
The European Higher Education Manangement and Development (EHEMD) project is a curriculum development project, which simultaneously aims to promote modernization of higher education and co-operation between universities and enterprises. Professional management is an important prerequisite to enable the higher education institutions to perceive themselves as autonomous organizations and act entrepreneurially rather than as subordinate to the central government. Professional management will also enable higher education institutions to increase and simplify cooperation with partners such as enterprises. As higher education institutions grow larger and more extensive, and as the tasks demanded of them multiply (“multiversities”), academic administration and management become increasingly complex and the need to provide skilled management and administration personnel becomes more acute. The sustainability of higher education reforms generally, but especially in the new EU-Candidate-Countries, will be directly proportionate to the professionalization of higher education management. The EHEMD project covers all these goals with the programme “Master of Science in European Higher Education Management and Development“, designed to train professionals in top level higher education management competence. With a special focus on Central, Southern and Eastern Europe (CSEE), the programme aims to provide graduates with the necessary qualifications for leading positions in universities and research organizations. Furthermore, it will promote academic mobility between EU Member States and candidate countries. This study programme addresses challenge specific to the European Higher Education Area and trains “multiplicators” within and for Central, Southern and Eastern Europe (CSEE).


Duration 01/10/2007 - 30/09/2009
Funding EU
Program Lifelong Learning Programme
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems) Univ.-Prof. Dkfm. Dr. habil Attila Pausits
Project members
Dipl.Dolm. Lil Reif
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