What is LaTFURE?

The Erasmus+ project LaTFURE - Learning and Teaching Tools Fuelling University Relations with Economy in Mozambique and South Africa - aims at providing the systemic and institutional conditions for the establishment of dual studies as an integral part of South Africa's and Mozambique's higher education systems, which will serve to strengthen relations between the higher education systems and their wider economic and social environment.

Who is LaTFURE?

The LaTFURE consortium consists of 16 full partners from Europe (Austria, Germany, Finland) and Africa (South Africa, Mozambique).


Projektzeitraum 01.10.2016 - 14.10.2020
Fördergeber EU
Förderprogramm ERASMUS+

Department für Hochschulforschung

Projekt­verantwortung (Universität für Weiterbildung Krems) Priv.-Doz. Mag. Dr. David Friedrich James Campbell


Learning and Teaching Tools Fuelling University Relations with Economy in Mozambique and South Africa

Policy seminar on Dual Education in Mozambique and South Africa, 11.09.2017

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