• Graduation


  • ECTS-Points


  • Learning format

    Blended learning

  • Start

    Winter semester 2024/25

  • Admission requirements

    According to curriculum

  • Language


  • Curriculum

    Subject to Senate approval

In the age of digitalisation, the ability to use and manage artificial intelligence (AI) effectively has become a decisive competitive advantage for organisations. The ‘AI Management’ certificate programme prepares participants to successfully master this challenge and offers a comprehensive introduction to the theoretical foundations of AI as well as the framework conditions for responsible use of the technology and the application of various AI tools in an organisational context. Building on this, you will learn skills and competencies for the effective and efficient implementation and use of AI, the management of AI projects in organisations and the sustainable anchoring of AI in organisational strategies and processes.

This CP focusses on AI management, while the CP AI Service Design focuses on product development and the CP Generative AI on technical implementation.

By far the greatest danger of artificial intelligence is that people come to the conclusion too early that they understand it.

Eliezer Yudkowsky

Co-Founder und Research Fellow am Machine Intelligence Research Institute

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