dr. Jasminka Majdandzic

Center for Mental Health Research

Publications (Extract Research Database)

Majdandžic, Jasminka., Havadi-Nagy, Menta.; Nater, U.M. (2025). Development and Initial Validation of the Music for Stress Alleviation (MUSA) Playlists. PsyArXiv, -: https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/a58sk_v1

Jasminka Majdandžic, Birgit Rauchbauer, Gernot Gerger, Marina Maksimova, Jakub Chromec, Christoph Huber-Huber, Claus Lamm (2024). How Imitation Moves: Effects of Movement Congruency and Temporal Contingency on Affiliation, Social Influence, Empathy and Prosocial Behavior. PsyArXiv, -: https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/fd364

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