Elke Humer

Assoz. Prof. Priv.-Doz.Dipl.-Ing.Dr. Elke Humer, MSc BEd Bakk.

Department for Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy

Projects (Extract Research Database)

Running projects

Mental Health in the Agricultural Profession

Duration: 01/10/2024–31/12/2025
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Elke Humer

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Symptom Burden and Help-Seeking Behavior in the Austrian General Population: From Problem to Psychotherapy in Different Population Groups from a Psychotherapeutic Perspective.

Duration: 01/10/2024–31/12/2025
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Elke Humer

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Mental health in the veterinary profession

Duration: 01/06/2022–31/12/2023
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Elke Humer

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Examination of psychological well-being in the elderly

Duration: 01/03/2022–31/12/2023
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Elke Humer
Funding: Private (Stiftungen, Vereine etc.)

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Psychotherapy and clinical psychology in times of COVID-19

Duration: 01/03/2022–31/12/2023
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Elke Humer

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Completed projects

Telephone counseling in times of COVID-19

Duration: 01/12/2020–30/11/2021
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Elke Humer

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Publications (Extract Research Database)

Felnhofer, A.; Pfannerstill, F.; Gänsler, L.; Kothgasnner, O.D.; Humer, E.; Büttner, J.; Probst, T. (2025). Barriers to adopting therapeutic virtual reality: the perspective of clinical psychologists and psychotherapists. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 16: 1549090

Fuchshuber, J.; Zeldovich, M.; Aranyi, G.; Winter, L.; Kuska, M.; Dumont, D.; Humer, E.; Unterrainer, H.F. (2025). Uncovering the Internal Structure of the German Version of the CORE-OM: A Network Analysis. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy, 32: e70063

Humer, E.; Pieh, C.; Probst, T.; Dinhof, C.; Schaffler, Y.; Zeldovich, M. (2025). Mental health amidst multiple crises: Trends and sociodemographic risk factors in Austria's general population. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 16: 1534994

Pfeifer, E.; Aigner, S.E.; Stolterfoth, C.; Dale, R.; Ostermann, T.; Probst, T., Humer, E. (2025). Music therapists’ perspectives on nature-connecting methods and the integration of nature in music therapy: Results of a survey among German and Austrian music therapists. The Arts in Psychotherapy, 92: 102252

Pieh, C.; Humer, E.; Hoenigl, A.; Schwab, J.; Mayerhofer, D.; Dale, R.; Haider, K. (2025). Smartphone screen time reduction improves mental health: a randomized controlled trial. BMC Medicine, 23: 107

Bach, D.; Humer, E.; Kisler, I.-M. (2025). Sinnschritte Ein logotherapeutisches Mitmachbuch. Parodos - Philosophischer Verlag, Berlin

Aigner, S.E.; Dale, R.; Pfeifer, E.; Probst, T.; Winter, S.; Herburger, B.; Pieh, C.; Humer, E. (2024). Cross-sectional online survey on the perspectives of more than 1100 Austrian therapists on integrating nature in psychotherapy. Counselling and Psychotherapy Research, 00: 12823

Dinhof, C.; Humer, E.; Haider, K.; Rabenstein, R.; Jesser, A.; Pieh, C.; Probst, T.; Gächter, A. (2024). Comprehensive examination of support needs and mental well-being: a mixed-method study of the Austrian general population in times of crisis. Frontiers in Public Health, 12: 1345796

Humer, E.; Kisler, I.-M.; Bach, D.; Schimböck, W.; Pieh, C.; Probst, T. (2024). Effect of a group logotherapeutic program for older adults on mental health indicators. The Journal of Humanistic Counseling, 12216: https://doi.org/10.1002/johc.12216

Humer, E.; Winter, S.; Probst, T.; Pieh, C.; Dale, R.; Brühl, D.; Neubauer, V. (2024). Veterinary medicine under COVID-19: a mixed-methods analysis of student and practitioner experiences in Austria. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 11: 1460269

Jesser, A., Steinböck, A., Pammer, B. Ghorab, T.; Weber, M.; Schaffler, Y.; Probst, T.; Felnhofer, A.; Kothgassner, O.; Pieh, C.; Humer, E. (2024). Burdens and resources of Austrian clinical psychologists: results of a qualitative study two years into the COVID-19 pandemic. BMC Psychology, 12/205: https://doi.org/10.1186/s40359-024-01714-9

Mayerhofer, D.; Haider, K.; Amon, M.; Gächter, A.; O'Rourke, T.; Dale, R.; Humer, E.; Probst, T.; Pieh, C. (2024). The Association between Problematic Smartphone Use and Mental Health in Austrian Adolescents and Young Adults. Healthcare, 12(6): 600

Neubauer, V.; Dale, R.; Probst, T.; Pieh, C.; Janowitz, K.; Brühl, D.; Humer, E. Prevalence of mental health symptoms in Austrian veterinarians and examination of influencing factors (2024). Prevalence of mental health symptoms in Austrian veterinarians and examination of influencing factors. Scientific Reports, 14: 13274

Neubauer, V.; Gächter, A. (geteilte Erstautorinnenschaft); Probst, T.; Brühl, D.; Dale, R.; Pieh, C.; Humer, E. (2024). Stress factors in veterinary medicine—a cross-sectional study among veterinary students and practicing vets in Austria. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 11: 1389042

Santillan-Ramos, P.; Humer, E.; Schaffler, Y.; Pieh, C.; Probst, T.; Felnhofer, A.; Kothgassner, O.; Netzer, I.; Jesser, A. (2024). Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the work of clinical psychologists in Austria: results of a mixed-methods study. Frontiers in Psychology, 15:1302442: https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2024.1302442

Schaffler, Y., Jesser, A., Humer, E., Haider, K., Pieh, C., Probst, T., & Schigl, B. (2024). Process and outcome of outpatient psychotherapies under clinically representative conditions in Austria: protocol and feasibility of an ongoing study. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 15: 10.3389/fpsyt.2024.1264039

Schaffler, Y., Probst, T., Pieh, C.; Haid, B.; Humer, E. (2024). Prevalence of mental health symptoms and potential risk factors among Austrian psychotherapists. Scientific Reports, 14, Article number: 3888: 10.1038/s41598-024-54372-7

Sobotka, M.; Kern, T.; Haider, K.; Dale, R.; Wöhrer, V.; Pieh, C.; Probst, T.; Humer, E.; Jesser, A. (2024). School students' burdens and resources after 2 years of COVID-19 in Austria: a qualitative study using content analysis. Frontiers in Public Health, 12: 1327999

Denkmayr, M.; Werner-Tutschku, C.; Schaffler, Y.; Probst, T.; Humer, E.; Schigl, B. (2024). Erfolgreiche humanistische psychotherapeutische Prozesse: Therapeutische Beziehung und signifikante Aspekte aus Sicht von Patient:innen und Therapeut:innen der Integrativen Therapie. Psychotherapie Forum, 00: 1-7, Springer

Humer, E.; Haider, K.; Mayerhofer, D.; Pieh, C. (2024). Die Auswirkung reduzierter Smartphone-Zeit auf Essstörungssymptome. Österreichische Gesellschaft für Ernährung (ÖGE), Ernährung aktuell, 1: 24, Fachzeitschriftenverlagsgesellschaft mbH, Wien

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Lectures (Extract Research Database)

Gendered Pathways to Psychotherapy: A Comparative Content Analysis of Female and Male Patient Interviews

6th Joint European & UK SPR Chapters Conference, 13/09/2024

Biophilia in times of crisis and in normal times: Philosophical investigations

The 25th Annual Conference of the International Network for Philosophy and Psychiatry, 25/05/2024

Die Auswirkung reduzierter Smartphone-Zeit auf Essstörungssymptome

Österreichische Gesellschaft für Ernährung (ÖGE), Sektion Süd 10. Fachtagung, 18/04/2024

Einflussfaktoren auf die mentale Gesundheit der österreichischen Tierärzt:innen

Fortbildungsveranstaltung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Tierärztinnen und Tierärzte, 04/11/2023

Psychotherapie auf Distanz in Österreich während der Corona-Pandemie

Jour Fixe, Lehranstalt für systemische Familientherapie, 26/01/2022

Psychotherapy in Austria during COVID-19. Results of three online surveys

52nd Annual International Society of Psychotherapy Research Meeting, 26/06/2021

Process and outcome of psychotherapeutic therapies under practical conditions in Austria.

52nd Annual International Society of Psychotherapy Research Meeting, 24/06/2021

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