Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Gerald Steiner
- gerald.steiner@donau-uni.ac.at
- +43 2732 893-2313
- +43 664 83 40 019
- Zum Kontaktformular
- Campus Krems, Trakt L, 2. Stock, 2.111
- Universität für Weiterbildung Krems
- Fakultät für Wirtschaft und Globalisierung
- Dr.-Karl-Dorrek-Straße 30
- 3500 Krems
- Österreich
- Sustainability-oriented Innovation Systems/-Processes
- Organizational and regional Innovation Systems
- Organizational Communication
Scientific (Co-) Lead/Founder of Transdisciplinarity Laboratories
- Sustainable Mineral Resources
- Sustainable Digital Enviroments
- Transatlantic Research Lab on Complex Societal Challenges
- Biodiversity-Hub Austria
- applied innovation processes
Projekte (Auszug Forschungsdatenbank)
Laufende Projekte
Global Phosphate Data and Knowledge Hub
Projektzeitraum: 01.09.2022–31.10.2023
Projektverantwortung (Universität für Weiterbildung Krems): Gerald Steiner
Fördergeber: Sonstige
Abgeschlossene Projekte
Ein Framework der Organisationalen Improvisation
Projektzeitraum: 02.09.2019–31.12.2022
Projektverantwortung (Universität für Weiterbildung Krems): Lukas Zenk
Fördergeber: FFG
Förderprogramm: bridge
Migrant Digital Entrepreneurship: Migrant´s startups as drivers for innovative regional development
Projektzeitraum: 01.02.2019–31.12.2022
Projektverantwortung (Universität für Weiterbildung Krems): Gerald Steiner
Fördergeber: Bundesländer (inkl. deren Stiftungen und Einrichtungen)
Förderprogramm: nfb
Evidence-based policymaking using agent based modelling
Projektzeitraum: 01.10.2020–31.03.2022
Projektverantwortung (Universität für Weiterbildung Krems): Thomas Lampoltshammer
Fördergeber: EU
Learning and Innovation Spaces for Continuing Education
Projektzeitraum: 01.02.2019–31.01.2021
Projektverantwortung (Universität für Weiterbildung Krems): Christina Ipser
Fördergeber: Sonstige
Projektzeitraum: 01.02.2017–31.07.2020
Projektverantwortung (Universität für Weiterbildung Krems): Lukas Zenk
Fördergeber: FFG
Förderprogramm: bridge
Rebound Effects of Digital Environments
Projektzeitraum: 20.03.2017–31.03.2019
Projektverantwortung (Universität für Weiterbildung Krems): Roland W. Scholz
Fördergeber: Bund (Ministerien)
Interdisziplinäre Forschungsgruppe "Gesundheit, Mobilität und Globalisierung"
Projektzeitraum: 01.01.2017–31.12.2018
Projektverantwortung (Universität für Weiterbildung Krems): Anna Malek
Fördergeber: Sonstige
Wissenschaft im Wandel - Pre-Conference zu der Tagung "Wachstum im Wandel"
Projektzeitraum: 01.11.2017–31.12.2018
Projektverantwortung (Universität für Weiterbildung Krems): Gerald Steiner
Fördergeber: Bund (Ministerien)
Publikationen (Auszug Forschungsdatenbank)
Han E.; Weitzer J.; Birmann B.M.; Bertau M.; Zenk L.; Caniglia G.; Laubichler M.D.; Schernhammer E.S.; Steiner G. (2024). Association of personality traits and socio-environmental factors with COVID-19 pandemic-related conspiratorial thinking in the D-A-CH region. SN Social Sciences, Vol. 4: 41
Haneklaus N.H.; Mwalongo D.A.; Lisuma J.B.; Amasi A.I.; Mwimanzi J.; Bituh T.; Ciric J.; Nowak J.; Ryszko U.; Rusek P; Maged A; Bilal Essaid; Belefqih H.; Qamouche K.; Brahim J.A.; Beniazza R.; Mazouz H.; Van der Merwe E.M.; Truter W; Kyomuhimbo H.D.; Brink H.; Steiner G.; Bertau M.; Soni R.S.; Patwardhan A.W.; Ghosh P.K.; Kivevele T.T.; Mtei K.M.; Waclawek St. (2024). Rare earth elements and uranium in Minjingu phosphate fertilizer products: Plant food for thought. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 207: 107694
Steiner, G.; Laubichler M.D.; Bertau M.; Zenk L.; Weitzer J.; Han E.; Birmann B.M.; Lienhard D.Z.; Caniglia G.; Schernhammer E. (2024). Navigating through poly-crises towards One Health: Mirage or tangible prospect? Insights from the Transatlantic Research Lab on Complex Societal Challenges. GAIA - Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society, Vol. 3 Number 1: 202-203
Zenk L.; Pausits A.; Brenner B.; Campell D.F.; Behrens D.A. Stöckler E.M.; Oppl St.; Steiner G. (2024). Meta-competences in complex environments: An interdisciplinary perspective. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 53: 101515
Strohmaier, S.; Pillai, M.; Weitzer, J.; Han, E.; Zenk, L.; Birmann, B.M.; Bertau, M.; Caniglia, G.; Laubichler, M.D.; Steiner, G.; Schernhammer, E.S. B.M.; Bertau, M.; Caniglia, G.; Laubichler, M.D.; Steiner, G.; et al.. (2024). The Relationship between Big Five Personality Traits & Depression in the German-Speaking D-A-CH Region Including an Investigation of Potential Moderators and Mediators. European Journal of Investigation in Health, Psychology and Education, Volume 14, Issue 8: 2157 - 2174, MDPI
Bertau M.; Steiner G. (2023). Can the chemical industry solve the climate change?On the role of human energy production, renewable energies, and the potential of chemistry as a solution provider. Chemie Ingenieur Technik, Vol. 95 Issue 11: https://doi.org/10.1002/cite.202300158
Geissler B.; Steiner G.; Haneklaus N.; Mew M. (2023). Phosphate price peaks and negotiations – Part 1: Fundamentals and the 1975 peak. Resources Policy, 83; 103587: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.resourpol.2023.103587
Mew M.; Steiner G.; Haneklaus N.; Geissler B. (2023). Phosphate price peaks and negotiations – Part 2: The 2008 peak and implications for the future. Resources Policy, 83, 103588: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.resourpol.2023.103588
Schernhammer E.S.; Weitzer J.; Han E.; Bertau M.; Zenk L.; Caniglia G.; Laubichler M.D.; Birmann B.M.; Steiner G. (2023). Determinants of trust in times of crises: A cross-sectional study of 3,065 German-speaking adults from the D-A-CH region. Plos One, 10/2023: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0286488
Scholz R.W.; Steiner G. (2023). Process ownership in science–practice collaborations: the special role of transdisciplinary processes in sustainable transitioning. Sustainability Science, 18 Issue 1: 1-18
Steffelbauer I.; Laubichler, M.D.; Zenk, L.; Schernhammer, E.; Birmann, B.M.; Bertau, M.; Caniglia, G.; Mühlmann K.; Satalkina, L.; Steiner, G. (2023). Complexity Literacy for a Sustainable Digital Transition: Cases and Arguments from Transdisciplinary Education Programs. In: IGI Global, Digitalization, New Media, and Education for Sustainable Development: https://doi.org/10.4018/978-1-7998-5033-5, IGI Global, IGI Global
Steffelbauer, I.; Zenk, L.; Weitzer, J.; Bertau, M.; Jäger C.; Caniglia, G.; Laubichler M.D.; Schernhammer, E.S.; Steiner, G. (2023). Working on COVID-19 under COVID-19 Conditions: Transatlantic, Interdisciplinary Research on Complex Societal Challenges during the Pandemic Years 2020–2021 and New Forms of Collaboration in Science. In: Christina Hainzl, Doris Dialer, Hannah Kuske, Gesundheitspolitik und Gesellschaft in der COVID-19-Krise. Eine globale Herausforderung: 333-345, LIT VERLAG GmbH & Co. KG, Wien
Raddant M.; Bertau M.; Steiner G. (2023). The use of trade data in the analysis of global phosphate flows.
Steiner, G.; Scholz, R.; Satalkina, L.; Schreder, G.; Zenk, L. (2023). Transdisciplinary Field Research Training: Vulnerability/resilience assessment of sensitive systems/cases. Broschüre für TISE Lehrprojekt
Bates, R.; Brenner, B.; Schmid, E.; Steiner, G.; Vogel, S. (2022). Towards meta–competences in higher education for tackling complex real–world problems – a cross disciplinary review. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, 1: 290-308
Satalkina, L.; Steiner G.; (2022). Social Innovation: A Retrospective Perspective. Minerva, 60: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11024-022-09471-y
Satalkina, L.; Zenk, L.; Steiner, G. (2022). Transdisciplinary multistage system modeling: migrant entrepreneurship in the digital economy. Kybernetes, 51(13): 219–240
Scholz R.W.; Steiner G. (2022). The role of transdisciplinarity for mineral economics and mineral resource management: coping with fallacies related to phosphorus in science and practice. Mineral Economics, 35, Issue 2: https://doi.org/10.1007/s13563-022-00331-5
Mühlmann, K.; Satalkina, L.; Zenk, L.; Steiner, G. (2022). Transition, Innovation and Sustainability Environments, TISE: A Showcase of Education Geared Towards Societal Challenges and Future Orientation. In: M. E. Auer, H. Hortsch, O. Michler, & T. Köhler (Eds.), Mobility for Smart Cities and Regional Development—Challenges for Higher Education: 879–887, Springer International Publishing, Springer, Cham
Satalkina, L.; Zenk, L.; Mühlmann, K.; Steiner, G. (2022). Beyond Simple: Entrepreneurship as a Driver for Societal Change. In: M. E. Auer, H. Hortsch, O. Michler, & T. Köhler (Eds.), Mobility for Smart Cities and Regional Development—Challenges for Higher Education: 888–896, Springer International Publishing, Springer, Cham
Vorträge (Auszug Forschungsdatenbank)
Transdisciplinarity Methods in Real-World Application: Current & Future Cases from Poly-Crisis to One Health
2nd Global Transdisciplinarity Conference Program, 27.06.2024
Informal expert meeting and dialogue on nutrients including Nitrogen and Phosphorus
WORKING GROUP MEETING Fifth meeting of the UNEP Working Group on Nitrogen, 09.01.2024
Resilient Phosphorus Supply and Sustainable Phosphorus Use
P-DaKH Transdisciplinarity Forum, 18.10.2023
Transdisciplinarity and sustainable development
Nachhaltigkeitstag der Universität für Weiterbildung Krems, 05.10.2023
Dealing with International Complex Societal Challenges and Poly-Crises: Science Diplomacy – Quo Vadis?
Paneldiscussion: Does the Educational System Prepare Sufficienty for Complex Challenges of the Future (Bereitet das Bildungssystem ausreichend auf die komplexen Herausforderungen der Zukunft vor?)
Österreichischer Wissenschaftstag 2022, Österreichische Forschungsgemeinschaft (ÖFG): Wissen-Kompetenzen-Bildung. Universitäre Bildungsideale im Wande, 21.10.2022
Global Phosphorus Availability from a Dynamic and Innovation-based Perspective: How to Manage Information and Knowledge Responsibly?
19th International Plant Nutrition Colloquium (IPNC), 26.08.2022
Status and Challenges of Phosphorus Reserves for Agriculture: a matter of quantity and quality
UN-FAO - Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations. Global Symposium on Soils for Nutrition - Soils, where food begins. Virtual Event, 29.07.2022
System boundaries and -interrelations: the case of mineral resources and reserves
4th Real Estate Future Day 2021, dimensions of sustainability – from large to small scale and vice versa. Danube University, 14.10.2021
Digitale Transformation – versteckte Risiken und Chancen. Identifikation unbeabsichtigter positiver und negativer Auswirkungen
StEP-Up Best Practice-Conference, 29.09.2021
Beyond Simple: Entrepreneurship as a Driver for Societal Change
24th International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning & 50th IGIP International Conference on Engineering Pedagogy, 22-24.09.2021, 23.09.2021
Transition, Innovation and Sustainability Environments, TISE: A showcase of education geared towards societal challenges and future orientation
24th International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning & 50th IGIP International Conference on Engineering Pedagogy, 22-24.09.2021, 23.09.2021
Reflections on the need for transdisciplinary research and the measurement of its effectiveness
AG Impact of the Alliance of Sustainable Universities in Austria, 14.06.2021
Corporate Social Empowerment (CSE) - Towards new forms of corporate-societal collaboration for enhanced adaptive capacities and sustainable transformations in the 21st century
16th International Conference Social Responsibility and Current Challenges 2014–Challenges and opportunities of digitalisation for sustainable future, 10.06.2021
Transdisciplinary education & research: possibilities for cooperation
Centre for Social Innovation, 21.01.2021
Why the future needs more Td research and -universities: Theories, competences, and cases from the field
KLI Colloquia, 14.01.2021
NORM management at the former Prydniprovsky Chemical Plant in Ukraine
International Conference on the Management of Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials (NORM) in Industry, 19.10.2020
Collaboration in the era of recession, Coronavirus and instability
Growing Europe Conference, Boosting Migrant Entrepreneurship Networks, 24.09.2020
Digital entrepreneurship as an element within the complex societal transitions – impact on future sustainable development
15th IRDO International Science and Business Conference online, 04.06.2020
Competences for Dealing Innovatively with Complex Societal Challenges: Why in Future there will be an extended need for transdisciplinary Universities!
Danube Rectors’ Conference (DRC) 2019, ‘Consolidating the Role of Universities in Innovation Ecosystems: Challenges & Future Developments, 07.11.2019