
The meniscus is a fibrocartilaginous tissue around the tibial plateau in the knee joint. They mainly serve in adapting 50%-70% of the load by reducing contact pressure in the joint. They also function to provide lubrication thereby reducing friction during movement of the knee joint. Meniscus tears are common injuries either resulting from acute knee injury or from long-standing degenerative processes. Treatment options for meniscal injuries range from nonsurgical interventions such as physical therapy, to surgical interventions including meniscus repair, meniscectomy, meniscus allograft transplantation (MAT) or more recently the use of meniscal scaffolds. In cases where preservation is no longer a viable option, meniscal transplantation with implants or scaffolds is often considered to restore knee biomechanics. The implants or scaffolds distribute the load across the entire contact area when considered to total meniscectomy, and possibly delay the onset of early osteoarthritis (OA). We aim to fabricate extremely controllable 3D architectural scaffolds for an in-depth understanding of meniscus tissue formation through the process of differentiation. The influence of bioprinted scaffolds on extracellular matrix formation is evaluated non-invasively with time-lapsed micro-computed tomography. The co-efficient of friction of the bioprinted scaffolds is evaluated in a cartilage-meniscus tribological system.


Duration 01/01/2022 - 31/12/2024
Funding Bundesländer (inkl. deren Stiftungen und Einrichtungen)

Department for Health Sciences, Medicine and Research

Center for Regenerative Medicine

Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems) Alexander Otahal, PhD MSc
Project members
Dr. Anna-Christina Moser


Moser, Anna-Christina; Fritz, Jennifer; Kesselring, Andreas; Schüssler, Florian; Otahal, Alexander; Nehrer, Stefan (2025). Biomechanical testing of virtual meniscus implants made from a bi-phasic silk fibroin-based hydrogel and polyurethane via finite element analysis. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 162: 106830

Moser, Anna-Christina; Fritz, Jennifer (2023). Meniskusregernation durch 3D-(Bio)Druck. Jatros Orthopädie & Traumatologie Rheumatologie, 2:


Integration von additiver Fertigung und in-silico Simulation: Design und Finite-Element-Analyse von 3D-druckbaren Meniskusimplantaten

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3D bioprinted silk fibroin-based hydrogels for meniscus tissue engineering

6th MuSkITYR symposium, 04/11/2024

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7th ICRS Summit, 27/09/2024

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AGA Denkfabrik, 06/07/2024

Biomechanische in-silico Evaluierung eines 3D gedruckten Meniskus-Implantates mittels Finiter Element Analyse

GOTS, 39. Jahreskongress, 20/06/2024

3D printed shock absorbers for the human knee joint

Pint of Science, 14/05/2024

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OARSI World Congress on Osteoarthritis, 18/04/2024

Enhancing meniscus implant biomechanics: an in-silico analysis through 3D printing

OARSI World Congress on Osteoarthritis, 18/04/2024

Formulation and biomechanical characterisation of a silk fibroin-based bioink for meniscus replacement via bioprinting

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ICCB 2023, 20/09/2023

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17th World Congress ICRS 2023, 10/09/2023

3D-Meniscus-Regeneration: From µCT imaging to 3D printing

17th World Congress ICRS 2023, 09/09/2023

3D-Meniskus-Regeneration: Wie aus µCT Scans ein 3D gedruckter Meniskus werden kann

GOTS 38th annual congress, 15/06/2023

Finite Element Analysis

AGA Denkfabrik, 26/05/2023


M3d+it Conference, 02/12/2022

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Joint KMM-VIN / ViCEM / ESB cross-disciplinary workshop, 22/09/2022

Cartilage derived extracellular matrix incorporated silk fibroin hybrid scaffolds for endochondral ossification mediated bone tissue regeneration

TERMIS EU 2022, 28/06/2022

The potential of mulberry and non-mulberry silk fibroin blends as bioinks for meniscus regeneration by 3D-bioprinting

TERMIS EU 2022, 28/06/2022

The potential of mulberry and non-mulberry silk fibroin blends as bioinks for meniscus regeneration by 3D-bioprinting

Summer school ‘Frontiers in Regenerative Medicine’, 23/05/2022

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