
The consortium of the proposed project “Development of a Strategic Partnerships for Strengthening of University Ranking Capacities” aims to establish the online platforms specifically tailored for all three partner institutions, designed for collecting and processing the necessary institutional data and generating specific reports for the needs of the university ranking and comparative analysis in the world leading ranking lists. The collection of the key performance indicators at all the partner universities will enable not only the participation in the world ranking lists, but also the improvement of the university management and strategic planning based on the results obtained. Further on, the partnerships proposed in this project will initiate a multicultural approach and innovative institutional cooperation – connecting HEIs from three different countries from wide geographical area at various levels of development in economic, social and political terms, leading to mutual project applications, joint scientific publications, knowledge-transfer between the partners, establishment of joint study programmes etc.


Duration 01/10/2015 - 30/09/2017
Funding Bund (Ministerien)
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems) Univ.-Prof. Dkfm. Dr. habil Attila Pausits
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