Edma Ajanovic

About the person

Edma Ajanovic is a Senior Scientist at the Department for European Policy and the Study of Democracy (on leave). She currently holds a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship at the University of Ljubljana, where she is conducting a project on Anti-Gender and anti-democratic mobilizations in Bosnia and Herzegovina. She has been involved in numerous research projects in which she has focused on de-democratization tendencies in Europe, transformation and democracy processes as well as intersectional racism and gender research.

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Projects (Extract Research Database)

Running projects

Anti-democratic/anti-gender nexus in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Duration: 17/10/2024–16/10/2026
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Edma Ajanovic
Funding: EU

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Completed projects

Digitalizing Youth Politics

Duration: 01/11/2019–31/10/2021
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Edma Ajanovic
Funding: Bundesländer (inkl. deren Stiftungen und Einrichtungen)
Program: FTI Digitalisierung

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Publications (Extract Research Database)

Donat, E.; Mataloni, B.; Ajanovic, E. (2025). Challenges to Inclusive and Sustainable Societies: Exploring the Polarizing Potential of Attitudes Towards Climate Change and Non-Heteronormative Forms of Living in Austria, Italy, Poland, and Sweden. Sustainability, 17 (4): https://doi.org/10.3390/su17041457

Ajanovic, E.; Fritsch, K. (2023). Framing Covid-19 through memes: a way for young people to shape the narrative in Austria. Journal of Youth Studies, Online (first): https://doi.org/10.1080/13676261.2023.2199145

Ajanovic, Edma (2023). Femonationalism, Neoliberal Activation, and Anti-Feminism— The Shifting Discourses on Gender Equality and Women’s Issues in Austria. In: Beck, Dorothee; Habed, Adriano José; Henninger, Annette, Blurring Boundaries – 'Anti-Gender' Ideology Meets Feminist and LGBTIQ+ Discourses: 71-90, Verlag Barbara Budrich, Leverkusen

Ajanovic, E.; Hunklinger, M. (2022). Voting Right? Analyzing Electoral Homonationalism of LGBTIQ* Voters in Austria and Germany. Social Politics: International Studies in Gender, State & Society, 29 (1): 24-49

Fraczek, S.; Lentner, G. M.; Ajanovic, E.; Donat, E.; Lessky, F. (2022). Veranstaltungs- und Ergebnisbericht zum UWK-Bürger_innendialog "Let's talk Europe: Die Zukunft der europäischen Hochschulbildung – wo stehen wir, wo wollen wir hin?", 31.3.2022. Universität für Weiterbildung Krems, Krems

Ajanovic, E.; Fritsch, K.; Zahorka, F. (2021). Digital verbunden Formen politischer Partizipation von Jugendlichen in Niederösterreich. Momentum Quarterly - Zeitschrift für sozialen Fortschritt, 10: 66-84

Mayer, s.; Ajanovic, E.; Sauer, B. (2020). Man, Woman, Family. Gender and the Limited Modernization of Right-Wing Extremism in Austria. In: Dietze, G.; Roth, J., Right-Wing Populism and Gender: 101-116, Transcript, Bielefeld

Ajanovic, E. (2019). Dissense über sexuelle Differenz in Serbien und Kroatien. Eine qualitative Dispositivanalyse postjugoslawischer Massenmedien (2009-2013) und quantitative Sekundärdatenauswertung der European Values Study (2008) zu Homophobie im Westbalkan. Südosteuropa, Band 67 Heft 3: 442-444

Ajanovic, E., Mayer S., Sauer B. (2018). Constructing “the People”: An Intersectional Analysis of Right-Wing Concepts of Democracy and Citizenship in Austria. Journal of Language and Politics, 17 (5): 636-635

Mayer, S., Iztok, Š., Sauer, B., Ajanovic, E. (2018). Mann, Frau, Volk. Familienidylle, Heteronormativität Und Femonationalismus Im Europäischen Rechten Populismus. Feministische Studien, 36 (2): 269-285

Mayer, S.; Ajanovic, E.; Sauer, B. (2018). Geschlecht Als Natur Und Das Ende Der Gleichheit. Rechte Angriffe Auf Gender Als Element Autoritärer Politischer Konzepte. FEMINA POLITICA - Zeitschrift Für Feministische Politikwissenschaft, 27 (1): 47-61

Kuhar, R., Ajanovic E. (2018). Sexuality Online: The Constructions of Right-Wing Populists’ “Internal Others” on the Web. In: Pajnik M., Sauer, B., In Populism and the Web: Communicative Practices of Parties and Movements in Europe: 141-156, Routledge, New York

Mayer, S.; Ajanovic, E.; Sauer, B. (2018). Kampfbegriff “Gender-Ideologie”. Zur Anatomie eines diskursiven Knotens. Das Beispiel Österreich. In: Lang, J., Peters, U., Antifeminismus in Bewegung: aktuelle Debatten um Geschlecht und sexuelle Vielfalt: 37-63, Marta Press, Hamburg

Lectures (Extract Research Database)

Heteronormativität, Maskulinismus und rechte Angriffe auf die Demokratie Diskussion

Diskusstion, 27/05/2024

Queering public space – political graffiti and street art in Vienna

Democracies in Flux, 30/06/2023

Fighting over Gender and Equality in the EU

European Conference on Politics and Gender (ECPG) 2022, 08/07/2022

Kommentar zu Gabriele Dietze's Vortrag "Lockdown: Fürsorge oder Wegsperrung. Nachrichten aus Kulturen der Quarantäne"

Sicher prekär. Queer- und geschlechtertheoretische Beiträge zur Transformation von Kapitalismus und Demokratie, 20/05/2022

Framing Corona – Memes as a form of politicization among youth

Tag der Politikwissenschaft, ÖGPW, 26/11/2021

Anti-Genderism and the Shifting of Discourses in Austria

ECPR Joint Sessions, 21/05/2021

Buchbesprechung "Autoritäre Versuchungen" von Wilhelm Heitmeyer

Politisch-Literarisches Quartett, Strobl, Österreich, 23/10/2019

Claiming public space. Queer-political graffiti and sticker in Vienna

ECPG, Amsterdam, Niederlande, 03/07/2019

100 Jahre Frauenwahlrecht in Österreich

Frauen wählen – wählen Frauen? Donau-Universität Krems, 08/03/2018

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