Raffaela Woller

About the person

Raffaela Woller studied Classical Archaeology at the University of Vienna and Mathematics at the Vienna University of Technology.
Since 2019 she has been working as a member of the academic staff and the management team at the Center for Cultural Property Protection. She is involved in several EU projects focusing on cultural property protection, the sustainable valorisation of cultural and natural heritage, climate change and the Roman Danube Limes as transnational cultural heritage.

Projects (Extract Research Database)

Running projects

INnovative strategies for the Adoption of risk management plans to enhance the resilience of sensitive Cultural and natural heritage Objectives against climate hazards in river basin districts

Duration: 01/06/2024–31/12/2026
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Anna Maria Kaiser
Funding: EU

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Roman Trails - On the Trail of the Romans in the Weinviertel Region and in South Moravia

Duration: 01/05/2024–30/04/2028
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Raffaela Woller
Funding: EU

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SOS Heritage

Duration: 01/07/2022–31/10/2024
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Anna Maria Kaiser
Funding: EU

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Risk Management for Cultural Heritage

Duration: 01/02/2022–31/07/2024
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Anna Maria Kaiser
Funding: EU

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Completed projects

Cultural Heritage Protection in Climate Change online

Duration: 01/06/2021–31/05/2023
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Anna Maria Kaiser
Funding: EU

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Valorising cultural heritage and fostering sustainable tourism by LIVING the common heritage on the DANUBE LIMES as basis for a cultural route

Duration: 01/07/2020–31/12/2022
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Anna Maria Kaiser
Funding: EU

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STRENgthening resilience of Cultural Heritage at risk in a changing environment through proactive transnational cooperation

Duration: 01/03/2020–28/02/2022
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Anna Maria Kaiser
Funding: EU

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Risk assessment and sustainable protection of Cultural Heritage in changing environment

Duration: 01/07/2017–30/06/2020
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Anna Maria Kaiser
Funding: EU

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Publications (Extract Research Database)

Kaiser, A.; Ployer, R.; Woller, R. (Hrsg.) (2023). Leben am Donaulimes. WBG Theiss, Darmstadt

Kaiser, A.; Diers, L.; Kovács, G.M.; Vukoszávlyev, Z.; Woller, R. (Hrsg.) (2022). Living Danube Limes. Valorising cultural heritage and fostering sustainable tourism by LIVING the common heritage on the DANUBE LIMES as a basis for a Cultural Route. Archaeolingua, Budapest

Kaiser, A.; Woller, R.; Dreyer, B.; Jelusic, M. (2022). Die spätantike Danuvina alacris (navis) im Projekt Living Danube Limes. In: Dreyer, B., Die Fridericiana Alexandrina Navis (F.A.N). Ein Römerboot auf dem Prüfstand – Bau und Test für Wissenschaft und Öffentlichkeit: 556-581, WBG Academic, Darmstadt

Kaiser, A.; Woller, R. (2021). Preservation, sustainable use and revitalization of Roman heritage along the Danube - The EU Interreg DTP project "Living Danube Limes". Építés – Építészettudomány, 49 (1-2): 155-169

Woller, R; Kaiser, A. (2021). Das Projekt Living Danube Limes. Acta Carnuntina, 11/2: 20-25, Gesellschaft der Freunde Carnuntums

Lectures (Extract Research Database)

Living Danube Limes – Ein Projekt zur Inwertsetzung des römischen Donaulimes als transnationales Kulturerbe

4. Salzburger Frühlingssymposium "Leben am Limes", 18/04/2024

Planning, Preparing & Training - the Philosophy of the Center for Cultural Property Protection

Cultural Property Protection – International Conference, 24/11/2023

Gefährdungsszenarien für Kulturgüter, Risikoanalyse & Erstellung eines Notfallplans

Notfallworkshop Salzburg. Notfallplan & Katastrophenschutz. Maßnahmen zum Schutz von Museen, 10/11/2023

Gefährdungsszenarien für Kulturgüter, Risikoanalyse & Erstellung eines Notfallplans

Notfallworkshop Graz. Notfallplan & Katastrophenschutz. Maßnahmen zum Schutz von Museen, 19/10/2023

Living Danube Limes

DigKult_2023 Symposium Krems, 18/04/2023

"SOS-Heritage" ein Projektbeispiel aus der Praxis

Running for the money. EU-Förderungen im Kulturbereich 2021-2027, 22/03/2023

Living Danube Limes

Touristische Inwertsetzung von Projekten des EU-Donauraumprogramms, 14/10/2022

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