Edma Ajanovic

About the person

Edma Ajanovic is researcher at the Department of European Politics and course director of the course Political Communication. She is currently leading the research project Digitalizing Youth Politics, in which she and her team analyse possibilities of political participation in context of digitalization processes. In particular, the project examines opportunities and obstacles for the political participation of young people. Her research also focuses on current de-democratization tendencies in Europe, post-socialist transformation processes, and intersectional racism and gender studies.

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Projects (Extract Research Database)

Running projects

Anti-democratic/anti-gender nexus in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Duration: 17/10/2024–16/10/2026
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Edma Ajanovic
Funding: EU

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Completed projects

Digitalizing Youth Politics

Duration: 01/11/2019–31/10/2021
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Edma Ajanovic
Funding: Bundesländer (inkl. deren Stiftungen und Einrichtungen)
Program: FTI Digitalisierung

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Publications (Extract Research Database)

Ajanovic, E.; Fritsch, K. (2023). Framing Covid-19 through memes: a way for young people to shape the narrative in Austria. Journal of Youth Studies, Online (first): https://doi.org/10.1080/13676261.2023.2199145

Ajanovic, Edma (2023). Femonationalism, Neoliberal Activation, and Anti-Feminism— The Shifting Discourses on Gender Equality and Women’s Issues in Austria. In: Beck, Dorothee; Habed, Adriano José; Henninger, Annette, Blurring Boundaries – 'Anti-Gender' Ideology Meets Feminist and LGBTIQ+ Discourses: 71-90, Verlag Barbara Budrich, Leverkusen

Ajanovic, E.; Hunklinger, M. (2022). Voting Right? Analyzing Electoral Homonationalism of LGBTIQ* Voters in Austria and Germany. Social Politics: International Studies in Gender, State & Society, 29 (1): 24-49

Fraczek, S.; Lentner, G. M.; Ajanovic, E.; Donat, E.; Lessky, F. (2022). Veranstaltungs- und Ergebnisbericht zum UWK-Bürger_innendialog "Let's talk Europe: Die Zukunft der europäischen Hochschulbildung – wo stehen wir, wo wollen wir hin?", 31.3.2022. Universität für Weiterbildung Krems, Krems

Ajanovic, E.; Fritsch, K.; Zahorka, F. (2021). Digital verbunden Formen politischer Partizipation von Jugendlichen in Niederösterreich. Momentum Quarterly - Zeitschrift für sozialen Fortschritt, 10: 66-84

Mayer, s.; Ajanovic, E.; Sauer, B. (2020). Man, Woman, Family. Gender and the Limited Modernization of Right-Wing Extremism in Austria. In: Dietze, G.; Roth, J., Right-Wing Populism and Gender: 101-116, Transcript, Bielefeld

Ajanovic, E. (2019). Dissense über sexuelle Differenz in Serbien und Kroatien. Eine qualitative Dispositivanalyse postjugoslawischer Massenmedien (2009-2013) und quantitative Sekundärdatenauswertung der European Values Study (2008) zu Homophobie im Westbalkan. Südosteuropa, Band 67 Heft 3: 442-444

Ajanovic, E., Mayer S., Sauer B. (2018). Constructing “the People”: An Intersectional Analysis of Right-Wing Concepts of Democracy and Citizenship in Austria. Journal of Language and Politics, 17 (5): 636-635

Mayer, S., Iztok, Š., Sauer, B., Ajanovic, E. (2018). Mann, Frau, Volk. Familienidylle, Heteronormativität Und Femonationalismus Im Europäischen Rechten Populismus. Feministische Studien, 36 (2): 269-285

Mayer, S.; Ajanovic, E.; Sauer, B. (2018). Geschlecht Als Natur Und Das Ende Der Gleichheit. Rechte Angriffe Auf Gender Als Element Autoritärer Politischer Konzepte. FEMINA POLITICA - Zeitschrift Für Feministische Politikwissenschaft, 27 (1): 47-61

Kuhar, R., Ajanovic E. (2018). Sexuality Online: The Constructions of Right-Wing Populists’ “Internal Others” on the Web. In: Pajnik M., Sauer, B., In Populism and the Web: Communicative Practices of Parties and Movements in Europe: 141-156, Routledge, New York

Mayer, S.; Ajanovic, E.; Sauer, B. (2018). Kampfbegriff “Gender-Ideologie”. Zur Anatomie eines diskursiven Knotens. Das Beispiel Österreich. In: Lang, J., Peters, U., Antifeminismus in Bewegung: aktuelle Debatten um Geschlecht und sexuelle Vielfalt: 37-63, Marta Press, Hamburg

Lectures (Extract Research Database)

Queering public space – political graffiti and street art in Vienna

Democracies in Flux, 30/06/2023

Fighting over Gender and Equality in the EU

European Conference on Politics and Gender (ECPG) 2022, 08/07/2022

Kommentar zu Gabriele Dietze's Vortrag "Lockdown: Fürsorge oder Wegsperrung. Nachrichten aus Kulturen der Quarantäne"

Sicher prekär. Queer- und geschlechtertheoretische Beiträge zur Transformation von Kapitalismus und Demokratie, 20/05/2022

Framing Corona – Memes as a form of politicization among youth

Tag der Politikwissenschaft, ÖGPW, 26/11/2021

Anti-Genderism and the Shifting of Discourses in Austria

ECPR Joint Sessions, 21/05/2021

Buchbesprechung "Autoritäre Versuchungen" von Wilhelm Heitmeyer

Politisch-Literarisches Quartett, Strobl, Österreich, 23/10/2019

Claiming public space. Queer-political graffiti and sticker in Vienna

ECPG, Amsterdam, Niederlande, 03/07/2019

100 Jahre Frauenwahlrecht in Österreich

Frauen wählen – wählen Frauen? Donau-Universität Krems, 08/03/2018

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