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The current issue of FEUERwehrOBJEKTIV is dedicated to the protection of cultural property and disaster relief.
Study and Continuing Education Pogram of the ZKGS - Start your continuing education in the field of Cultural Property Protection now!
In 2024, the Center for Cultural Property Protection, with the support of UNESCO, celebrates the 70th anniversary of the 1954 Hague Convention
Help us gain valuable insights and win attractive prizes!
International Conference at the National Defence Academy: Military Strategies for the Protection of Cultural Property in Armed Conflict
Anniversary edition of the lecture series 'Spotlight Cultural Property Protection' to mark the 70th anniversary of the 1954 Hague Convention
The Center for Cultural Property Protection at the University for Continuing Education Krems is partner in the new Interreg Central Europe research project INACO
ReConnecting Cruise 2024 - the Danuvina Alacris one last time in Austria
Living Danube Limes selected for EUSDR short film ‘Realise new potentials through cooperation’.
The Center for Cultural Property Protection celebrates graduates at the Graduation Ceremony of the Department for Building and Environment
Cultural Property Protection Course 2024: ESDC celebrates 70th anniversary of the Hague Convention at the University for Continuing Education Krems
In mid-July, the Danuvina Alacris continued her journey as part of the ReConnecting Cruise to the Czech Republic, where she will be stationed until early September.
Participation of the Center for Cultural Property Protection with a presentation about the center
Workshop series As part of the SOS Heritage project, the Center for Cultural Property Protection, together with ICOM Austria, organised a workshop for emergency planning & disaster prevention.
The Center for Cultural Property Protection was invited to participate in the 'Armenian Cultural Heritage' workshop (Tsaghkunk, Armenia) and to share its expertise in the protection of cultural heritage through education and training.
On 13 September, as a kick-off to the "Experience Cultural Heritage" campaign days in Liechtenstein, the Liechtenstein Cultural Office hosted a panel discussion entitled "Cultural Heritage - Burden or Passion?" as part of the lecture series Spotlight Cultural Property Protection of the Center for Cultural Property Protection.
Hands on proposal writing Podcast on Horizon Europe project applications Second podcast episode ‘Hands on proposal writing’ of the podcast series ‘Deep Talk - Master your skills in EU grant writing’ by University for Continuing Education Krems with Dr. Anna Maria Kaiser (Center for Cultural Property Protection)
Dr Anna Kaiser, Head of the Center for Cultural Property Protection, was invited by UNESCO to a training workshop in Kinshasa to train female military personnel from 12 African countries on protective measures and responsibilities in the protection of military cultural property.
Anna Kaiser and Raffaela Woller (Center for Cultural Property Protection) together with René Ployer (Federal Monuments Office Vienna) are the editors of the special edition of the journal 'Archäologie in Deutschland' entitled 'Leben am Donaulimes'.
"Cultural Heritage Protection in Climate Change online" – project conclusion with launch of the online course and publication of the Summer University Concept
Challenges for Science and Culture in times of War and Crisis - Cultural Heritage, Networks, Communication On 8th May an international symposium took place at which the central challenges for the humanities posed by the war in Ukraine were presented and discussed. Assist. Prof. Mag. Dr. Anna Maria Kaiser, Head of the Center for Cultural Property Protection was one of the lecturers.
In the framework of the SOS Heritage project, the Centre for the Protection of Cultural Property organized an one-week on-site course on Risk Management of Cultural Heritage at the University of Continuing Education Krems.
A short film by Stefan Ruzowitzky for Austrian National Day 2022 On the occasion of the Austrian National Day 2022, the renowned Austrian film director and Oscar winner Stefan Ruzowitzky created short films on the core themes of the Armed Forces exhibition as well as film portraits of soldiers of the Austrian Armed Forces.
Cultural Property Protection Course 2022 From 17th to 21st October, the European Security and Defence College (ESDC) course "Cultural Property Protection" was hosted by the Center for Cultural Property Protection.
The international project sets off to work on protecting and enhancing the cultural heritage with the Department for Building and Environment on board
LIVING DANUBE LIMES was awarded with a Special Award from the Association of European Border Regions (AEBR).
Alessandra Bonazza, Miloš Drdácký and Wolfgang Rohrbach received honorary professorships, Christoph Gisinger the Ring of Honor of the University for Continuing Education Krems.
Join us for a unique adventure within the Interreg DTP Living Danube Limes project in 2022!
International Online Final Conference on the EU Project “STRENCH”
Winter School as part of the 'Living Danube Limes' project
The Center for Cultural Property Protection is pleased to invite you to the International Winter School 2022 within the framework of the Living Danube Limes project, which will take place from 7th to 11th February 2022.
"Living Danube Connecting Cruise“ is looking for ship crew for the second half of 2022
In the days from October 7th to 9th, 2021, the physical part of the first Transnational Project Meeting (TPM 1) in the Erasmus+ project Cultural Heritage Protection in Climate Change online (CHePiCC online) took place at the premises of the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.
The research results of the project "ProteCHt2save", with Danube University Krems involved as partner are easy-to-understand presented in a mobile app
The Center for Cultural Property Protection, in collaboration with ENVIMAT, is organising a Summer School on 'Protecting cultural heritage and cultural landscapes in a climate change'.
The Center for Cultural Property Protection continues its scientific research on the Danube region with international project partners
Closing event of the Interreg Central Europe project ProteCHt2save on 23 June 2020, co-organized by the Center for the Protection of Cultural Property
International law expert dies unexpectedly at the age of 82
From July 8th to July 13th 2019 the Summer University Cultural Property Protection and the International Summer School ENVIMAT joined forces for a week full of lectures, a site trip through the Wachau Valley and a small live-exercise for the recovery of cultural heritage together with the local fire brigades.
From August 27 to September 1 2018 Danube University Krems’ annual Summer University in Cultural Property Protection took place at the famous Benedictine Monastery of Melk in Austria. 19 Participants from 9 different countries participated and contributed their individual knowledge to the one week programme.
As part of the 'Cultural Property Protection Summer School 2018', the Center for Cultural Property Protection at the Danube University Krems, together with the Austrian Armed Forces and the Police, is organising a large-scale evacuation exercise on 31st August.
Joint event of the Center for Cultural Property Protection and the Second NBC Defence Company of the Austrian Armed Forces as part of the ProteCHt2save project
Danube University Krems and the Austrian Armed Forces conduct a joint disaster response exercise focusing on the protection of cultural property
Kick-off 'Cultural Property Protection, MSc'
The Summer School 2016 took place from 22 to 26 August 2016. The focus was on the museum in Traismauer. The week offered the 24 participants theoretical knowledge, the development of an emergency plan for the evacuation of the museum's cultural assets, a volunteer fire brigade exercise and an evacuation exercise with experts from the Austrian Armed Forces and Danube University Krems.
For the third year in a row, the Kinder Uni Tulln took place from 22 to 26 August 2016 at GARTEN TULLN and the Tulln Technopol Campus. Experts were invited to inspire 100 participating children between the ages of 8 and 12 both theoretically and practically in the fields of science and research. Mag. Dr. Anna Kaiser from the Center for Cultural Property Protection of the Department for Building and Environment introduced the children to the topic of cultural heritage protection.
The third Advanced Research Workshop on "Best Practices for Cultural Property Protection in NATO-led Missions" was held at the Center for Cultural Property Protection. The project is funded by NATO's Science for Peace and Security programme.
Danube University Krems offers the principles of applied cultural heritage and monument protection
Summer University on the protection of cultural heritage at Danube University Krems offers know-how for the development of evacuation plans
Cultural Property Protection Summer Academy 2015 at the Danube University Krems
On the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the 1954 Hague Convention, an international conference on the implementation of the protection of cultural property by military forces will be held at the National Defence Academy in Vienna from 11 to 13 November 2024.
The Center for Cultural Property Protection invites you to the 4th event of the Anniversary Edition of the lecture series Spotlight Cultural Property Protection on the occasion of 70 years of the Hague Convention.
Join the ReConnecting Cruise and be part of our rowing crew! From 10th to 13th October from Tulln to Bratislava.
Under the auspices of the European Security and Defence College, the Center for Cultural Property Protection and the National Defence Academy are organising the Cultural Property Protection Course 2024.
On 22 September, the Roman Festival will take place on the banks of the Danube in Tulln. The Danuvina Alacris will also be there, inviting you to join in the rowing.
Join the ReConnecting Cruise and be part of our rowing crew! On 21st September from Krems to Tulln.
The Center for Cultural Property Protection invites you to the 3rd event of the Anniversary Edition of the lecture series Spotlight Cultural Property Protection on the occasion of 70 years of the Hague Convention.
On 9th July, the Center for Cultural Property Protection will hold a lecture at the Junge Uni 2024.
The Center for Cultural Property Protection invites you to the 2nd event of the Anniversary Edition of the lecture series Spotlight Cultural Property Protection on the occasion of 70 years of the Hague Convention.
The Center for Cultural Property Protection as part of the Lange Nacht der Forschung 2024 - find out interesting facts and the latest news about the Protection of Cultural Property and the Roman Danube ship ‘Danuvina Alacris’ | Free entry | We look forward to welcoming young and old!
Lecture by Ass.-Prof. Anna Kaiser 'Civil-military cooperation in cultural heritage protection exercises'
Join us for the one-week summer school on risk management for historical buildings and monuments in the western part of Austria!
This event will reflect on values and vulnerabilities but also explain how heritage can be a powerful tool for the sustainable development of societies.
The Center for Cultural Property Protection is pleased to invite you to the second test run (February 20th – April 17th, 2023) of the online course as part of the project "CHePiCC - Online".
The Center for Cultural Property Protection is pleased to invite you to our one-week advanced training programme for risk management of cultural heritage, within the project SOS Heritage.
From May 30th to June 4th 2022 a summer university funded by the Erasmus+ project “Cultural Heritage Protection in Climate Change online (ChePiCC online)”, will take place in Trondheim, Norway.
The Centre for Cultural Heritage Protection of the Danube University Krems kindly invites you to join the 2 nd STRENCH International Conference which presents the STRENCH project results aiming to enhance cooperation and exchange of expertise between various actors involved in the decision-making process for the protection and safeguarding of cultural heritage at risk due to extreme events related to climate change.
The Center for Cultural Property Protection invites you to an online-course in the framework of the Erasmus+ project “Cultural Heritage Protection in Climate Change online (CHePiCC online)”.
The local working table 2022 focuses on bringing together stakeholders from various levels and professions in order share and discuss the developments and tools produced in the STRENCH project for protection strategies of cultural heritage.
Join us in the 2022 International Winter School in cultural property protection laying its thematic focus on the development of plans to protect museums and archeological sites during natural catastrophes.
1st International Conference within the EU Interreg Project “Living Danube Limes”
The 1st International Conference will bring together distinguished experts on climate modelling, climate change related threats to cultural and natural heritage, vulnerability ranking and criticalities for cultural heritage protection as well as the use of 21st century technology for defining priorities for action and preparing disaster response mechanisms for cultural heritage protection.
The one-week programme focuses on climate change related challenges to landscapes and historic parks, vulnerability assessment and preventive conservation measures for natural and cultural heritage as well as risk management and protection strategies for cultural heritage.
From 22-26 March 2021 good practice examples will be presented online. Additionally, interactive online workshops on communication and museum clusters, living history, virtual reality and interpretation as well as Covid19 challenges and possibilities will be held.
The online summer school is part of the EU Interreg Central Europe project STRENCH – Strengthening resilience of cultural heritage at risk in a changing environment through proactive transnational cooperation, which develops ready to use solutions for assessing climate change effects and protecting cultural heritage and cultural landscapes.
International final conference of the project "Risk assessment and sustainable protection of Cultural Heritage in changing environment "
The joint Summer University Cultural Property Protection and the International Summer School ENVIMAT will contribute to the future wellbeing of our natural and cultural heritage by enabling the participants to rise to the challenges posed by climate change, to develop and adopt mitigation strategies and plans for the protection of our heritage assets.