The GovLabAustria creates an experimental space far from traditional bureaucracy to serve as a think tank fueling cross-organizational development and testing innovative processes and technologies in the public sector. The innovation laboratory, which is operated in cooperation with the Federal Ministry of Public Service and Sport (BMöDS), aims to create the greatest possible benefit for society.
In May 2016, the GovLabAustria commenced its research and experimentation activities. Scientists from the Departments for E-Governance in Business and Administration and the Department for Knowledge and Communication Management of the Danube University Krems as well as experts from the Federal Ministry of Public Service and Sport (BMöDS) work within the laboratory.
Approach to solve pivotal challenges
The GovLabAustria facilitates to develop cross-organizational approaches in order to find solutions in a scientific-practical context providing an open experimental space and to address crucial challenges of the public sector. The main objectives of GovLabAustria are to observe projects in the public sector on an international level, to implement prototypes of projects and to multiply the resulting knowledge through training and further education measures. To achieve these goals, close cooperation and networking with as many stakeholders as possible is necessary.
Further Information
Danube University Krems
Federal Ministry of Public Service and Sport
Mag. Ursula Rosenbichler
Head Dept. 9 Federal impact monitoring agency, results-oriented management, Administrative innovation; Section III, Federal Ministry of Public Service and Sport