
Research / topics

  • Sustainability-oriented Innovation Systems/-Processes
  • Organizational and regional Innovation Systems
  • Organizational Communication

Scientific (Co-) Lead/Founder of Transdisciplinarity Laboratories

Current lectures

  • applied innovation processes

Projects (Extract Research Database)

Completed projects

Global Phosphate Data and Knowledge Hub (P-DaKH)

Duration: 01/09/2022–31/10/2023
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Gerald Steiner
Funding: Sonstige

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A framework of organizational improvisation

Duration: 02/09/2019–31/12/2022
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Lukas Zenk
Funding: FFG
Program: bridge

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MIGRANT DIGITAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP: Migrants’ startups as drivers for innovative regional development

Duration: 01/02/2019–31/12/2022
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Gerald Steiner
Funding: Bundesländer (inkl. deren Stiftungen und Einrichtungen)
Program: nfb

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Evidence-based policymaking using agent based modelling

Duration: 01/10/2020–31/03/2022
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Thomas Lampoltshammer
Funding: EU

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Learning and Innovation Spaces for Continuing Education

Duration: 01/02/2019–31/01/2021
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Christina Ipser
Funding: Sonstige

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Duration: 01/02/2017–31/07/2020
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Lukas Zenk
Funding: FFG
Program: bridge

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Rebound Effects of Digital Environments

Duration: 20/03/2017–31/03/2019
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Roland W. Scholz
Funding: Bund (Ministerien)

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Interdisziplinäre Forschungsgruppe "Gesundheit, Mobilität und Globalisierung"

Duration: 01/01/2017–31/12/2018
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Anna Malek
Funding: Sonstige

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Wissenschaft im Wandel - Pre-Conference zu der Tagung "Wachstum im Wandel"

Duration: 01/11/2017–31/12/2018
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Gerald Steiner
Funding: Bund (Ministerien)

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Publications (Extract Research Database)

Haneklaus, N.; Kaggwa, M.;Misihairabgwi, J.; Abu El-Magd, Sch.; Ahmadi, N.; Ait Brahim, J.; Amasi, A.; Balláné Kovács, A.; Bartela, L.; Bellefqih, H.; Beniazza, R; Bernas, J.; Bilal, E.;Bituh, T.; Chernysh, Y.; Chubur, V.; Ciric, J.; Dolezal, C.; Figulová, A.; Filipi, J.; Glavan, G.; Guzsvinecz, T.; Horváth, L.; Josimovski, S.; Kiselicki, M.; Lazarus, M.; Kazazic, M.; omlósi, I.; Maged, A.; Mashif (2025). The phosphorus negotiation game (P-Game): frst evaluation of a serious game to support science-policy decision making played in more than 20 countries worldwide. Discover Sustainability, Volume 6: article number 1

Scholz, R.W.; Wellmer, F.-W.; Mew, M.; Steiner, G. (2025). The dynamics of increasing mineral resources and improving resource efficiency: Prospects for mid- and long-term security of phosphorus supply. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, Volume 213: 1 - 13

Scholz, R.W.; Wellmer, F.-W.; Mew, M.; Steiner, G. (2025). The Phosphorus Factbook: A Framework for Mid- and Long-Term Supply Security. Springer, Heidelberg

Asadi, I.; Ji, G.; Steiner, G.; Baghban, M.H. (2025). The Effect of Phase Change Materials (PCM) on the Thermophysical Properties of Cement Mortar. In: The 1st International Conference on Net-Zero Built Environment: 437–447, Springer, online

Asadi, I.; Ji, G.; Steiner, G.; Hajmohammadian Baghban, M.; (2024). Impact of Microencapsulated Phase Change Materials (PCMs) on the Thermal and Mechanical Performance of Cement Mortar. Developments in the Built Environment, 100594:

Haneklaus N.H.; Mwalongo D.A.; Lisuma J.B.; Amasi A.I.; Mwimanzi J.; Bituh T.; Ciric J.; Nowak J.; Ryszko U.; Rusek P; Maged A; Bilal Essaid; Belefqih H.; Qamouche K.; Brahim J.A.; Beniazza R.; Mazouz H.; Van der Merwe E.M.; Truter W; Kyomuhimbo H.D.; Brink H.; Steiner G.; Bertau M.; Soni R.S.; Patwardhan A.W.; Ghosh P.K.; Kivevele T.T.; Mtei K.M.; Waclawek St. (2024). Rare earth elements and uranium in Minjingu phosphate fertilizer products: Plant food for thought. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 207: 107694

Steiner, G.; Laubichler M.D.; Bertau M.; Zenk L.; Weitzer J.; Han E.; Birmann B.M.; Lienhard D.Z.; Caniglia G.; Schernhammer E. (2024). Navigating through poly-crises towards One Health: Mirage or tangible prospect? Insights from the Transatlantic Research Lab on Complex Societal Challenges. GAIA - Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society, Vol. 3 Number 1: 202-203

Zenk L.; Pausits A.; Brenner B.; Campell D.F.; Behrens D.A. Stöckler E.M.; Oppl St.; Steiner G. (2024). Meta-competences in complex environments: An interdisciplinary perspective. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 53: 101515

Bertau, M.; Wellmer, F.-W.; Scholz, R. W.; Mew, M.; Zenk, L.; Aubel, I.; Fröhlich, P.; Raddant, M.; Steiner, G. (2024). The Future of Phosphoric Acid Production – Why We Have to Leave Trodden Paths. ChemSusChem, Volume 17, Issue 22:, Chemistry Europe

Han E.; Weitzer J.; Birmann B.M.; Bertau M.; Zenk L.; Caniglia G.; Laubichler M.D.; Schernhammer E.S.; Steiner G. (2024). Association of personality traits and socio-environmental factors with COVID-19 pandemic-related conspiratorial thinking in the D-A-CH region. SN Social Sciences, Vol. 4: 41, Springer Nature

Satalkina, L.; Mühlmann, K.; Pietrzykowski, M.; Steiner, G. (2024). Empowering future innovators and entrepreneurs by transdisciplinary knowledge integration: universities’ role in building competences for navigating poly-crises. Cogent Education, Volume 11, Number 1:, Taylor & Francis online

Strohmaier, S.; Pillai, M.; Weitzer, J.; Han, E.; Zenk, L.; Birmann, B.M.; Bertau, M.; Caniglia, G.; Laubichler, M.D.; Steiner, G.; Schernhammer, E.S. B.M.; Bertau, M.; Caniglia, G.; Laubichler, M.D.; Steiner, G.; et al.. (2024). The Relationship between Big Five Personality Traits & Depression in the German-Speaking D-A-CH Region Including an Investigation of Potential Moderators and Mediators. European Journal of Investigation in Health, Psychology and Education, Volume 14, Issue 8: 2157 - 2174, MDPI

Bertau M.; Steiner G. (2023). Can the chemical industry solve the climate change?On the role of human energy production, renewable energies, and the potential of chemistry as a solution provider. Chemie Ingenieur Technik, Vol. 95 Issue 11:

Geissler B.; Steiner G.; Haneklaus N.; Mew M. (2023). Phosphate price peaks and negotiations – Part 1: Fundamentals and the 1975 peak. Resources Policy, 83; 103587:

Mew M.; Steiner G.; Haneklaus N.; Geissler B. (2023). Phosphate price peaks and negotiations – Part 2: The 2008 peak and implications for the future. Resources Policy, 83, 103588:

Schernhammer E.S.; Weitzer J.; Han E.; Bertau M.; Zenk L.; Caniglia G.; Laubichler M.D.; Birmann B.M.; Steiner G. (2023). Determinants of trust in times of crises: A cross-sectional study of 3,065 German-speaking adults from the D-A-CH region. Plos One, 10/2023:

Scholz R.W.; Steiner G. (2023). Process ownership in science–practice collaborations: the special role of transdisciplinary processes in sustainable transitioning. Sustainability Science, 18 Issue 1: 1-18

Steffelbauer I.; Laubichler, M.D.; Zenk, L.; Schernhammer, E.; Birmann, B.M.; Bertau, M.; Caniglia, G.; Mühlmann K.; Satalkina, L.; Steiner, G. (2023). Complexity Literacy for a Sustainable Digital Transition: Cases and Arguments from Transdisciplinary Education Programs. In: IGI Global, Digitalization, New Media, and Education for Sustainable Development:, IGI Global, IGI Global

Steffelbauer, I.; Zenk, L.; Weitzer, J.; Bertau, M.; Jäger C.; Caniglia, G.; Laubichler M.D.; Schernhammer, E.S.; Steiner, G. (2023). Working on COVID-19 under COVID-19 Conditions: Transatlantic, Interdisciplinary Research on Complex Societal Challenges during the Pandemic Years 2020–2021 and New Forms of Collaboration in Science. In: Christina Hainzl, Doris Dialer, Hannah Kuske, Gesundheitspolitik und Gesellschaft in der COVID-19-Krise. Eine globale Herausforderung: 333-345, LIT VERLAG GmbH & Co. KG, Wien

Mühlmann, K.; Satalkina L.; Steiner, G. (2023). Dealing with complexity and digitalization from a modern communication perspecitve: How universities can become centres for empowerment. In: Fostering digital skills and competencies in higher education: 29 -30, Bugucki Wydawinctwo Naukowe, Polen

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Lectures (Extract Research Database)

Transdisciplinarity Methods in Real-World Application: Current & Future Cases from Poly-Crisis to One Health

2nd Global Transdisciplinarity Conference Program, 27/06/2024

Informal expert meeting and dialogue on nutrients including Nitrogen and Phosphorus

WORKING GROUP MEETING Fifth meeting of the UNEP Working Group on Nitrogen, 09/01/2024

Resilient Phosphorus Supply and Sustainable Phosphorus Use

P-DaKH Transdisciplinarity Forum, 18/10/2023

Transdisciplinarity and sustainable development

Nachhaltigkeitstag der Universität für Weiterbildung Krems, 05/10/2023

Dealing with International Complex Societal Challenges and Poly-Crises: Science Diplomacy – Quo Vadis?


Paneldiscussion: Does the Educational System Prepare Sufficienty for Complex Challenges of the Future (Bereitet das Bildungssystem ausreichend auf die komplexen Herausforderungen der Zukunft vor?)

Österreichischer Wissenschaftstag 2022, Österreichische Forschungsgemeinschaft (ÖFG): Wissen-Kompetenzen-Bildung. Universitäre Bildungsideale im Wande, 21/10/2022

Global Phosphorus Availability from a Dynamic and Innovation-based Perspective: How to Manage Information and Knowledge Responsibly?

19th International Plant Nutrition Colloquium (IPNC), 26/08/2022

Status and Challenges of Phosphorus Reserves for Agriculture: a matter of quantity and quality

UN-FAO - Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations. Global Symposium on Soils for Nutrition - Soils, where food begins. Virtual Event, 29/07/2022

System boundaries and -interrelations: the case of mineral resources and reserves

4th Real Estate Future Day 2021, dimensions of sustainability – from large to small scale and vice versa. Danube University, 14/10/2021

Digitale Transformation – versteckte Risiken und Chancen. Identifikation unbeabsichtigter positiver und negativer Auswirkungen

StEP-Up Best Practice-Conference, 29/09/2021

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