
Political scientists have identified that the recent rise in anti-democratic discourses and politics in Europe has come linked with a rise in opposition towards women’s and LGBTIQ* rights. I call this link the “anti-democratic/anti-gender nexus”, and argue that we need to explain the exact nature of the link in order to understand the rise and to develop strategies to tackle de-democratization processes. … The project AntiGenderInBiH focuses on Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) as a key case study of how gender and sexuality are governed and framed in the country: one that is post-socialist, post-war, multi-ethnic and multi-religious, and a potential EU accession candidate, that has actively identified the need to promote diversity and equality within its population, but in which opposition particularly to demands of LGBTIQ* activist has been increasing. Working with Professor Roman Kuhar at the University of Ljubljana, a renowned expert in this field, I will pursue two main and connected research objectives. Namely firstly, to analyse the “anti-democratic/anti-gender nexus” empirically in the BiH’s context. By applying a triangulation of methods, including Interpretative Policy Analysis and Critical Frame Analysis, I will analyse policies developed on the national and entities level that target the governance of gender and sexuality issues as well as discourses by the civil society analysing how they frame gender and sexuality. With this I will be able to identify potential (local, national and transnational) anti-democratic/anti-gender frames, policies and networks. Secondly, to conceptualize the “anti-democratic/anti-gender nexus” theoretically based on the gained data and based on a review and critique of existing theoretical explanations. This will impact the scientifical debate as I will provide novel theoretical explanations useful for other scientist in the field, identify the links between anti-gender and anti-democratic discourses and politics and explain the rise of the current “anti-democratic/anti-gender nexus”. This will furthermore be useful for policy and decision makers in BiH and the EU as it can serve as a basis for tackling the problem of increasing attack on equality demands and human rights. This project will thus develop my research and transferable skills in a unique way, combining mobility and the work in an international and interdisciplinary setting at University of Ljubljana.


Duration 17/10/2024 - 16/10/2026
Funding EU

Department for European Policy and the Study of Democracy

Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems) Mag. Dr. Edma Ajanovic
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