Anna Maria Kaiser

Ass.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Anna Maria Kaiser

Head - Center for Cultural Property Protection

About the person

Anna Kaiser holds a PhD in ancient history. Through her military training she specialised in the protection of cultural property. She received her doctorate sub auspiciis praesidentis from the University of Vienna in 2013 with a dissertation on the Roman military. Since 2015, she has been a research associate and course director for the protection of cultural property at the Danube University Krems and has contributed significantly to the establishment and international positioning of the Center for Cultural Property Protection, which she has headed since 2023. She leads a number of EU projects on cultural property protection, climate change, conservation and sustainable use of cultural heritage. She teaches and lectures nationally and internationally on selected aspects of the broad topic of cultural heritage protection, with particular emphasis on sustainable implementation and the creation of interfaces between civilian stakeholders and various armed forces, especially the military.

Projects (Extract Research Database)

Running projects

INnovative strategies for the Adoption of risk management plans to enhance the resilience of sensitive Cultural and natural heritage Objectives against climate hazards in river basin districts

Duration: 01/06/2024–31/12/2026
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Anna Maria Kaiser
Funding: EU

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Roman Trails - On the Trail of the Romans in the Weinviertel Region and in South Moravia

Duration: 01/05/2024–30/04/2028
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Raffaela Woller
Funding: EU

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SOS Heritage

Duration: 01/07/2022–31/10/2024
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Anna Maria Kaiser
Funding: EU

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Risk Management for Cultural Heritage

Duration: 01/02/2022–31/07/2024
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Anna Maria Kaiser
Funding: EU

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Completed projects

Cultural Heritage Protection in Climate Change online

Duration: 01/06/2021–31/05/2023
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Anna Maria Kaiser
Funding: EU

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Valorising cultural heritage and fostering sustainable tourism by LIVING the common heritage on the DANUBE LIMES as basis for a cultural route

Duration: 01/07/2020–31/12/2022
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Anna Maria Kaiser
Funding: EU

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STRENgthening resilience of Cultural Heritage at risk in a changing environment through proactive transnational cooperation

Duration: 01/03/2020–28/02/2022
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Anna Maria Kaiser
Funding: EU

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Risk assessment and sustainable protection of Cultural Heritage in changing environment

Duration: 01/07/2017–30/06/2020
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Anna Maria Kaiser
Funding: EU

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Duration: 01/01/2017–30/06/2019
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Julia Walleczek-Fritz
Funding: EU

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Publications (Extract Research Database)

Canesi, L.; Sardella, A.; Vogler, R.; Kaiser, A.; Vaccaro, C.; Bonazza, A. (2024). Hazard Analysis and Vulnerability Assessment of Cultural Landscapes Exposed to Climate Change-Related Extreme Events: A Case Study of Wachau (Austria). Heritage, 2024/7: 1917-1934

Kaiser, A. (2024). Ein Römerschiff auf großer Fahrt – die Living Danube Limes Connecting Cruise. Denkmalpflege in Niederösterreich, 71: 36-38

Kaiser, A. (2023). Training for Cultural Heritage Protection: The STRENCH Summer Schools. In: Curulli, I.G.; Kaya, D.I.; Khaefi, A., Heritage Education for Climate Action: 31-39, ISTE and Wiley, London, Hoboken

Kaiser, a. (2023). Joint and Combined Exercises in Heritage Protection as a Means to Establish Interfaces in Cooperation with Emergency Responders. PER – Preservation Education & Research, 14/2022: 54-71, University of Minnesota Press

Flügel, C.; Kaiser, A. (2023). Vermittlung und Erhaltung. Welterbe erleben. Archäologie in Deutschland, Sonderheft 27 2023, Leben am Donaulimes: 93-105

Kaiser, A.; Ployer, R.; Woller, R. (Hrsg.) (2023). Leben am Donaulimes. WBG Theiss, Darmstadt

Thüry, G.; Kaiser, A. (2023). Schriftlichkeit und Bildung. Fortunas „Goldene Gabe“. Archäologie in Deutschland, Sonderheft 27 2023, Leben am Donaulimes: 62-67, WBG Theiss

Kaiser, A. (2022). Athanasios a Senouthios anystes (?). Ordine di lierare uno hiereus. In: Morelli, F., Documenti del primo periodo arabo dall’archivio di Senouthios Anystes e testi connessi (CPR XXXVI): 224-226, De Gruyter, Berlin, Boston

Kaiser, A. (2022). Zivilisten. In: Burckhardt, L. / Speidel, M.A., Der Neue Pauly Supplemente Band 12. Militärgeschichte der griechisch-römischen Antike: 1141-1149, J.B. Metzler, Stuttgart

Kaiser, A. (2022). Militärrecht. B. Rom. In: Burckhardt, L. / Speidel, M.A., Der Neue Pauly Supplemente Band 12. Militärgeschichte der griechisch-römischen Antike: 693-699, J.B. Metzler, Stuttgart

Kaiser, A.; Diers, L.; Kovács, G.M.; Vukoszávlyev, Z.; Woller, R. (Hrsg.) (2022). Living Danube Limes. Valorising cultural heritage and fostering sustainable tourism by LIVING the common heritage on the DANUBE LIMES as a basis for a Cultural Route. Archaeolingua, Budapest

Kaiser, A.; Woller, R.; Dreyer, B.; Jelusic, M. (2022). Die spätantike Danuvina alacris (navis) im Projekt Living Danube Limes. In: Dreyer, B., Die Fridericiana Alexandrina Navis (F.A.N). Ein Römerboot auf dem Prüfstand – Bau und Test für Wissenschaft und Öffentlichkeit: 556-581, WBG Academic, Darmstadt

Bonazza, A.; Kaiser, A.; Sardella, A.; Cacciotti, R.; De Nuntiis, P.; Hanus, Ch.; Drdácký, T.; Maxwell, I.; Drdácký, M. (2021). Elements for a sustainable management of cultural heritage at risk in a changing environment. Restauratorenblätter - Papers in Conservation, 38: 85-97

Bonazza, A.; Kaiser, A.; Sardella, A.; Cicciotti, R.; de Nuntiis, P.; Hanus, C.; Drdácký, T.; Maxwell, I.; Drdácký, M. (2021). Element for a sustainable management of cultural heritage at risk in a changing environment. Restauratorenblätter -Papers in Conservation, 2021: 89 - 210

Bonazza, A.; Sardella, A.; Kaiser, A.; Cacciotti, R.; De Nuntiis, P.; Hanus, Ch.; Maxvell, I.; Drdácký, T.; Drdácký, M. (2021). Safeguarding cultural heritage from climate change related hydrometeorological hazards in Central Europe. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, vol. 63 (2021): 1-20

Cacciotti, R.; Kaiser, A.; Sardella, A.; De Nuntiis, P.; Drdácký, M.; Hanus, Ch.; Bonazza, A. (2021). Climate change-induced disasters and cultural heritage: Optimizing management strategies in Central Europe. Climate Risk Management, vol. 32, 2021: 1-13

Kaiser, A. (2021). Militärischer Kulturgüterschutz im 21. Jahrhundert. In: Langbrandtner, H.-W.; Heyer, E. R.; de Peyronnet-Dryden, F., Kulturgutschutz in Europa und im Rheinland. Franziskus Graf Wolff Metternich und der Kunstschutz im Zweiten Weltkrieg: 477-494, Böhlau, Wien, Köln, Weimar

Kaiser, A. (2021). Zivil-militärische Zusammenarbeit für erfolgreichen Kulturgüterschutz. In: Langbrandtner, H.-W.; Heyer, E. R.; de Peyronnet-Dryden, F., Kulturgutschutz in Europa und im Rheinland. Franziskus Graf Wolff Metternich und der Kunstschutz im Zweiten Weltkrieg: 503-507, Böhlau, Wien, Köln, Weimar

Kaiser, A.; Woller, R. (2021). Preservation, sustainable use and revitalization of Roman heritage along the Danube - The EU Interreg DTP project "Living Danube Limes". Építés – Építészettudomány, 49 (1-2): 155-169

Kaiser, A. (2021). Das schweizerische Kulturgüterschutzinventar als Modellfall im Ausland. KGS Forum, 37: 44-50, BABS

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Lectures (Extract Research Database)

CPP Exercises as Interface between Heritage, Military and Emergency Responders

International Conference Cultural Property Protection – Meeting Requirements across the Forces, 11.-13. November 2024, 12/11/2024

Kulturgutzerstörung – Kollateralschaden oder Absicht?

Quo vadis Ukraine – geopolitische Zeitenwende in Europa? Geopolitisches Symposium 2024, Theresianische Militärakadamie, 22. – 15. 10. 2024, 23/10/2024

Education and Training as Part of a Holistic Approach to Cultural Heritage Protection

Challenges for the Protection of Cultural Property during Armed Conflict – 70th Anniversary of the Hague Convention, Polish Naval Academy, 19/09/2024

Education and Training in Cultural Heritage Protection

Spotlight Cultural Property Protection Series, 27/06/2024

Kulturgüterschutz im bewaffneten Konflikt – die militärische Perspektive

Kultur[en] im Völkerrecht. 47. Österreichischer Völkerrechtstag, 07/06/2024

Building military capacity on cultural property protection

Cultural Heritage and Peace. Building on 70 years of the UNESCO Hague Convention for the protection of cultural property in the event of armed conflic, 14/05/2024

Festvortrag: Kulturgüterschutz im Donauraum – Erhaltung und Schutz der römischen Hinterlassenschaften am Donaulimes

4. Salzburger Frühlingssymposium. 18. und 19. April 2024, 18/04/2024

Notfallplanung und Risikomanagement für Kulturgut als Antwort auf vielgestaltige Bedrohungsszenarien

Veranstaltung Kulturgutschutz. Theorie und Praxis, 07/03/2024

Zivil-militärische Zusammenarbeit bei Kulturgüterschutzübungen

Vortragsreihe Spotlight KulturGutSchutz von Blue Shield Deutschland und der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Kulturgutschutz, 06/12/2023

The CHARISMA Training Programme

CHARISMA Multiplier Event: Risk Management of Cultural Heritage, 04/10/2023

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