
The study is a regional part of the European wide DE-Plan project. Aims of this study are to 1) assess the type 2 diabetes risk in population of Lower Austria; 2) the implementation and evaluation of a lifestyle intervention programme to prevent type 2 diabetes in high-risk individuals. Intervention consisted of an initial information event and consecutive workshops held by dieticians or sport scientists with the aim to motivate and provide subjects with the tools necessary to reach five lifestyle goals: 1) weight reduction (= 5%), 2) moderate dietary fat intake (<30% of daily energy intake), 3) low dietary saturated fat intake (<10% of daily energy intake), 4) high dietary fibre intake (>15g/1000 kcal), 5) regular physical activity (>30min/day or >4h/week). The effectivity of interventions were documented by the mean of questionnaires, regular medical and laboratory visits (including an oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT). Minimal study duration is 3 years


Duration 01/04/2005 - 31/12/2008
Funding Bundesländer (inkl. deren Stiftungen und Einrichtungen)

Department for Clinical Neurosciences and Preventive Medicine

Center for Neurosciences

Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems) Univ.-Prof. Dr. Michael Brainin
Project members
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