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University for Continuing Education Krems
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University Professor of Organisation Communication and Innovation - Faculty of Business and Globalisation
Assistant Professor for Innovation and Network Research - Department for Knowledge and Communication Management
Innovation Management
The Center for Intellectual Property, Media- and Innovation Law and its European partners are organizing a conference in Krems on the chances and risks of using Artificial Intelligence and Data
Austrian and international guest lecturers from science and practice to share their know-how on entrepreneurship and innovation
Forschungsprojekte zur öffentlichen Verwaltung im Fokus - Veranstaltung der Innovationsplattform GovLabAustria
The GovLabAustria - a cooperation between the Danube University Krems and the Federal Ministry of Public Service and Sport - serves as a think tank for the cross-organizational development and testing of innovative processes and technologies in the public sector.
The University for Continuing Education Krems engages in innovation networks and holds various events shaped in different ways for the transfer of knowledge.
The PhD programs at the University for Continuing Education Krems are accredited by AQ Austria. The structure follows the approach of scientific excellence in research, and students take part in third-party funded research projects. Learn more!
In the wake of major societal challenges - demographic change, global health issues, digital transformation, climate change or energy security - it is essential to ensure societal solidarity while continuing development and renewal. The University for Continuing Education Krems meets these challenges by conducting transdisciplinary research and makes contributions of high societal relevance.