In the area of research, we focus on solving practical issues in the construction and real estate industry. We define the built environment as the result of complex interactions between people as occupants with needs and requirements on the one hand and a specific location with its conditions on the other.

The aim is to derive clear statements and recommendations for action from a complex initial situation by applying the principle of sustainability. In order to make our specialist contribution to positive social development effective, we are committed to dealing proactively with the research results.

All Projects of the Department

Achieving Zero Emission Building Stock with Viable Educational Programs

Duration: 01/10/2024–30/09/2027
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Darya Haroshka
Funding: EU

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SeMoNa Reloaded

Duration: 15/10/2022–15/07/2025
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Christine Rottenbacher
Funding: FFG

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Anwendung von künstlicher Intelligenz im Baugewerbe

Duration: 01/01/2024–31/03/2025
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Rupert Ledl
Funding: Private (Stiftungen, Vereine etc.)

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Exploring the Roman Legacy: Creation of a theme region and cultural route along the Roman Danube Limes to empower the socio-economic development of shared European heritage

Duration: 01/04/2025–31/03/2028
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Raffaela Woller
Funding: EU

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Facilitating Shift Towards Active Forms of Mobility by Changing the Attitude and Travel Behaviour of Residents Through the Use of Green, Low-cost Tactical Urbanism and Placemaking Solutions

Duration: 01/03/2023–28/02/2026
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Stefanie Kotrba
Funding: EU

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Current Publications

Strasser, P.; Spulerova, J.; Kruse, A.; Branduini, P.; Centeri, C.; Eiter, S.; Ferrario, V.; Gaillard, B.; Gusmeroli, F.; Jurgens, S.; Kladnik, D.; Renes, H.; Roth, M.; Sala, G.; Sickel, H.; Sigura, M.; Štefunková, D.; Stensgaard, K. (2019). Past, Present and Future of Hay-making Structures in Europe. Sustainability, Special Issue "Impact of Management Changes on Seminatural Grasslands and Their Sustainable Use", 2019, vol. 11. issue 20:

Höltl, A.; Brandtweiner, R.; Bates, R.; Berger, T. (2020). The Interactions of Sustainable Development Goals: The Case of Urban Informal Settlements in Ethiopia. International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning, Vol. 15, No. 3: 287-294

Bonazza, A.; Kaiser, A.; Sardella, A.; Cacciotti, R.; De Nuntiis, P.; Hanus, Ch.; Drdácký, T.; Maxwell, I.; Drdácký, M. (2021). Elements for a sustainable management of cultural heritage at risk in a changing environment. Restauratorenblätter - Papers in Conservation, 38: 85-97

Cacciotti, R.; Kaiser, A.; Sardella, A.; De Nuntiis, P.; Drdácký, M.; Hanus, Ch.; Bonazza, A. (2021). Climate change-induced disasters and cultural heritage: Optimizing management strategies in Central Europe. Climate Risk Management, vol. 32, 2021: 1-13

Bonazza, A.; Sardella, A.; Kaiser, A.; Cacciotti, R.; De Nuntiis, P.; Hanus, Ch.; Maxvell, I.; Drdácký, T.; Drdácký, M. (2021). Safeguarding cultural heritage from climate change related hydrometeorological hazards in Central Europe. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, vol. 63 (2021): 1-20

Bonazza, A.; Kaiser, A.; Sardella, A.; Cicciotti, R.; de Nuntiis, P.; Hanus, C.; Drdácký, T.; Maxwell, I.; Drdácký, M. (2021). Element for a sustainable management of cultural heritage at risk in a changing environment. Restauratorenblätter -Papers in Conservation, 2021: 89 - 210

Shridharan, N.; Pandey, R.; Berger, T. (2022). Co-production through tacit knowledge for water resilience. Land Use Policy, 126:

Berger, T.; Chundeli, F.; Pandey, R.; Jain, M. Ayon Kumar Tarafdar , Adinarayanane Ramamurthy (2022). Low-income residents’ strategies to cope with urban heat. Land Use Policy, 119: 106192

Berger, T.; Shankavaram, H.; Thiagarajan J.; (2023). Exploring impacts of resettlement and upgrading on the urban poor's daily lives in a second tier city in India. World Development Perspectives, Volume 32, December 2023, 100545: 100545

Canesi, L.; Sardella, A.; Vogler, R.; Kaiser, A.; Vaccaro, C.; Bonazza, A. (2024). Hazard Analysis and Vulnerability Assessment of Cultural Landscapes Exposed to Climate Change-Related Extreme Events: A Case Study of Wachau (Austria). Heritage, 2024/7: 1917-1934

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