Learning format
1 semester, part time
Summer semester 2025
EUR 1.100,--
Admission requirements
According to curriculum

The module “Transdisciplinary Solution Skills” provides you with the necessary skills and tools to use agile methods and transdisciplinary approaches specifically for the development of innovative solutions. Transdisciplinarity here means close cooperation not only between different scientific disciplines, but also with practitioners and other experts from different fields of application. This diversity of perspectives makes it possible to develop more comprehensive and innovative solutions to complex challenges that are tailored to specific problems.
A special focus is placed on the concept of design thinking. Design thinking is a structured method that enables the development of user-centered and innovative solutions and serves as a toolkit, mindset and process. As part of the module, you will benefit from working with other experts from various disciplines and develop practical solutions to problems from your own professional environment.
In einer sich schnell verändernden Welt sind agile Ansätze gefragt, um die Herausforderungen der Zukunft erfolgreich zu meistern. Der Zertifikatslehrgang vermittelt praxisnahe Methoden wie Design Thinking, die Sie befähigen, kreative Lösungen für komplexe Probleme zu entwickeln. Begleitet durch das Transdisziplinäre Innovationsnetzwerk Niederösterreich (ti:n) profitieren Sie von ausgewiesener Expertise in Innovationsprozessen.
Univ. Prof. Dr. Peter Parycek
Head of the Department
Further Information only in German
This program is only available in German language.