
In order for nations to fully meet their socio-economic potential in an increasingly knowledge-driven global system, their citizens must receive appropriate education and training, which need to be aligned with the labour market. Furthermore, as participation in higher education rapidly expands in countries such as Mozambique and South Africa, new models of higher education are needed to ensure that quality, equitable access and sustainable funding are maintained and enhanced, particularly in an era of constrained state budgets. In Europe, dual study programmes have emerged as a successful response to these demands by combining academic learning at HEIs with professional/practical learning that takes place in a working environment. The dual study concept provides an interesting model to strengthen the practical orientation of higher education, establish cooperation between HEIs and their wider environment, produce hard-working students and highly qualified human resources for companies, foster research cooperation and generate third-party funds for HEIs – i.e. strengthen the knowledge triangle. Based on these experiences, there is an identified need and an opportunity to develop and establish an institutional framework and a practical model of dual study programmes in Mozambique and South Africa. Indeed, the government agencies responsible for higher education in both countries, together with a Consortium of HEIs, have indicated a clear desire for European cooperation in the form of a new Erasmus+ structural project. Based on a thorough analysis of both countries’ development strategies, a number of sectors emerge as common priorities. After consultation with ministries and HEIs in the partner countries, we have decided upon the following two sectors. Firstly, extractive industries are a priority for both countries, where minerals, oil and gas are vital to economic growth and key to jobs and development. Secondly, high-level services, especially tourism, present significant opportunities for both countries’ economic development in the future. Any intervention must also be aligned with the regional, national and local development plans. Indeed, both countries highlight the continuing need for the development of human capital as well as increased coordination between institutions (both educational and economic) and the state to promote jobs, inclusive growth and competitiveness. The proposed framework therefore intends to define the legislative and policy aspects at the system level, as well as to define and develop strategic, governance and operational policies, structures and mechanisms at the institutional level in order to produce working prototypes of dual study programmes that can be implemented across the system in the future.


Duration 01/10/2016 - 14/10/2020
Funding EU
Program ERASMUS+

Department for Higher Education Research

Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems) Priv.-Doz. Mag. Dr. David Friedrich James Campbell


Learning and Teaching Tools Fuelling University Relations with Economy in Mozambique and South Africa

Policy seminar on Dual Education in Mozambique and South Africa, 11/09/2017

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