Natural and man-made hazards, anthropogenic impacts and extreme climate change are putting Europe's cultural heritage under increasing pressure. STRENCH aims to enhance the capacity of policy makers, public authorities, the private sector and societal stakeholders to strengthen the resilience of endangered cultural heritage in a changing environment through pro-active transnational cooperation and coordination aimed at harnessing the outputs and results of targeted European projects specifically dedicated to this issue.
Duration | 01/03/2020 - 28/02/2022 |
Funding | EU |
Department | |
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems) | Ass.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Anna Maria Kaiser |
Project members |
Thomas Horak-Thurwachter, BA MA
Project website | |
Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE is a European Union funding programme to support transnational cooperation with the aim of making Central Europe more resilient to challenges that know no borders and cannot be solved alone.
STRENCH on Social Media

Canesi, L.; Sardella, A.; Vogler, R.; Kaiser, A.; Vaccaro, C.; Bonazza, A. (2024). Hazard Analysis and Vulnerability Assessment of Cultural Landscapes Exposed to Climate Change-Related Extreme Events: A Case Study of Wachau (Austria). Heritage, 2024/7: 1917-1934
Kaiser, A. (2023). Training for Cultural Heritage Protection: The STRENCH Summer Schools. In: Curulli, I.G.; Kaya, D.I.; Khaefi, A., Heritage Education for Climate Action: 31-39, ISTE and Wiley, London, Hoboken
Cultural and natural heritage protection in ProteCHt2save and STRENCH
International Conference „GeoHazards and Climate Change in Geoparks”, 06/05/2022
STRENCH Online Summer Schools 2020-2021
Boosting resilience of Europe’s cultural heritage to climate change. Online Webinar e-CREHA, 28/04/2022
Self caused climate change in our cultural landscapes
Summer School Strench - Risk management and protect strategies, 09/06/2021
Schutz von Kulturgt durch Prävention, Bewusstseinsbildung und webgestützte Prognose-Tools
Sotschi-Dialog: Runder Tisch "Schutz von Kulturgütern: Österreichisch-russischer Kooperationsraum", 13/04/2021
Canesi, L.; Sardella, A.; Vogler, R.; Kaiser, A.; Vaccaro, C.; Bonazza, A. (2024). Hazard Analysis and Vulnerability Assessment of Cultural Landscapes Exposed to Climate Change-Related Extreme Events: A Case Study of Wachau (Austria). Heritage, 2024/7: 1917-1934
Kaiser, A. (2023). Training for Cultural Heritage Protection: The STRENCH Summer Schools. In: Curulli, I.G.; Kaya, D.I.; Khaefi, A., Heritage Education for Climate Action: 31-39, ISTE and Wiley, London, Hoboken