
As part of the Pint of Science Festival, Gregor Radinger, Head of the Center for Environmental Sensitivity, and Stephanie Kotrba, scientific staff member at the Department for Building and Environment, answered the question of why open spaces are important for the climate at the event “Sustainability in its facets: Together for a green future” at El Tres in Krems on May 13th, 2024. The basis for this was their experience from the projects "PopUpUrbanSpaces" and "NIILS". 

Open spaces in urban areas regulate the climate, promote communication and can be used as extended living and learning areas. The design and organization of publicly accessible outdoor areas therefore make an important contribution to the sustainability of cities and communities, climate protection, education and the achievement of many other Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Radinger and Kotrba provided insights into their findings and placemaking initiatives from interdisciplinary research projects on open spaces – such as PopUpUrbanSpaces - and at the same time learned from the audience about new perspectives on the use of outdoor spaces in urban areas.

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