
This study will be conducted in cooperation with the Austrian Telephone Emergency Service and the Viktor Frankl Education Austria to investigate telephone counseling in times of COVID-19. In an online survey, employees of the national telephone counseling organizations "TelefonSeelsorge" are invited to participate in the study and are motivated to participate in the survey. Employees receive a link to the REDCap tool hosted by Danube University and fill in the questions we have implemented in REDCap after giving informed consent. The surveys comprise of socidemographic questions, questions about mental well-being, perceived stress level, resilience, as well as specific topics in telephone counseling. A comparison with a simultaneous survey in the general population enables the comparison of psychological well-being and perceived stress level of the employees of telephone counseling with the general population. Professional challenges in the context of telephone counseling during the COVID-19 pandemic are to be mapped.


Duration 01/12/2020 - 30/11/2021

Department for Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy

Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems) Assoz. Prof. Priv.-Doz.Dr.Dipl.-Ing. Elke Humer, MSc BEd Bakk.


Humer, E.; Pieh, C.; Kisler, I.-M.; Schimböck, W.; Schadenhofer, P. (2022). A longitudinal study on mental well-being, perceived stress level and job-related meaningfulness of Austrian telephone emergency service counselors during the COVID-19 pandemic. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(6): 3166

Humer, E.; Pieh, C.; Probst, T.; Kisler, I.-M.; Schimböck, W.; Schadenhofer, P. (2021). Telephone emergency service 142 (TelefonSeelsorge) during the COVID-19 pandemic: Cross-sectional survey among counselors in Austria. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18: Article 2228

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